Dr. Susan Kennedy
Employment & appointments
- October 2018 - present:
Postdoctoral Researcher, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST; Japan), supervisor: Prof. Evan Economo, funded by OIST Kick-start fund
University education
- August 2012 - October 2018:
Ph.D. at University of California, Berkeley (USA), Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Dissertation: “Trophic niche differentiation within the adaptive radiation of Hawaiian Tetragnatha spiders,” advisor: Prof. Rosemary Gillespie - August 2004 - May 2008:
B.A. at Earlham College (Richmond, IN, USA), Dept. of Biology. Research project (Ford/Knight): “Spider community diversity across habitats of Dominica,” supervised by Prof. Leslie Bishop
Main subjects: Arachnology, entomology, molecular ecology, evolution
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP): 2012-2017
- NSF Graduate Research Internship Program (GRIP): November 2016-January 2017
- Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award (UC Berkeley): Spring 2018
- Bob Lane and Sandy Purcell Graduate Summer Award (UC Berkeley): Summer 2017
- Harvey I. Magy Memorial Scholarship Award (UC Berkeley): Fall 2016
- California Scholarship Fund (Philanthropic Education Organization): September 2016
- Robert L. Usinger Memorial Award (UC Berkeley): Spring 2015
- Phi Beta Kappa induction: Spring 2008
- Departmental and College Honors (Earlham College): Spring 2008
- Millard S. Markle Award for excellence in field biology (Earlham College): Spring 2008