ZKS Schriftenreihe - Band 3
Studying and Writing the Difference:
Essays in Canadian Culture(s) and Society
Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss (Hrsg.).
Trier, 1993.
Raymond F. Currie
Urban Ecology: Revealing the Links Between Culture and Economy
Derek P.J. Hum
Recent Canadian Social Policy Reform: Perestroika Without Design
Gregg M. Olsen
Social Welfare and Social Inequality in Canada: A Comparative Approach
Roy Vogt
Property Rights in Canada: An Economic-Cultural Dilemma
Jean Friesen
Aboriginal Peoples and the Constitutional Crisis
Gerald Friesen
English Canada anf the Cultural Question: The Age of Household Economies
Victor G. Doerksen
Geography - Literature - Ethnicity: German-Canadian Mennonite Literature
Ingrid Joubert
Idéologie et discours romanesque dans le roman "historique" de l'Ouest canadien
J. R. Léveillé
Ecriture Engagée, discours dégagé
Judith Weil
Critical Polyphony: Frye's Voices in The Anatomy of Criticism
Herbert Zirker
Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale. A 'Variety of Literary Utopias'
Daniel S. Lenoski
Vive La Differ(a)ence: Writing the Range Home from Grove to Kroetsch
Margaret Sweatman
Dialogue and Difficulty: Narrative as Performance
Meeka Walsh
Border Constructions: Building A Journal
Armin Wiebe
A Brief Presented to the Citizen's Forum on Canada's Future by Yasch and Oata Siemens on the Occasion of the Forum's Visit to the Gutenthal Curling Rink on May 7, 1991