Sustainability Management & Economics: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Interesting facts about Sustainability Management & Economics

Are you interested in a sustainability-focused study program and looking for more information about the SM&E program at Trier University?

Why should I study SM&E, and is the study program taught in English?

Our current economic and social system is unsustainable: it consumes far too many resources, creates significant social inequalities, and is a major driver of climate change, environmental pollution, and biodiversity loss. Sustainability Management involves leading companies in a way that is environmentally friendly, socially just, and economically sound. The goal of successful Sustainability Management is to enable businesses to become key drivers of transformational processes toward greater economic and societal sustainability. A solid foundational knowledge of Economics helps in achieving these goals. 

In the study program, some elective courses are taught in German, but it is possible to complete the program entirely in English.

Where do I encounter sustainability managers in daily life, and what do they do?

Nowadays, every large company has sustainability managers, and even medium-sized businesses are increasingly required to address sustainability due to their own initiatives and EU-wide regulations. These regulations demand that more and more companies develop clear sustainability strategies and reporting practices. However, the skills required for this are often lacking or insufficient in many organizations. As a result, the demand for well-trained sustainability managers is extremely high.

What should I bring to such a study program?

The most important quality is a passion for sustainability and the motivation to actively contribute to sustainability transformations. The ability to critically analyze problems from different perspectives is especially important. Knowledge of business administration and/or economics can be an advantage, but it is not strictly necessary.

What will I learn during the program?

In the SM&E program, students learn what these issues mean in the context of business and economics, explore concrete and often interdisciplinary solutions for achieving corporate and systemic sustainability transformations, and develop the skills to implement these solutions effectively.

Is there an opportunity for a semester abroad during the course of studies?

Yes, further information can be found at the International Office and the Erasmus-Homepage.

How is the connection to practical application established in the Master's program?

The situation in practice is very dynamic, with much in flux. Consequently, the content of the program is continuously adapted to current developments in sustainability management across various organizations (private companies, municipalities, associations) and the associated institutional, political, and regulatory frameworks. This adaptation is reflected in the program's courses, including case studies often conducted in collaboration with practitioners, such as companies, consulting firms, associations, and national or international authorities.

Furthermore, the professors involved in the program actively engage in research and knowledge transfer in the field of sustainability, ensuring that the content remains aligned with the latest research findings. The program also maintains numerous and diverse connections to regional and national companies and authorities with a focus on sustainability. Notable examples include the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Trier (IHK Trier), the Trier Entrepreneurs’ Association (VTU), and the regional companies in industry, services, and trade which they represent.

Additionally, there are well-established, long-standing connections with auditing firms, investment funds, and banks in Germany and Luxembourg.

Why should I choose this program, and where can I find a job afterward?

A fair and rapid sustainability transformation toward a society that enables a fulfilling life for all within planetary boundaries is one of the greatest challenges of our time. SM&E provides in-depth knowledge, analytical skills, and solution-oriented approaches to becoming part of the solution to this task. Given the importance of this mission, sustainability experts are in high demand in businesses, local, national, and international politics, NGOs, and universities. Find Career Prospects on our main page.

Furthermore, due to its proximity, Luxembourg represents an attractive job market for many students from Trier.

Applying for the Study Program

Are you interested in studying SM&E and have questions about Prerequisites and the Application process? Please also take a look at the FAQ of the Admissions Office.

Is my Bachelor's degree eligible for this study program?

To apply, you need a Bachelor's degree in a business or social science subject or an equivalent degree. The decision on equivalence is made by the Examination Board on a case-by-case basis after your application to Trier University. Please refrain from making individual inquiries.

Are exceptions possible for providing proof of English language proficiency?

Unfortunately, no. Find here the current version.

Can I use uni-assist for my application?

Unfortunately, no. You can apply simply via the online portal of Trier University.

How can I apply?

You can apply simply via the online portal of Trier University or directly jump to the application system.

Are there deadlines I have to be aware of?

Find the Current Application Deadlines and the General deadlines and dates of Trier University.

I got further questions about fees, dates, or necessary documents ...

Please use the application portal first. For further questions, contact the Admissions Office or the Admissions Officers for Internationals.

After beeing accepted for the Study Program

Are you accepted for SM&E and have questions about Preparations to come to Trier, Living here, or First Steps as a student?

When does the semester start? When do the classes begin?

Find the General deadlines and dates of Trier University. You will be notified by email about the first meetings connected to SM&E (Welcome Session & Introductory Event). Find this information also in the info box (NEWS AND EVENTS) at

What documents do I need when I arrive in Germany or at Trier University?

For further questions, contact the Admissions Officers for Internationals.

I just arrived in Germany. How can I get general advice and support?

Please contact the International Office of Trier University.

As an international, how can I connect to other students and find help for everyday questions?

Please contact - and visit - the International Centre (also: Internationales Zentrum, iZ). They do great work, according to the motto "from students for students".

How can I find general help about studying at Trier University?

The Student Counselling Centre (also: Zentrale Studienberatung, ZSB) is happy to help you.

Which are the first events at Trier University I should not miss?

We recommend the Welcome Events by the Student Counselling Centre. This typically takes place in the week before the first week of lectures. Check out the Quick Start Week as well, specifically for international students and organized by the International Office.

Studying Sustainability Management & Economics

Are you studying SM&E and have questions about Courses, teaching Organization, or Exams?

Is it possible to use Compulsory Electives for my Electives?

Yes, but not the other way around.

I am having trouble with the PORTA platform when selecting my courses/modules. Where can I find help?

In case of technical difficulties (errors, missing content, inappropriate functionality), please write to portauni-trierde. For questions regarding content, please contact the Student Advisory Service (Management: sbbwlmauni-trierde | Economics: fsb.vwluni-trierde) or the responsible professorship.

Could I take additional courses?

Of course. Even though they are not counted for your study program, the can be listed on your certificate.

I failed an exam. What should I do now?

You have to retake the exam in the next four semesters. Typically, two retakes per exams are allowed. Be aware that only one retake on your Master's thesis is possible.

I have questions about exams, assigning my courses to modules, or examination affairs in general. Who should I contact?

Please contact the Examination Office.

Could I get credit points for learning German or other languages?

Yes, you can get credit points for your Elective modules. This includes the Literature & Languages cluster of the free electives.

Could I get credit points for participating in TriMUN (Trier Model United Nations)?

Theoretically, that is possible. For more information, please contact the chair of Monetary Economics which is organizing TriMUN.

Is there any minimum or maximum number of credit point I have to get during the semester?

No, you are free to choose which courses you take. The study plan is a suggestion only.

Are important questions missing, are answers unclear, or do links not work? Please send us an email (fsb.smeuni-trierde) with your feedback.