Registrar / Admissions Office

The Registrar / Admissions Office is your central point of contact for all administrative tasks that you encounter as an applicant or student of Trier University. We handle all processes from the start of your application until you withdraw from the university.

How can you reach us?

Email and phone number of your contacts can be found in the list on the bottom of the page.

  • Personal consulation hours: Tue and Thu 10 am until 12 noon 
  • Phone consulation: Mon, Wed, Fri 9 am to 11 am, Tue and Thu 9 am to 10 am

You need to hand in documents? Please use the post bin in building V (behind the entry door turn & walk right towards the Stusek/Admissions Offices, then see the white bin at the wall to your left) or send to us by post (mailing address: Universität Trier, Studierendensekretariat, 54286 Trier).

The post bin is checked every day so deadlines can be adhered to.

Questions concering Erasmus and other exchange programs are handled by the International Office.

Questions to exams or transfer of credits are handled by the Examinations Office - Hochschulprüfungsamt (HPA).

In order for us to allocate you in our system, please include in your email your LASTNAME, first name, date of birth and Student ID number (Matrikelnummer). In case of an application include the applicant ID - it starts with 340.

Contacts Registrar / Admissions Office

International students and applicants

Your last name starts with:Contact - OfficePhone
A - G

Marieluise Gottschalk - V26


+49 651 201 - 3270
H - O

Tina Bareiß - V26


+49 651 201 - 2715

P - Z

Fridays: no consultation

Monika Genannt - V27


+49 651 201 - 3865



German students and applicants

Your last name starts with:Contact - OfficePhone
A - Ge

Dagmar Krass - V22


+49 651 201 - 2794
Gf - I

Kristina Filz - V23


+49 651 201 - 2039
J - Ne

Hildegard Boor - V23


+49 651 201 - 2793
Ng - Schu

Christiane Kranz - V25


+49 651 201 - 2797

Schw - Z

Fridays: no consultation

Claudia Steilen-Zaritsch - V25


+49 651 201 - 2796



Guest Auditors

 Contact - RoomPhone

Guest Auditors

Kristina Filz - V23


+49 651 201 - 2039