Nils Fränzel, M.Sc.

Research focus

  • Retail Branding
  • Multi- and Omni-Channel Retailing


  • Fränzel, Nils and Bernhard Swoboda (2023), "Innovative In-Store-Technologien - Nützlichkeit und Wirkung aus Kundensicht,“ Marketing Review St. Gallen, 2023(3), 888-895.
  • Swoboda, Bernhard and Nils Fränzel (2022), “Links and effects of channel integration in the pre-purchase and purchase stages of omnichannel retailers,” International Journal of Electronic Commerce (accepted for publication 25.4.22, VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B).
  • Fränzel, Nils and Bernhard Swoboda (2022), “'Channel Integration in the Customer Journey. Effects on Omnichannel Quality and Repurchase Intention”, American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Academic Conference, Chicago, August 12-14, 2022 (VHB-JOURQUAL at time of conference: D).
  • Fränzel, Nils and Bernhard Swoboda (2022), “Perceived Channel Integration in the Pre-purchase Stage and the Purchase Stage: Links and Effects”, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, May 24-27, 2022 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D)
  • Fränzel, Nils and Bernhard Swoboda (2022), “Channel Integration in the Customer Journey. Effects on Omnichannel Quality and Repurchase Intention,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference, Las Vegas, February 18-20, 2022.
  • Swoboda, Bernhard, Amelie Winters and Nils Fränzel (2021), “How Online Trust and Online Brand Equity Translate Online- and Omni-Channel-Specific Instruments into Repurchase Intentions,” Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 43 (1-2), 37-53 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C).
  • Fränzel, Nils, Amelie Winters and Bernhard Swoboda (2021), “How Important Marketing Instruments Affect Repurchase Intentions in Omni-channel Retailing: A Longitudinal Study”, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference Online, May 25-28, 2021 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D).


  • Since 2020: Research assistant and PhD student at the Chair for Marketing and Retailing at Trier University, Professor Dr. Prof. h.c. Bernhard Swoboda, as well as representative for the subject-specific foreign language education (FFA) of the WiSo faculty
  • 2020: Master thesis: "Omni-channel Retailing: Impact of Marketing Instruments on Repurchase Intention through Online Brand Equity"
  • 2018-2020: Studies of Business Administration (Master of Science) at Trier University, specializing in Marketing and Retailing
  • 2018: Bachelor thesis: "Industry 4.0 –  An Industrial Revolution?"
  • 2015-2018: Studies of Business Administration (Bachelor of Science) at Trier University