Lukas Zimmer, M.Sc.
Research focus
- International Corporate Branding
- International Marketing
- Zimmer, Lukas, Bernhard Swoboda and Frank Hälsig (2024), “How communication budgets adjusted to Internet penetration affect corporate brand equity effects across nations”, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Bucharest, May 26-31, 2024. Awarded as the best paper of the conference based on doctoral work.
- Zimmer, Lukas and Bernhard Swoboda (2023), "Joint Role of Communication Budgets and Internet Penetration in Corporate Brand Effects Across Nations," European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference, Lisbon, December 15-17, 2023.
- Zimmer, Lukas and Bernhard Swoboda (2023), "Joint Role of Communication Budgets and Internet Penetration for Corporate Brand Effects Across Nations", American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Academic Conference, San Francisco, August 4-6, 2023.
- Zimmer, Lukas and Bernhard Swoboda (2023), “Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility Effects across Nations - The Role of National Institutions,” International Business Review, 32 (3), 102073 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B).
- Zimmer, Lukas and Bernhard Swoboda (2022), "Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility Effects across Nations - The Role of Country-Specific Institutions", Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference, Miami, July 6-9, 2022.
- Zimmer, Lukas and Bernhard Swoboda (2022), "Analyzing Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility Effects across Nations: Do Country-Specific Differences Matter?", European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Budapest, May 24-27, 2022.
- Zimmer, Lukas and Bernhard Swoboda (2021), “Direct and Indirect Effects of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility across Nations: The Role of Country-Specific Context”, VHB-Jubiläumstagung, Düsseldorf, March 08-11, 2022.
- Zimmer, Lukas and Bernhard Swoboda (2021), “Effects of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility across Nations and the Role of Country-Specific Contexts”, European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference, Madrid, December 10-12, 2021.
- since 2020: Research assistant and PhD student at the Chair for Marketing and Retailing at Trier University, Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Bernhard Swoboda
- 2020: Research assistant at the Chair for Marketing and Retailing at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Düsseldorf, Germany
- 2019: Master thesis: "Effects of sponsorship in professional sports: what influences the image of a sponsor? - An empirical analysis"
- 2017-2019: Graduate assistant at the Chair of Marketing and Retailing at Trier University, Univ. Professor Dr. Prof. h.c. Bernhard Swoboda
- 2017-2019: Studies of Business Administration (Master of Science) at Trier University, specializing in Marketing and Retailing
- 2017: Bachelor thesis: "International trade: Expansion of retailers"
- 2017: Internship in the field of Marketing and Communication at the research and consulting company Nielsen Sports, Cologne, Germany
- 2014-2017: Studies of Business Administration (Bachelor of Science) at Trier University, specializing in Marketing, Retail and Innovation as well as Consumer Behavior and Market Research