
Computer science and business informatics are very research-oriented subjects at the University of Trier. The following content provides an insight into the research work in computer science.

Highlights in everyday academic life are doctorates and habilitations. New scientific work is presented at our colloquium.
We are also happy to welcome (inter)national researchers to Trier for longer stays.

Conferences and Workshops

2020 - 2029

2008 - 2019


Project: The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography

[Translate to Englisch:] dblp

With the DBLP project, the University of Trier operates one of the most internationally renowned publication records in computer science.
The bibliography can be accessed at This is operated in cooperation with the Leibniz Center for Computer Science "Schloss Dagstuhl" ( Our university is also a shareholder in the Leibniz Center for Computer Science.


Publications and Projects

Active research is always reflected in corresponding projects and publications. More information about projects can be found on the pages of the individual professorships. Below are references to the publications in our work areas.

               >>>       Algorithmics
               >>>       Arithmetic Algorithms
               >>>       Databases and Information Systems
               >>>       Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms
               >>>       Didactic of Computer Science
               >>>       Human-Computer Interaction
               >>>       Software Engineering
               >>>       System Software and distributed Systems
               >>>       Theoretical Computer Science
               >>>       Business Informatics I
               >>>       Business Informatics II

Technical Reports

To access technical reports from previous years, please click on one of the years below.
