Keynote Speakers
Raphael A. Roettgen
E2MC Ventures
Space Tourism: Discover the future of travel beyond our planet and unravel the possibilities and challenges of space tourism.
Prof. Dr. Lothar H. Wieler
Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Digital Global Public Health
Global Health and Tourism: Discuss the symbiotic relationship between global health and tourism and the implementation of effective health measures to ensure the well-being of travelers and the sustainability of the tourism industry.
Prof. Dr. Francesco La Barbera
University of Napoli Federico II
Food Tourism and Alternative Nutrition: Explore the evolving dietary preferences and their impact on the tourism and hospitality industry, as we delve into the world of alternative proteins and cultured meat.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bausch
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Innovations for Sustainability: Witness groundbreaking innovations that will help the tourism industry achieve its sustainability goals and ensure a greener, more responsible future.
Prof. Dr. Marianna Sigala
Professor of Digital Transformation & Tourism
Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Publishing in a Top-Tier Journal