Corona Data
Between March 2020 and March 2021 we conducted a monthly survey on COVID-19 in Germany, but partially also in China. The survey items included, e.g., questions about conspiracy beliefs, forecasts of the future development of the crisis, personality characteristics etc. A complete code book including the survey questions can be found here. The data are available here in SPSS format. All data can be freely used, but should cite our article "German and Chinese dataset on attitudes regarding COVID-19 policies, perception of the crisis, and belief in conspiracy theories”.

The International test of risk attitudes,INTRA, has been conducted in 53 countries worldwide. The data has been described in details in a number of papers (see references below) and the book “Cultural Finance” by Thorsten Hens, Marc Oliver Rieger and Mei Wang (World Scientific, 2020). The original dataset (monetary amounts already standardized) and a sample questionnaire (USA) can be downloaded here. When using the data, of course an appropriate citation (at least to one of our papers and the book) is required. (If you want to replicate our survey, please let us know, since we might have more material for you.)
Wang, Rieger, Hens, "The Impact of Culture on Loss Aversion", Journal of Behavioral Decision Making,Vol. 30, Issue 2, pp. 270-281, 2017.
Wang, Rieger, Hens, "How Time Preferences Differ: Evidence from 53 countries" (mit Mei Wang und Thorsten Hens), Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 52, pp. 115-135, 2016.
Rieger, Wang, Hens, "Risk Preferences Around the World", (mit Mei Wang und Thorsten Hens), Management Science, Vol. 61, Issue 3, pp. 637-648, 2015.
Saving and Spending Experiment
Here you can download data that have been collected for some of our research and is now publicly available.
- Data for the paper "Happy Savers and Happy Spenders: An experimental study comparing US Americans and Germans" (with Amin Ashtiani und Thomas Dudek), Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2019.