
Organization/Catering Letter (*.pdf)

Programme (short, *.pdf) 

Programme (long, *.pdf) 


Programme: Conference "Five years of crisis – lessons learned and paths towards a resilient European Monetary Union", Trier, October 9th-10th, 2014

October 9th

12:15-12:30:Joachim Schild: A Resilience Framework for Analyzing the Euro Area Crisis

12:30-14:30 Session 1: Responses to the Euro Crisis: Assessment and Lessons Learned

·         Lothar Funk: Towards Genuine Resilience of the Eurozone: An Evaluation of the Partially German-inspired Response to the Euro Crisis

·         Takis S. Pappas: Why Greece Failed, and What Have We Learned from it?

·         Sebastian Royo: After Austerity. Lessons from the Spanish Experience

·         John Ryan. The Death of the Celtic Tiger: Ireland and the Eurozone Crisis - What Next?

15:00-16:45 Session 2: Wealth, Consumption and Risk

·         Michael Ziegelmeyer: Household Wealth in the Euro Area: The Importance of Intergenerational Transfers, Homeownership and House Price Dynamics

·         Enno Schröder: Eurozone Imbalances: Measuring the Extent of Expenditure-Switch

·         Hanno Stremmel: Beyond the Credit Gap

17:15-19:00 Session 3: Fiscal Integration / Fiscal Federalism

·         Jürgen Matthes: Is EMU unsustainable without further Fiscal Integration

·         Pierre Schlosser: The Expansion of Fiscal Surveillance in EMU: An Actor-centric Analysis

·         Peter Claeys: If You Want Me to Stay, Pay: A Model of Asymmetric Federalism in Centralised Countries



October 10th

09:00-11:00 Session 4: Financial Sector / Banking Union / Role of ECB

·         Alexandra Hild: Effects of ESM Financing

·         Javier Villar Burke (COM): Building a Bank Resolution Fund Over tTime:
When Should Each Individual Bank Contribute?

·         David Howarth: Political Economy of the New Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)

·         Michele Chang: The Rising Power of the ECB

11:15-13:00 Session 5: New Instruments and Institutions

·         Gilbert, Niels: Towards a Stable Monetary Union: What Role for Eurobonds?

·         Mathias Dolls: An Unemployment Insurance Scheme for the Euro Area

·           Friedrich Heinemann: VIPS-Viable Insolvency Procedures for Sovereigns