Dr. Henning Buddenbaum - Publikationen
Beiträge in Zeitschriften
Michael S. Watt, Honey Jane C. Estarija, Michael Bartlett, Russell Main, Dalila Pasquini, Warren Yorston, Emily McLay, Maria Zhulanov, Kiryn Dobbie, Katherine Wardhaugh, Zulfikar Hossain, Stuart Fraser, and Henning Buddenbaum (2024): Early Detection of Myrtle Rust on Pōhutukawa Using Indices Derived from Hyperspectral and Thermal Imagery. Remote Sensing. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16061050.
Sabine Chabrillat, Saskia Foerster, Karl Segl, Alison Beamish, Maximilian Brell, Saeid Asadzadeh, Robert Milewski, Kathrin J. Ward, Arlena Brosinsky, Katrin Koch, Daniel Scheffler, Stephane Guillaso, Alexander Kokhanovsky, Sigrid Roessner, Luis Guanter, Hermann Kaufmann, Nicole Pinnel, Emiliano Carmona, Tobias Storch, Tobias Hank, Katja Berger, Mathias Wocher, Patrick Hostert, Sebastian van der Linden, Akpona Okujeni, Andreas Janz, Benjamin Jakimow, Astrid Bracher, Mariana Soppa, Leonardo M.A. Alvarado, Henning Buddenbaum, Birgit Heim, Uta Heiden, Jose Moreno, Cindy Ong, Niklas Bohn, Robert O. Green, Martin Bachmann, Raymond Kokaly, Martin Schodlok, Thomas H. Painter, Ferran Gascon, Fabrizia Buongiorno, Matti Mottus, Vittorio Ernesto Brando, Hannes Feilhauer, Matthias Betz, Simon Baur, Rupert Feckl, Anke Schickling, Vera Krieger, Michael Bοck, Laura La Porta, and Sebastian Fischer (2024): The EnMAP spaceborne imaging spectroscopy mission: Initial scientific results two years after launch. Remote Sensing of Environment, 315, 114379. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2024.114379, Open Access ✔️.
Erekle Chakhvashvili, Miriam Machwitz, Michal Antala, Offer Rozenstein, Egor Prikaziuk, Martin Schlerf, Paul Naethe, Quanxing Wan, Jan Komárek, Tomáš Klouek, Sebastian Wieneke, Bastian Siegmann, Shawn Kefauver, Marlena Kycko, Hamadou Balde, Veronica Sobejano Paz, Jose A. Jimenez-Berni, Henning Buddenbaum, Lorenz Hänchen, Na Wang, Amit Weinman, Anshu Rastogi, Nitzan Malachy, Maria-Luisa Buchaillot, Juliane Bendig, and Uwe Rascher (2024): Crop stress detection from UAVs: best practices and lessons learned for exploiting sensor synergies. Precision Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11119-024-10168-3.
Javier Pacheco-Labrador, M.Pilar Cendrero-Mateo, Shari Van Wittenberghe, Itza Hernandez-Sequeira, Gerbrand Koren, Egor Prikaziuk, Szilvia Fóti, Enrico Tomelleri, Kadmiel Maseyk, Nataša Čereković, Rosario Gonzalez-Cascon, Zbyněk Malenovský, Mar Albert-Saiz, Michal Antala, János Balogh, Henning Buddenbaum, Mohammad Hossain Dehghan-Shoar, Joseph T. Fennell, Jean-Baptiste Feret, Hamadou Balde, Miriam Machwitz, Ádám Mészáros, Guofang Miao, Miguel Morata, Paul Naethe, Zoltán Nagy, Krisztina Pintér, R. Reddy Pullanagari, Anshu Rastogi, Bastian Siegmann, Sheng Wang, Chenhui Zhang, and Daniel Kopkáně (2024): Ecophysiological variables retrieval and early stress detection: insights from a synthetic spatial scaling exercise. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 0(0), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2024.2414435.
M. Watt, M. Bartlett, J. Soewarto, D. de Silva, H.-J. Estarija, P. Massam, D. Cajes, W. Yorston, E. Graevskaya, K. Dobbie, S. Fraser, H. Dungey & H. Buddenbaum (2023): Pre-visual and early detection of myrtle rust on rose apple using indices derived from thermal imagery and visible-to-short-infrared spectroscopy.Phytopathology. DOI
M.S. Watt, T. Poblete, D. de Silva, H.J.C. Estarija, R.J.L. Hartley, E.M.C. Leonardo, P. Massam, H. Buddenbaum & P.J. Zarco-Tejada (2023): Prediction of the severity of Dothistroma needle blight in radiata pine using plant based traits and narrow band indices derived from UAV hyperspectral imagery.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 330, 109294. DOI
P. Kaiser, H. Buddenbaum, S. Nink & J. Hill (2022): Potential of Sentinel-1 Data for Spatially and Temporally High-Resolution Detection of Drought Affected Forest Stands. Forests, 13, 2148. DOI
B.K. Agbaogun, B.I. Olu-Owolabi, H. Buddenbaum & K. Fischer (2022): Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and multiple linear regression (MLR) modelling of Cu, Cd, and Pb adsorption onto tropical soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI
M.S. Watt, E.M.C. Leonardo, H.J.C. Estarija, P. Massam, D. de Silva, R. O'Neill, D. Lane, R. McDougal, H. Buddenbaum & P.J. Zarco-Tejada (2021): Long-term effects of water stress on hyperspectral remote sensing indicators in young radiata pine. Forest Ecology and Management, 502, 119707. DOI
M. Steffens, L. Zeh, D.M. Rogge & H. Buddenbaum (2021): Quantitative mapping and spectroscopic characterization of particulate organic matter fractions in soil profiles with imaging VisNIR spectroscopy. Scientific Reports, 11, 16725. DOI
B.K. Agbaogun, J.M. Alonso, H. Buddenbaum & K. Fischer (2021): Modelling of the adsorption of urea herbicides by tropical soils with an Adaptive-Neural-based Fuzzy Inference System. Journal of Chemometrics, e3335. DOI
C. W. Mueller, M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2021): Permafrost soil complexity evaluated by laboratory imaging Vis-NIR spectroscopy. European Journal of Soil Science, 72 (1), 114-119. DOI
M.S. Watt, H. Buddenbaum, E.M.C. Leonardo, H.J. Estarija, H.E. Bown, M. Gomez-Gallego, R.J.L. Hartley, P. Massam, L. Wright & P.J. Zarco-Tejada (2020): Using hyperspectral plant traits linked to photosynthetic efficiency to assess N and P partition. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 169, 406-420. DOI
M.S. Watt, H. Buddenbaum, E.M.C. Leonardo, H.J. Estarija, H.E. Bown, M. Gomez-Gallego, R.J.L. Hartley, G.D. Pearse, P. Massam, L. Wright & P.J. Zarco-Tejada (2020): Monitoring biochemical limitations to photosynthesis in N and P-limited radiata pine using plant functional traits quantified from hyperspectral imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 248, 112003. DOI
J. J. Meiforth, H. Buddenbaum, J. Hill, J. D. Shepherd & J. R. Dymond (2020): Stress Detection in New Zealand Kauri Canopies with WorldView-2 Satellite and LiDAR Data. Remote Sensing, 12, 1906. DOI
J. J. Meiforth, H. Buddenbaum, J. Hill & J. Shepherd (2020). Monitoring of Canopy Stress Symptoms in New Zealand Kauri Trees Analysed with AISA Hyperspectral Data. Remote Sensing, 12, 926. DOI
J. J. Meiforth, H. Buddenbaum, J. Hill, J. Shepherd & A.D. Norton (2019): Detection of New Zealand Kauri Trees with AISA Aerial Hyperspectral Data for Use in Multispectral Monitoring. Remote Sensing 11 (23), 2865. DOI
C. Gong, H. Buddenbaum, R. Retzlaff & Th. Udelhoven (2019): An Empirical Assessment of Angular Dependency for RedEdge-M in Sloped Terrain Viticulture. Remote Sensing, 11 (21), 2561. DOI
S. Nink, J. Hill, J. Stoffels, H. Buddenbaum, D. Frantz & J. Langshausen (2019): Using Landsat and Sentinel-2 data for the generation of continuously updated forest type information layers in a cross-border region. Remote Sensing, 11 (20), 2337. DOI
R.C. Scholten, J. Hill, W. Werner, H. Buddenbaum, J.P. Dash, M. Gomez Gallego, C.A. Rolando, G.D. Pearse, R. Hartley, H.J. Estarija & M.S. Watt (2019): Hyperspectral VNIR-spectroscopy and imagery as a tool for monitoring herbicide damage in wilding conifers. Biological invasions, 21 (11), 3395-3413. DOI
Z. Malenovský, L. Homolová, P. Lukeš, H. Buddenbaum, J. Verrelst, L. Alonso, M.E. Schaepman, N. Lauret, J.-Ph. Gastellu-Etchegorry (2019): Variability and uncertainty challenges in upscaling imaging spectroscopy observations from leaves to vegetation canopies. Surveys in Geophysics, 40(3), 631-656. DOI
H. Buddenbaum, M.S. Watt, R.C. Scholten & J. Hill (2019): Preprocessing Ground-Based Visible/Near Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy Data Affected by Smile Effects. Sensors 19, 1543. DOI
J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum & P.A. Townsend (2019): Imaging Spectroscopy of Forest Ecosystems: Perspectives for the Use of Space-borne Hyperspectral Earth Observation Systems. Surveys in Geophysics, 40(3), 553-588.DOI
J. Pisek, H. Buddenbaum, F. Camacho, J. Hill, J. L. R. Jensen, H. Lange, Z. Liu, A. Piayda, Y. Qu, O. Roupsard, S. P. Serbin, S. Solberg, O. Sonnentag, A. Thimonier & F. Vuolo (2018): Data synergy between leaf area index and clumping index Earth Observation products using photon recollision probability theory. Remote Sensing of Environment, 215, 1-6. DOI
A. Hill, H. Buddenbaum & D. Mandallaz (2018): Combining canopy height and tree species map information for large-scale timber volume estimations under strong heterogeneity of auxiliary data and variable sample plot sizes. European Journal of Forest Research, 137(4), 489-505. DOI
Y. Manß, C. Hilgers, H. Buddenbaum & H. Stanjek (2017): Visualising mineralogical heterogeneities and texture in a mudstone concretion using hyperspectral imaging. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 168 (3): 403-414. DOI
C.W. Mueller, C. Hoeschen, M. Steffens, H. Buddenbaum, K. Hinkel, J.G. Bockheim & J. Kao-Kniffin (2017): Microscale soil structures foster organic matter stabilization in permafrost soils. Geoderma, 293: 44-53. DOI
R. Münnich, J. Wagner, J. Hill, J. Stoffels, H. Buddenbaum & T. Udelhoven (2016): Schätzung von Holzvorräten unter Verwendung von Fernerkundungsdaten. AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv, 10 (2): 95-112. DOI
S. Nawar, H. Buddenbaum, J. Hill, J. Kozak & A. M. Mouazen (2016): Estimating the soil clay content and organic matter by means of different calibration methods of vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Soil and Tillage Research, 155: 510-522. DOI
H. Buddenbaum, O. Stern, B. Paschmionka, E. Hass, T. Gattung, J. Stoffels, J. Hill & W. Werner (2015): Using VNIR and SWIR Field Imaging Spectroscopy for Drought Stress Monitoring of Beech Seedlings. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36 (18): 4590-4605. DOI
H. Buddenbaum, J. Hientgen, S. Dotzler, W. Werner & J. Hill (2015): A BiomeBGC-based Evaluation of Dryness Stress of Central European Forests. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XL-7/W3, 345-351. DOI
H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2015): PROSPECT Inversions of Leaf Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy – A Comparison of Spectral Range and Inversion Technique Influences. Photogrammetrie – Fernerkundung – Geoinformatik, 2015 (3): 231-240. DOI
H. Buddenbaum, G. Rock, J. Hill & W. Werner (2015): Measuring Stress Reactions of Beech Seedlings with PRI, Fluorescence, Temperatures and Emissivity from VNIR and Thermal Field Imaging Spectroscopy. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 48: 263-282. DOI
S. Dotzler, J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum & J. Stoffels (2015): The potential of EnMAP and Sentinel-2 data for detecting drought stress phenomena in deciduous forest communities. Remote Sensing, 7 (10): 14227-14258. DOI
L. Guanter, H. Kaufmann, K. Segl, S. Foerster, C. Rogass, S. Chabrillat, T. Kuester, A. Hollstein, G. Rossner, C. Chlebek, C. Straif, S. Fischer, S. Schrader, T. Storch, U. Heiden, A. Mueller, M. Bachmann, H. Mühle, R. Müller, M. Habermeyer, A. Ohndorf, J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum, P. Hostert, S. van der Linden, P. Leitão, A. Rabe, R. Doerffer, H. Krasemann, H. Xi, W. Mauser, T. Hank, M. Locherer, M. Rast, K. Staenz & B. Sang (2015). The EnMAP Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Mission for Earth Observation. Remote Sensing, 7, 8830-8857. DOI
S. Nawar, H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2015). Digital Mapping of Soil Properties Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis and ASTER Data in an Arid Region. Remote Sensing, 7, 1181-1205. Link
S. Nawar, H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2015): Estimation of soil salinity using three quantitative methods based on visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy: a case study from Egypt. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 8 (7): 5127-5140. DOI
S. Nink, J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum, J. Stoffels, T. Sachtleber & J. Langshausen (2015): Assessing the suitability of future multi- and hyperspectral satellite systems for mapping the spatial distribution of Norway spruce timber volume. Remote Sensing, 7 (9): 12009-12040. DOI
S. Schreiner, H. Buddenbaum, C. Emmerling & M. Steffens (2015): VNIR/SWIR Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy for Wall-to-Wall Mapping of Elemental Concentrations in Soil Cores. Photogrammetrie – Fernerkundung – Geoinformatik, 2015 (6): 423-435. DOI
J. Stoffels, J. Hill, T. Sachtleber, S. Mader, H. Buddenbaum, O. Stern, J. Langshausen, J. Dietz & G. Ontrup (2015): Satellite-Based Derivation of High-Resolution Forest Information Layers for Operational Forest Management. Forests, 6 (6): 1982-2013. DOI
F. E. Fassnacht, C. Neumann, M. Förster, H. Buddenbaum, A. Ghosh, A. Clasen, P. W. Joshi & B. Koch (2014): Comparison of Feature Reduction Algorithms for Classifying Tree Species With Hyperspectral Data on Three Central European Test Sites. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (J-STARS), 7 (6): 2547-2561. DOI
S. Nawar, H. Buddenbaum, J. Hill & J. Kozak (2014): Modeling and Mapping of Soil Salinity with Reflectance Spectroscopy and Landsat Data Using Two Quantitative Methods (PLSR and MARS). Remote Sensing, 6 (11): 10813-10834. DOI
M. Steffens, M. Kohlpaintner & H. Buddenbaum (2014): Fine spatial resolution mapping of soil organic matter quality in a Histosol profile. European Journal of Soil Science, 65 (6): 827-839. DOI
O. Stern, B. Paschmionka, J. Stoffels, H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2014): Abbildende und nichtabbildende Geländespektrometrie zur Untersuchung von Stressphänomenen an Buchenpflanzen. Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation, 2014 (1): 17-26. DOI
H. Buddenbaum, S. Seeling & J. Hill (2013): Fusion of full waveform LiDAR and imaging spectroscopy remote sensing data for the characterization of forest stands. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34 (13): 4511-4524. DOI
M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2013): Laboratory imaging spectroscopy of a stagnic Luvisol profile - high resolution soil characterisation, classification and mapping of elemental concentrations. Geoderma, 195-196: 122-132. DOI
H. Buddenbaum, O. Stern, M. Stellmes, J. Stoffels, P. Pueschel, J. Hill & W. Werner (2012): Field Imaging Spectroscopy of Beech Seedlings under Dryness Stress. Remote Sensing, 4: 3721-3740. DOI
H. Buddenbaum & M. Steffens (2012): The effects of spectral pre-treatments on chemometric analyses of soil profiles using laboratory imaging spectroscopy. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, Article ID 274903, 12 pages. DOI
P. Pueschel, H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2012): An efficient approach to standardizing the processing of hemispherical images for the estimation of forest structural attributes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 160: 1-13.
H. Buddenbaum & M. Steffens (2012): Mapping the distribution of chemical properties in soil profiles using laboratory imaging spectroscopy, SVM and PLS regression. EARSeL eProceedings, 11 (1): 25-32.
H. Buddenbaum, P. Pueschel, M. Stellmes, W. Werner & J. Hill (2011): Measuring water and Chlorophyll content on the leaf and canopy scale. EARSeL eProceedings, 10 (1): 66-72.
H. Buddenbaum & M. Steffens (2011): Laboratory imaging spectroscopy of soil profiles. Journal of Spectral Imaging, 2 (a2): 1-5. doi:10.1255/jsi.2011.a2
M. Förster, D. Spengler, H. Buddenbaum, J. Hill & B. Kleinschmit (2010): A review of the combination of spectral and geometric modelling for the application in forest remote sensing - Ein Überblick über die Kombination spektraler und geometrischer Modellierung zur Anwendung in der forstlichen Fernerkundung.Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation, 2010 (4): 253–265. doi:10.1127/1432-8364/2010/0053
M. Schlerf, C. Atzberger, J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum, W. Werner & G. Schüler (2010): Retrieval of chlorophyll and nitrogen in Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) using imaging spectroscopy. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 12 (1): 17–26. doi:10.1016/j.jag.2009.08.006
H. Buddenbaum, M. Schlerf & J. Hill (2005): Classification of coniferous tree species and age classes using hyperspectral data and geostatistical methods.International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26 (24): 5453–5465. doi:10.1080/01431160500285076
M. Schlerf, C. Atzberger, M. Vohland, H. Buddenbaum, S. Seeling & J. Hill (2004): Derivation of forest leaf area index from multi- and hyperspectral remote sensing data. EARSeL eProceedings, 3 (3): 405-413.
P. Christen, M. Schlerf, J. Stoffels, K. Berger, H. Buddenbaum, E. Rodriguez, C. Bossung & A. Roeder (2024): Monitoring Forest Disturbance in the Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park using Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy. 3rd Workshop on International Cooperation in Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Hyperspectral. 13-15 November 2024, Noordwijk, Netherlands. (Poster Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, D. Frantz & M.S. Watt (2024): Sentinel-2 and EnMAP-based analysis of a Red Needle Cast Outbreak in New Zealand.ForestSAT, 09-13 September 2024, Rotorua, New Zealand. (Oral Presentation)
M.S. Watt, M. Bartlett, J. Soewarto, D. de Silva, H.J.C. Estarija, P. Massam, D. Cajes, W. Yorston, E. Graevskaya, K. Dobbie, S. Fraser, H.S. Dungey & H. Buddenbaum (2024): Pre-visual and early detection of myrtle rust on rose apple using hyperspectral and thermal indices.ForestSAT, 09-13 September 2024, Rotorua, New Zealand. (Oral Presentation)
M.J. Felix, M.S. Watt, E.M. Leonardo, H.J. Estarija, P. Massam, D. de Silva, R. O'Neill, D. Lane, R. McDougal, H. Buddenbaum & P. Zarco-Tejada (2024): Detecting the Short-Term Effects of Water Stress on Radiata Pine Physiology Using Thermal Imagery.ForestSAT, 09-13 September 2024, Rotorua, New Zealand. (Oral Presentation)
M.S. Watt, M. Bartlett, J. Soewarto, D. de Silva, H.J.C. Estarija, P. Massam, D. Cajes, W. Yorston, E. Graevskaya, K. Dobbie, S. Fraser, H.S. Dungey & H. Buddenbaum (2023): Pre-visual and early detection of myrtle rust on rose apple using hyperspectral measurements and thermal imagery. Myrtle Rust monthly webinar series. 19 April 2023, online.
H. Buddenbaum, D. Pflugmacher & J. Hemmerling (2023): Waldbrandgefahr und Waldbrandfolgen mit Satelliten kartieren. Binger Waldsymposium, 17. April 2023, Bingen. (Oral Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum (2023): BrandSat: Entwicklung eines satellitenbasierten räumlich hochaufgelösten Waldbrandgefahrenindex. Nutzerkonferenz Copernicus Netzwerkbüro Wald, 28. - 30. März 2023, Braunschweig. (Oral Presentation)
J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum, A. Hill & D. Frantz (2023). Die kontinuierliche Bereitstellung von Waldstruktur und Waldzustandsinformationen auf der Basis von Sentinel-Daten. Copernicus Netzwerkbüro Wald Online-Seminar Waldmasken und Waldstrukturen, 17. Januar 2023, online. (Oral Presentation)
M. S. Watt, G. D. Pearse, T. Poblete, R. J. L. Hartley, P. Massam, D. de Silva, H. J. C. Estarija, E. M. C. Leonardo, H. Buddenbaum, P. J. Zarco-Tejada (2022): Remote sensing and transforming tree phenotyping. ForestSAT 29.08. - 03.09.2022, Berlin. (Oral Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum (2022): TreeCop - Entwicklung eines Sentineldaten-basierten Steuerungstools zur Ermittlung von Trockenstress des Stadtbaumbestandes in der Stadt Essen. Symposium „Entwicklung und Implementierungsvorbereitung von Copernicus-Diensten für den öffentlichen Bedarf in Deutschland“, 23 June 2022, Berlin. (Oral Presentation)
M. Schlerf, H. Buddenbaum, J. Stoffels, B. Epie, Z. Baghirov, M. Gerhards, C. Bossung, J. Rommelfanger, A. Roeder & T. Udelhoven (2022): Linking airborne hyperspectral AVIRIS reflectance with plant traits affected by bark beetle infestation. 12th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, 22 - 24 June 2022, Potsdam, Germany. (Poster Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, J. Hemmerling & D. Pflugmacher (2022): BrandSat - Using Satellite Remote Sensing to Map Fire History and Improve the Spatial Resolution of the German Forest Fire Danger Index. Living Planet Symposium, 23-27 May 2022, Bonn, Germany. (Poster Presentation).
A. Krein, M. Gerhards, H. Buddenbaum, T. Udelhoven & D. Frantz (2022): LuxSoil - Mapping Luxembourg's Soils with Sentinel-2. Living Planet Symposium, 23-27 May 2022, Bonn, Germany. (Poster Presentation).
M. Gerhards, H. Buddenbaum, J Friedrichs, C. Lindner & F. Knospe (2022): TreeCop - Evaluating the Feasibility of Sentinel-2 Data for Drought Stress Detection in Urban Trees. Living Planet Symposium, 23-27 May 2022, Bonn, Germany. (Poster Presentation).
T. Schneider, T. Knoke, E. Jachmann, A.O. Castro, C. Kempf, P. Reinartz, J. Tian, Y. Xia, J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum & M. Lusseau (2021): Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse aus dem Vorhaben Einsatz von Fernerkundung zur frühzeitigen Erkennung von Trockenstress auf gefährdeten Waldstandorten (ForDroughtDet).Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung, 13.-16.09.2021, Freising und Digital.
J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum, J. Langshausen, A. Hill, G. Rock, Th. Schneider & D. Frantz (2021): Die Entwicklung einer operativen Sentinel-2-basierten Prozesskette zur landesweiten Bewertung von Vitalitätsverlusten sowie biotischer und abiotischer Waldschäden in Rheinland-Pfalz und Luxembourg.Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung, 13.-16.09.2021, Freising und Digital.
H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2021): Trockenstress an Bäumen – Copernicus als Baustein für die Forstverwaltung. Nationales Forum für Fernerkundung und Copernicus, 23.- 24. März 2021, online. (Oral Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, M.S. Watt, E.M.C. Leonardo, H.J. Estarija, H.E. Bown, M. Gomez-Gallego, R.J.L. Hartley, G.D. Pearse, P. Massam, L. Wright & P.J. Zarco-Tejada: Estimating nutrient deficiencies and their effect on photosynthesis in radiata pine using field-scale hyperspectral imagery. DGPF Jahrestagung 2021, 10-12 March 2021, online. DOI (Oral Presentation)
J. Hill, A. Hill, T. Hess & H. Buddenbaum: Eine Sentinel-2-basierte Prozesskette zur landesweiten Ermittlung von Schadflächen und Vorratsverlusten durch mehrjährige Borkenkäferkalamitäten in Rheinland-Pfalz. DGPF Jahrestagung 2021, 10-12 March 2021, online.
M. Ortner, H. Buddenbaum & S. Thiele-Bruhn: Transport of diesel soot particles in structured and homogenized soil visualized by hyperspectral imaging and confocal Raman microscopy. Virtual Raman Imaging Poster Summit 2020, 28.09.-02.10.2020.
J. J. Meiforth, H. Buddenbaum, J. Hill, J. Shepherd, D. A. Norton (2019): Detection of New Zealand kauri trees by remote sensing. Conference of the New Zealand Ecological Society, Lincoln, December 1 - 5, 2019. (Poster presentation)
J. Hill, J. Stoffels, H. Buddenbaum, H.-W. Schröck & J. Langshausen (2019): Die Nutzung des Sentinel-2-Datenarchivs zur zeitnahen Bewertung des Vitalitätszustands von Nadelholzbeständen im Bundesland Rheinland-Pfalz als Folge des trockenen Spätsommers 2018. 2. Symposium zur angewandten Satellitenerdbeobachtung: Neue Perspektiven der Erdbeobachtung, Köln, 12.-13.11.2019. (Abstract and Vortrag)
H. Buddenbaum & M. Watt (2019): Bestimmung von Nährstoffmangel bei Pinus radiata mit hyperspektraler Geländefernerkundung. 2. Symposium zur angewandten Satellitenerdbeobachtung: Neue Perspektiven der Erdbeobachtung, Köln, 12.-13.11.2019. (Abstract and Poster)
H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2019): Transferability of Empirical Estimations of Foliar Nitrogen Concentration on Leaf and Forest Canopy Level. Living Planet Symposium, Milan, Italy, 13-17 May 2019. (Abstract and Poster Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum (2018): Inverting PROCOSINE-D for very high spatial and temporal resolution retrieval of foliar biochemistry. IEEE Whispers, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 23-26 October 2018. (Conference Paper and Oral Presentation, Paper at IEEExplore)
H. Buddenbaum, S. Dotzler, M. Lusseau & J. Hill (2018): Ableitung der Blattstickstoffkonzentration aus pulverisierten Blattproben, frischen Blattproben und Bestandsspektren. Symposium Neue Perspektiven der Erdbeobachtung, Köln, 25.-27.06.2018. (Abstract and oral Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum on behalf of L. Guanter (2018): Overview of the EnMAP Hyperspectral Mission.Symposium Neue Perspektiven der Erdbeobachtung, Köln, 25.-27.06.2018. (Oral Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum (2018): PROCOSINE-D inversions for very high spatial and temporal resolution retrieval of foliar biochemistry. Luxembourg Earth Observation and Integrated Applications Day, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg, 19 April 2018. (Abstract and Poster Presentation)
J. Pisek, H. Buddenbaum, F. Camacho, J. Hill, J. Jensen, H. Lange, Z. Liu, A. Piayda, Y. Qu, O. Roupsard, S. Serbin, S. Solberg, O. Sonnentag, A. Thimonier & F. Vuolo (2018): Application of Photon Recollision Probability Theory for Compatibility Check Between Foliage Clumping and Leaf Area Index Products Obtained from Earth Observation Data. IGARSS 2018, Valencia, Spain, 23-27 July 2018. (Abstract and Oral Presentation)
M. Ortner, H. Buddenbaum, S. Thiele-Bruhn (2017): Transport von Dieselruß durch Wasser in gestörten und ungestörten Böden – Resultierende, kleinskalige Verteilung und Nachweismethoden.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Göttingen, Germany, 02-07 September 2017. (Abstract and Oral Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2017): Using the Directional Leaf Reflectance Model PRO-COSINE to Derive Leaf Traits from Field Imaging Spectroscopy. 10th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, 19-21 April 2017. (Abstract and Poster Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, J. Hill, A. Singh & P. A. Townsend (2017): Transferring algorithms for mapping canopy foliar chemical and morphological traits from American to Central European Forests. 10th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, 19-21 April 2017. (Abstract and Poster Presentation)
B. Paschmionka, H. Buddenbaum, E. Haß, J. Hill (2017): Evaluation of Discriminative and Generative Classification Models For Tree Species Classification In The Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park Using Hyperspectral Airborne Data. 10th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, 19-21 April 2017. (Abstract and Poster Presentation)
L. Guanter et al. (2017): Overview of the EnMAP spaceborne imaging spectroscopy mission. 10th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, 19-21 April 2017. (Abstract and Oral Presentation)
M Steffens, H Buddenbaum & D. Rogge (2017): Quantitative Mapping of Particulate Organic Matter in Soil Profiles.10th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, 19-21 April 2017. (Abstract and Oral Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, G. Rock, S. Dotzler, J. Hill & W. Werner (2017): Combining VNIR and TIR Imaging Spectroscopy for Estimating the Energy Balance of Stressed and Healthy Beech Trees.Flex 2017, Frascati, Italy, 17-19 January 2017. (Abstract and Poster Presentation)
J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum & S. Dotzler (2016): Mapping biochemical traits of forest stands: the importance of leaf-to-canopy scaling strategies. International Space Science Institute Workshop "Exploring the Earth's Ecosystems on a Global Scale: Requirements, Capabilities and Directions in Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy", Bern, Switzerland, 21-25 November 2016. (Oral Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, E. Hass, B. Paschmionka, J. Stoffels, S. Dotzler & J. Hill (2016): Bridging Scale Leaps in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: From Field to Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy.EARSeL SIG Forestry Workshop, Krakow, Poland, 15-16 September 2016. (Abstract and Poster Presentation)
S. Dotzler, E. Haß, H. Buddenbaum, J. Stoffels & J. Hill (2016): The Potential of EnMAP and Sentinel-2 Data for Detecting Drought Stress Phenomena in Deciduous Forest Communities. 16th Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 May 2016. (Abstract and Oral presentation)
O. Stern, J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum, J. Stoffels, S. Dotzler & B. Paschmionka (2016): Comparison of High Resolution Airborne Hyperspectral Data with Simulated Sentinel-2 Data for Classification of Tree Species and Development Stages within the National Park. 16th Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 May 2016. (Abstract and Poster presentation)
J. Hill, S. Dotzler, H. Buddenbaum & J. Stoffels (2015): Potential des EnMAP-Programms zur Detektion klimatisch bedingten Trockenstresses in Buchenwäldern.Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Berlin, 1-6 October 2015. (Abstract and Oral presentation)
C. W. Mueller, C. Höschen, G. Angst, L. Heinrich, A. Dottl, A. Kölbl, M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2015): Strukturen und Prozesse auf der Mikroskala - NanoSIMS in der Bodenkunde. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, München, 5-10 September 2015. (Abstract and Oral presentation)
L. Zeh, D. Rogge, H. Buddenbaum & M. Steffens (2015): Imaging VNIR-SWIR-spectroscopy - POM enrichment in longterm ungrazed soil profiles. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, München, 5-10 September 2015. (Abstract and Oral presentation)
S. Kriegs, H. Buddenbaum, D. Rogge & M. Steffens (2015): imVisIR: Hochaufgelöste Klassifikation und Elementkartierung der Pseudovergleyung in Parabraunerdeprofilen. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, München, 5-10 September 2015. (Abstract and Oral presentation)
L. Guanter, ..., J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum et al. (2015): Overview of the EnMAP Imaging Spectroscopy Mission.IGARSS, Milan, Italy, 24-31 July 2015. (Abstract and Oral presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, J. Hientgen, S. Dotzler, W. Werner & J. Hill (2015): A BiomeBGC-based Evaluation of Dryness Stress of Central European Forests. ISRSE36, Berlin, 10-15 May 2015. (Conference Paper and Poster presentation)
J. Hill, S. Dotzler, H. Buddenbaum & J. Stoffels (2015): Potential of EnMAP and Sentinel-2 for Early Detection of Drought Stress in a Central European Forest. ISRSE36, Berlin, 10-15 May 2015. (Abstract and Oral presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, O. Stern, B. Paschmionka, E. Hass, T. Gattung, J. Stoffels, J. Hill & W. Werner (2015): Detection of Vegetation Stress using VNIR and SWIR Field Imaging Spectroscopy. 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop, Luxembourg, 14-16 April 2015. (Abstract and Poster presentation)
S. Dotzler, H. Buddenbaum, J. Hill & J. Stoffels (2015): Early detection of drought stress in Beech stands using hyperspectral airborne data. 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop, Luxembourg, 14-16 April 2015. (Abstract and Poster presentation)
M. Steffens, L. Zeh, D. Rogge & H. Buddenbaum (2015): Soil imVisIR – Quantification of soil organic matter fractions in undisturbed soil profiles. 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop, Luxembourg, 14-16 April 2015. (Abstract and Oral presentation)
S. Kriegs, H. Buddenbaum, D. Rogge & M. Steffens (2015): Digital soil classification and elemental mapping using imaging Vis-NIR spectroscopy: Quantification of stagnic properties in Luvisol profiles under Norway spruce and European Beech. 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop, Luxembourg, 14-16 April 2015. (Abstract and Poster presentation)
L. Guanter, H. Kaufmann, ..., J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum et al. (2015): Overview of the technical and scientific status of the EnMAP imaging spectroscopy mission.9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop, Luxembourg, 14-16 April 2015. (Abstract and Oral presentation)
S. Kriegs, H. Buddenbaum, D. Rogge & M. Steffens (2015): Digital soil classification and elemental mapping using imaging Vis-NIR spectroscopy: How to explicitly quantify stagnic properties of a Luvisol under Norway spruce.EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 13-17 April 2015. (Abstract)
J. Hill, J. Stoffels, H. Buddenbaum, O. Stern, S. Nink & B. Paschmionka (2015): Extraktion und Klassifikation inventurrelevanter Forstparameter aus multi-temporalen Sentinel-2-Daten. Workshop "Nutzung der Sentinels und nationalen Erdbeobachtungs-Missionen", Bonn, Germany, 21-22 January 2015. (Oral presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, G. Rock, J. Hill & W. Werner (2014): Measuring Photosynthesis of Beech Seedlings with VNIR and TIR Field Imaging Spectroscopy. ForestSat, Riva del Garda, Italy, 4-7 November 2014. (Oral presentation)
S. Dotzler, H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2014): Retrieving tree species and tree cover density maps from hyperspectral images using the ISMA unmixing approach in a multitemporal setup. ForestSat, Riva del Garda, Italy, 4-7 November 2014. (Oral presentation)
M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2014): Imvisir – a New Tool for High Resolution Soil Characterisation.ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, USA, 02-05 November 2014. (Oral Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, G. Rock, J. Hill & W. Werner (2014): Measuring Photosynthesis of Beech Seedlings with Field Imaging Spectroscopy.IUFRO World Congress, Salt Lake City, USA, 5-11 October 2014. (Poster presentation)
J. Hill, M. Stellmes, J. Stoffels, H. Buddenbaum, W. Werner & J. Langshausen (2014): An Idea of Things to Come: Using Satellite Observations for Assessing site-Specific Sensitivities of European Beech to Excessive Drought Conditions. IUFRO World Congress, Salt Lake City, USA, 5-11 October 2014. (Oral and Poster presentation)
H. Buddenbaum (2014): Derivation of Structural Forest Parameters from the Fusion of Airborne Hyperspectral and Laserscanning Data. International Workshop 3D Vegetation Mapping using Advanced Remote Sensing, Grafenau, Germany, 24-26 September 2014. (Oral presentation)
J. Hill, J. Langshausen, J. Stoffels, H. Buddenbaum, S. Mader, T. Sachtleber & G. Ontrup (2014): Integrating Sentinel-2 Data into a Geo-Information-Based Forest Inventory and Monitoring Concept of the Rhineland-Palatinate Federal State (Germany). SENTINEL-2 for Science Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 20-22 May 2014. (Poster presentation)
J. Hill, J. Langshausen, J. Stoffels, S. Mader, T. Sachtleber, H. Buddenbaum & J. Dietz (2014): Integration von Sentinel-Daten in GI-basierte Forstinventur- und Monitoringkonzepte auf Bundeslandebene. Nationales Forum für Fernerkundung und Copernicus 2014, 8-10 April, Berlin, Germany. (Oral Presentation)
S. Kriegs, M. Spohn, H. Buddenbaum & M. Steffens (2014): Imaging Vis-NIR-SWIR spectroscopy and soil zymography – Spatially explicit quantification of enzyme activity and chemical hot spot characterisation. Soil processes – is the whole system regulated at ‘hot spots’? From micro-scales to the pedon, Interdisciplinary workshop of the German Soil Science Society (kommissionsübergreifende Sitzung der Kommissionen II, III und VII der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft) in Freising, Germany, 04-06 May 2014.
S. Nawar, H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2014): Estimation of soil clay and organic matter using two quantitative methods (PLSR and MARS) based on reflectance spectroscopy. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-6286. (Poster presentation and proceedings abstract)
M. Steffens, M. Kohlpaintner & H. Buddenbaum (2014): imVisIR - spatially explicit characterisation of soil organic matter quality on the pedon scale. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-16133. (Pico presentation and proceedings abstract)
M. Steffens, H. Buddenbaum: imVisIR – a new tool for high resolution soil characterisation. International annual meeting of the Soil Science Society of America, Long Beach, USA, 02-05 November 2014. (Oral presentation)
L. Zeh, H. Buddenbaum & M. Steffens (2014): Imaging Vis-NIR spectroscopy - mapping SOM quality and quantity in undisturbed soil profiles of semiarid steppe in Inner Mongolia. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-13506. (Oral presentation and proceedings abstract)
M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2014): imVisIR - a new tool for high resolution soil characterisation.General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-2189. (Poster presentation and proceedings abstract)
S. Dotzler, H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2014): Umixing Forest Areas in Hyperspectral Images using the ISMA Approach. 5th Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Land Use and Land Cover "Frontiers in Earth Observation for Land System Science", Berlin, Germany, 17-18 March 2014. (Poster Presentation)
J. Stoffels, J. Hill, T. Sachtleber, S. Mader, J. Langshausen, H. Buddenbaum, O. Stern & S. Dotzler (2014): Strategien zur satellitengestützten Waldinventur. RESA-Workshop, 5-6 March 2014, Bonn, Germany. (Oral Presentation)
J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum, P. Pueschel, J. Stoffels , T. Sachtleber, O. Stern, S. Nink, S. Mader & A. Mandelkow (2013): Building Regional Forest Monitoring Strategies on Multi-Sensor Integration Concepts. ESA Living Planet Symposium, Edinburgh, UK, 9-13 September 2013. (Oral Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, O. Stern, M. Stellmes, J. Stoffels, P. Pueschel, J. Hill & W. Werner (2013): Field imaging spectroscopy of Beech seedling dryness stress. 20th International Conference on Environmental Indicators, 16–19 September 2013, Trier, Germany. (Oral Presentation)
M. Steffens, M. Kohlpaintner & H., Buddenbaum (2013): Kartierung der Kohlenstoffqualität in einer Tangelrendzina mittels bildgebender Vis-NIR-Spektroskopie. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Rostock, Germany, 7-12 September 2013. (Oral Presentation)
C. Müller, M. Steffens, H. Buddenbaum, C. Höschen, J. Kao-Kniffin, J. Bockheim (2013): Mikroskalige Heterogenität in Permafrostböden – Kombination von VIS-NIR Spektroskopie und NanoSIMS. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Rostock, Germany, 7-12 September 2013. (Oral Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2013): Prospect Inversions of Leaf Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy – A Comparison of Spectral Range and Inversion Technique Influences. 8th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Nantes, France, 8-10 April. (Poster Presentation)
M. Steffens, H. Buddenbaum, C. Höschen & C. Mueller (2013): VIS-NIR imaging spectroscopy enables upscaling of µm-scaled SEM- and NanoSIMS information to soil horizons. 8th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Nantes, France, 8-10 April. (Oral Presentation)
F. Fassnacht, M. Förster, H. Buddenbaum, C. Neumann, A. Clasen, P. Pueschel, B. Kleinschmit & B. Koch (2013): Comparing feature selection methods for imaging spectroscopy data in the context of a tree species classification scenario in three different forest sites. 8th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Nantes, France, 8-10 April. (Oral Presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, P. Pueschel & J. Hill (2012): Using Airborne Laser Scanning to constrain GORT Model Inversion. Silvilaser 2012, Vancouver, Canada, 16-19 September. (Oral presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, P. Pueschel & J. Hill (2012): Mapping Biophysical Properties at a European Temperate Forest Ecosystem. IGARSS 2012, Munich, Germany, 22-27 July. (Poster Presentation)
C. W. Müller, M. Steffens, H. Buddenbaum, C. Höschen, J. Kao-Kniffin & J. Bockheim (2012): Combined VIS-NIR imaging spectroscopy and NanoSIMS analyses of intact cores of permafrost affected soils. Eurosoil 2012, Bari, Italy, 2-6 July. (Oral presentation)
M. Steffens, M. Kohlpaintner & H. Buddenbaum (2012): High resolution mapping of Soil Organic Matter Quality in a Histosol Profile with Imaging Spectroscopy. Eurosoil 2012, Bari, Italy, 2-6 July. (Poster presentation)
M. Steffens, M. Kohlpaintner & H. Buddenbaum (2012): Unsupervised mapping of SOM quality in a Histosol profile using PCA-transformed hyperspectral data.SOM-5: 5th International Workshop on Soil and Sedimentary Organic Matter Stabilization and Destabilization. Ascona, Switzerland, 7-11 October. (Poster presentation)
S. Seeling, H. Buddenbaum & W. Werner (2012): Comparative use of different SAR sensors for the deduction of structural forest attributes - addressing the discrimination of different forest stand characters. Tackling climate change: the contribution of forest scientific knowledge. Tours, France, 21-24 May. (Poster presentation)
J. Hill, J. Stoffels, H. Buddenbaum, S. Mader, S. Nink, T. Sachtleber & A. Mandelkow (2012): Perspectives of integrating Multitemporal and Multisensory Remote Sensing Data for providing Improved Forest Inventory Parameters.ESA Sentinel-2 preparatory Symposium, April 23-27, Frascati, Italy. (Poster presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, M. Stellmes, J. Stoffels, P. Pueschel, O. Shtern, J. Hill & W. Werner (2012): Imaging Spectroscopy Of Beech Seedling Dryness Stress. Luxembourg Earth Observation and Integrated Applications Day – Space Applications in Environmental Management, March 16, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg. (Poster presentation)
P. Pueschel, H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2011): Estimation of Leaf Area Index Based on airborne laser scanning and imaging spectroscopy. Silvilaser 2011, 11th International Conference on LiDAR Applications for Assessing Forest Ecosystems, October 16-20, Hobart, Australia. (Poster presentation)
M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2011): Räumlich hochaufgelöste Erfassung der C-, N-, Al-, Fe- und Mn-Gehalte in einem Pseudogleyprofil mittels abbildender Spektroskopie. Jahrestagung der deutschen bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 3.-9. September, Berlin, Germany. (Oral presentation)
S. Seeling, S. Nink, H. Buddenbaum & M. Vohland (2011): Comparative use of different SAR-sensors for the estimation of biomass in coniferous stands in a central Europe low mountains range.Managed Forests in Future Landscapes - Implications for water and carbon cycles, 8-11 May 2011, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (Oral presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, P. Pueschel, M. Stellmes, W. Werner & J. Hill (2011): Measuring water and chlorophyll content on the leaf and canopy scale.EARSeL 7th SIG-Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, April 11-13, Edinburgh, UK. (Oral presentation and Proceedings Paper)
H. Buddenbaum & M. Steffens (2011): Three Dimensional Distribution of Chemical Properties in Soil Profiles Using Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy, SVM and PLS Regression.EARSeL 7th SIG-Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, April 11-13, Edinburgh, UK. (Poster presentation)
M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2011): Laboratory imaging spectroscopy of a stagnic Luvisol.EARSeL 7th SIG-Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, April 11-13, Edinburgh, UK. (Oral presentation)
P. Pueschel, H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2011): Estimation of Leaf Area Index from airborne Laser scanning and imaging spectroscopy and comparison with ground-based methods. EARSeL 7th SIG-Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, April 11-13, Edinburgh, UK. (Oral presentation)
P. Pueschel, H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2011): Estimation of Leaf Area Index from ground-based methods - Standardized processing of digital hemispherical images.EARSeL 7th SIG-Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, April 11-13, Edinburgh, UK. (Poster presentation)
S. Seeling, S. Nink & H. Buddenbaum (2011): Supporting pre-fire planning and canopy fuel parameters estimation employing a forest information system and remote sensing data.General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2011. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-13369-1. (Poster presentation and proceedings abstract)
M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2011): Hyperspectral assessment of the three-dimensional variability of various soil properties in a stagnic luvisol. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2011. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-11833. (Oral presentation and proceedings abstract)
M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2010): Hyperspectral assessment of the three-dimensional variability of various soil properties in a stagnic luvisol.Organic matter stabilization and ecosystem functions. 19–23 September 2010 - Presqu'île de Giens, France. (Poster presentation and proceedings abstract)
H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2010): Fusion of full waveform Lidar and hyperspectral remote sensing data for the characterization of forest stands. Silvilaser 2010, 10th International Conference on LiDAR Applications for Assessing Forest Ecosystems, September 14–17, 2010, Freiburg, Germany. (Oral presentation and proceedings paper)
S. Nink, H. Buddenbaum & S. Seeling (2010): Estimating forest canopy fuel parameters using a forest information system and laser scanning data. Silvilaser 2010, 10th International Conference on LiDAR Applications for Assessing Forest Ecosystems, September 14–17, 2010, Freiburg, Germany. (Poster presentation and proceedings paper)
M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2010): Hyperspectral Assessment of the three-dimensional Variability of various Soil Properties in a Stagnic Luvisol.General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2010. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-11707-1. (Oral presentation and proceedings abstract)
H. Buddenbaum (2010): Fusion of waveform Laserscanning and airborne hyperspectral remote sensing data for the characterization of forest stands.General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2010. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-11844. (Poster presentation and proceedings abstract)
S. Seeling, M. Vohland & H. Buddenbaum (2010): The deduction of forest stand attributes by the means of microwave data - a contribution to assess landscape functionality?General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2010. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-14552. (Poster presentation and proceedings abstract)
H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2010): Retrieval of LAI from Airborne Hyperspectral and Airborne Laser Scanner Data using a Canopy Reflectance Model. ESA Hyperspectral Workshop 2010, 17–19 March 2010, Frascati, Italy. (Oral presentation and proceedings paper)
H. Buddenbaum (2009): Fusioning Airborne Hyperspectral and Full Waveform Laserscanning Data for Forest Stand Characterization. 2nd Luxembourg Earth Observation Day, 23 October 2009, Bourglinster, Luxembourg. (Oral presentation)
H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2009): Hyperspectral Forest Remote Sensing: From operational Forest Management to Process Dynamics of Forest Ecosystems. Workshop "Waiting for EnMap - preparing methods for detailed land cover analysis." 15. Oktober 2009, Potsdam. (Oral presentation)
S. Seeling, H. Buddenbaum, M. Seeger & M. Löhnertz (2009): A multi-sensor approach to assess erosion risk in low mountain range landscapes - a comparative case study in western Germany. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-13310-1. (Poster presentation and proceedings abstract)
S. Seeling, M. Stellmes & H. Buddenbaum (2009): On the potentials of using multisensor ALOS data for the analyses of forest stand structure and biomass retrieval. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-13314. (Poster presentation and proceedings abstract)
H. Buddenbaum & S. Seeling (2008): Characterization of forest stands using full waveform laser scanner and airborne hyperspectral data. In: Proceedings of Silvilaser 2008: 8th international conference on LiDAR applications in forest assessment and inventory. R.A. Hill, J. Rosette & J. Suárez (Eds). September 2008. Edinburgh, UK. (Poster presentation and proceedings paper)
H. Buddenbaum (2008): Detailed Digital Elevation Models from Airborne Laser Scanning for hydrological modelling. 1st Luxembourg Earth Observation Day, 19 Nov. 2008, Bourglinster, Luxembourg. (Poster presentation)
S. Seeling, L. Schefczyk, S. Nilles & H. Buddenbaum (2008): Visualisierung von Landschaftsveränderung und Gefahrensituation als Beitrag zum integrativen Hochwasserschutz. In: U. Haberlandt, B. Riemeier, M. Billib, H.-R. Verworn & H.-B. Kleeberg (Hrsg): Hochwasser, Wassermangel, Gewässerverschmutzung - Problemlösungen mit modernen hydrologischen Methoden, Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, Heft 23.08, S. 139–146. (Oral presentation and proceedings paper)
H. Buddenbaum & S. Seeling (2007): Lidar-derived DEMs for catchment management. 1st Scientific Conference on Integrated catchment management for hazard mitigation, Trier, Germany, 24–26 September 2007. (Oral presentation and proceedings paper )
S. Seeling, H. Buddenbaum, S. Hubert & C. Haupt (2007): Retrieval of biomass and physical attributes by spaceborne SAR data in middle european low mountain ranges - opportunities and persistent constraints after launching PALSAR. 1st Scientific Conference on Integrated catchment management for hazard mitigation, Trier, Germany, 24–26 September 2007. (Poster presentation and proceedings paper)
H. Buddenbaum & S. Seeling (2007): Derivation of tree height and crown closure from airborne Lidar imagery. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2007, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, EGU2007-03304. (Poster presentation and proceedings abstract)
M. Schlerf, W. Verhoef, H. Buddenbaum, J. Hill, C. Atzberger & A. Skidmore (2007): Comparing three canopy reflectance models with hyperspectral multi-angular satellite data. 10th Intl. Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing (ISPMSRS'07), Davos, Switzerland, March 12–14, 2007. (Poster presentation and proceedings paper)
S. Seeling, H. Buddenbaum, M. Schlerf, S. Nink & T. Sauer (2007): Effects of insufficient validation data on retrieval of land surface information and uncertainty assessment. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2007, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, EGU2007-10434. (Oral presentation and proceedings abstract)
H. Buddenbaum & S. Seeling (2006): Estimating structural Forest Attributes using High Resolution, Airborne Hyperspectral and LIDAR Imagery. In: T. Koukal & W. Schneider (eds.): Proceedings of the International Workshop 3D Remote Sensing in Forestry, Vienna, Feb. 14–15, 2006. (Poster presentation and proceedings paper)
H. Buddenbaum & S. Seeling (2006): Comparison of Methods for deriving structural Forest Attributes from Airborne Laser Scanning Imagery. 2nd Göttingen GIS and Remote Sensing Days. (Poster presentation)
S. Seeling, H. Buddenbaum, Ch. Haupt & W. Werner (2006): The information content of space borne microwave data concerning structural forest attributes taking a priori knowledge into account. GGRS2006 - Global changes issues in developing and emerging countries - Abstracts of the 2nd Goettingen GIS and Remote Sensing Days, p.84. (Poster presentation)
S. Seeling, H. Buddenbaum, Ch. Haupt, M. Seeger & W. Werner (2006): Case studies from hilly regions on the retrieval of soil moisture and biomass using standard SAR products – considerations on challenges, limitations and potentials. In: Matthias Braun (Ed.): Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop EARSeL SIG on Remote Sensing of Land Use & Land Cover "Application and Development", Bonn, 28–30 September 2006, p. 248. (Poster presentation)
H. Buddenbaum, M. Schlerf & J. Hill (2005): Tree Species and age class mapping using hyperspectral data and geostatistics. In: C. Kleinn, J. Nieschulze, B. Sloboda (Hrsg.): Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems for Environmental Studies - Applications in Forestry, Proc. 1st Goettingen GIS and Remote Sensing Days, Goettingen, 7-8 October 2004. (Oral presentation and proceedings paper)
M. Schlerf, C. Atzberger, M. Vohland, H. Buddenbaum, S. Seeling & J. Hill (2005): Derivation of forest leaf area index from multi- and hyperspectral remote sensing data. In: M. Oluic (Ed.): New Strategies for European Remote Sensing (24th EARSeL Symposium, Dubrovnik, 25–27 May 2004), 253–262, Rotterdam. Download
M. Schlerf, H. Buddenbaum, M. Vohland, W. Werner, P. H. Dong, J. Hill (2005): Assessment of Forest Productivity using an Ecosystem Process Model, Remotely Sensed LAI Maps and Field Data. - In: C. Kleinn, J. Nieschulze, B. Sloboda (Hrsg.): Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems for Environmental Studies - Applications in Forestry, Proc. 1st Goettingen GIS and Remote Sensing Days, Goettingen, 7–8 October 2004. (Poster presentation and proceedings paper)
M. Schlerf, J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum, W. Werner, G. Schüler (2005): Assessment of Vegetation Nitrogen Status from Hyperspectral Laboratory and Image Data.The 9th International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing, Beijing, China: 60–63. (Poster presentation and proceedings paper)
T. Udelhoven, A. Röder, J. Stoffels, R. Retzlaff & H. Buddenbaum (2021). Fernerkundung – Grundlagen, Systeme und Anwendungen. In: P. Fischer-Stabel (Ed.), Umweltinformationssysteme: Grundlagen einer angewandten Geoinformatik/Geo-IT (pp. 118-144). Berlin: Wichmann Verlag, VDE
A.M. Mouazen, T. Alexandridis, H. Buddenbaum, Y. Cohen, D. Moshou, D. Mulla, S. Nawar & K.A. Sudduth (2020): Monitoring. In: Castrignano, A. et al. (eds.): Agricultural Internet of Things and Decision Support for Precision Smart Farming. Elsevier, p. 35-138. DOI
J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum & P.A. Townsend (2019): Imaging Spectroscopy of Forest Ecosystems: Perspectives for the Use of Space-borne Hyperspectral Earth Observation Systems. In: S. Foerster, L. Guanter, T. Lopez, J. Moreno, M. Rast & M. Schaepman (eds.): Exploring the Earth System with Imaging Spectroscopy. Space Science Series of ISSI, Vol. 70. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, p.257-292.
Z. Malenovský, L. Homolová, P. Lukeš, H. Buddenbaum, J. Verrelst, L. Alonso, M.E. Schaepman, N. Lauret, J.-Ph. Gastellu-Etchegorry (2019): Variability and uncertainty challenges in upscaling imaging spectroscopy observations from leaves to vegetation canopies. In: S. Foerster, L. Guanter, T. Lopez, J. Moreno, M. Rast & M. Schaepman (eds.): Exploring the Earth System with Imaging Spectroscopy. Space Science Series of ISSI, Vol. 70. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, p. 335-360.
H. Buddenbaum & S. Seeling (2007): Laserscannerdaten zur Ableitung von Forstbestandsparametern. In: G. Schüler, I. Gellweiler & S. Seeling (Hrsg.): Dezentraler Wasserrückhalt in der Landschaft durch vorbeugende Maßnahmen der Waldwirtschaft, der Landwirtschaft und im Siedlungswesen. Mitteilungen der FAWF Nr. 64/07. S. 277-282.
Chabrillat, S; Guanter, L.; Kaufmann, H.; Foerster, S.; Beamish, A.; Brosinsky, A.; Wulf, H.; Asadzadeh, S.; Bochow, M.; Bohn N.; Boesche, N.; Bracher, A.; Brell, M.; Buddenbaum, Cerra, D.; H.; Fischer, S.; Hank, T.; Heiden, U.; Heim, B.; Heldens, W.; Hill, J.; Hollstein, A.; Hostert, P.; Krasemann, H.; LaPorta, L.; Leitão, P.J.; van der Linden, S.; Mauser, W.; Milewski, R.; Mottus, M.; Okujeni, A.; Oppelt, N.; Pinnel, N.; Roessner, S.; Röttgers, R.; Schneiderhan, T.; Schickling, A.; Soppa, M.; Staenz, K.; Segl, K. (2022): EnMAP Science Plan. EnMAP Technical Report, GFZ Data Services. http://doi.org/10.48440/enmap.2022.001
J. Hill & H. Buddenbaum (2022): Fernerkundliches Umweltmonitoring. Studienbrief Masterstudiengang Angewandte Umweltwissenschaften, AUW-M12-04. Universität Koblenz-Landau.
T. Knoke, T. Schneider, E. Jachmann, C. Kempf, S. Storbeck, D. Holzer, I. Burke, L. Wagner, F.-N. Muschter, P. Reinartz, J. Tian, Y. Xia, J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum & M. Lusseau (2021): Einsatz von Fernerkundung zur frühzeitigen Erkennung von Trockenstress auf gefährdeten Waldstandorten : gemeinsamer Abschluss-Bericht zu dem Verbund-Vorhaben : Akronym: ForDroughtDet (Forest drought determination). https://www.tib.eu/de/suchen/id/TIBKAT:1786981521
J. Hill & H. Buddenbaum (2020): Abschlussbericht des Projekts "EnMAP science advisory group - forests and natural ecosystems": Projektlaufzeit: 01.03.2016-31.12.2019. https://doi.org/10.2314/KXP:1757178910
H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2020): Imaging Spectroscopy of Forest Ecosystems - Exploiting the Potential of Hyperspectral Data. Unit at EO college: https://eo-college.org/resource/imaging-spectroscopy-of-forest-ecosystems
H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2020) Gerolstein, 2016-09-08 – An EnMAP Preparatory Flight Campaign. EnMAP Flight Campaigns Technical Report, GFZ Data Services. https://doi.org/10.2312/enmap.2020.003
J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum & S. Dotzler (2016): Abschlussbericht des Projekts "EnMAP science advisory group - forests and natural ecosystems" : Projektlaufzeit: 01.01.013 - 29.02.2016. https://doi.org/10.2314/GBV:887453317
L. Guanter, H. Kaufmann, S. Förster, A. Brosinski, M. Bochow, N. Boesche, M. Brell, H. Buddenbaum, S. Chabrillat, T. Hank, U. Heiden, B. Heim, W. Heldens, J. Hill, A. Hollstein, P. Hostert, H. Krasemann, P.J. Leitão, S. van der Linden, W. Mauer, N.Oppelt, S. Roessner, R. Röttgers, T. Schneiderhan & K. Segl (2016). EnMAP Science Plan. Potsdam: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ. DOI
H. Buddenbaum, S. Dotzler & J. Hill (2015) Donnersberg, 2014-07-03 – An EnMAP Preparatory Flight Campaign. EnMAP Flight Campaigns Technical Report, GFZ Data Services. DOI: doi.org/10.2312/enmap.2015.006
H. Buddenbaum, S. Dotzler, S. & J. Hill (2015): Nationalpark Hunsrück-Hochwald, 2014-05-05 - An EnMAP Preparatory Flight Campaign. EnMAP Flight Campaigns Technical Report, GFZ Data Services. doi.org/10.2312/enmap.2015.005
Y. Manß, C. Hilgers, T. Vraetz, T. Barnitzky, K. Nienhaus & H. Buddenbaum (2015): Kombinierte hyperspektrale und Lidar-Technik zur Optimierung der Platzierung von Bohrrastern im Abbau. GeoResources Zeitschrift 2015, 3, 35-39. Link
J. Hill & H. Buddenbaum (2013): Algorithmenentwicklung im Bereich Forstökosysteme, forstliches Ressourcenmanagement und Biodiversität : Abschlussbericht des Projekts "EnMAP Core Science Team" ; Projektlaufzeit: 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2012. https://doi.org/10.2314/GBV:779027833
H. Kaufmann, S. Förster, H. Wulf, K. Segl, L. Guanter, M. Bochow, U. Heiden, A. Müller, W. Heldens, T. Schneiderhan, P.J. Leitão, S. van der Linden, P. Hostert, J. Hill, H. Buddenbaum, W. Mauser, T. Hank, H. Krasemann, R. Röttgers, N. Oppelt & B. Heim (2012): Science Plan of the Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP). Potsdam: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 64 pp. Scientific Technical Report. PDF
H. Kaufmann, H. Buddenbaum, S. Chabrillat, R. Doerffer, S. Förster, T. Hank, U. Heiden, W. Heldens, J. Hill, P. Hostert, S. Itzerott, U. Kleeberg, H. Krasemann, T. Küster, P. J. Leitão, S. van der Linden, W. Mauser, A. Müller, K. Segl, S. Suess, H. Wulf (2012): Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program - Wissenschaftliche Anwendungspotentiale und Nutzungsvorbereitung (Broschüre). PDF
H. Buddenbaum (2010): Charakterisierung von Forstbeständen mit Hilfe von Laserscanning und Reflexionsmodellierung. Dissertation, Universität Trier. Link
H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2010): Abschlussbericht EnMap-Nutzungsvorbereitung 2009.
H. Buddenbaum (2006): Forest Remote Sensing by Airborne Laser Scanning. Vortrag bei der International Graduate School "Environmental science and technology" Seminar, Dec. 1st 2006, Trier
H. Buddenbaum (2004): Ableitung von Forstparametern aus hyperspektralen Fernerkundungsdaten unter Verwendung geostatistischer Verfahren. Diplomarbeit, Universität Trier, unveröffentlicht. Link
H. Buddenbaum (2001): Relationship between poppy cultivation and distance of villages to major roads in Laos. In: ICMP Annual Opium Poppy Survey for Lao PDR, United Nations Drug Control Programme, Vienna.
H. Buddenbaum & T. Kümmerle (2001): Spatial patterns in opium poppy growing and non-growing villages in Laos. In: ICMP Annual Opium Poppy Survey for Lao PDR, United Nations Drug Control Programme, Vienna.
Invited Talks
H. Buddenbaum, M. Gerhards, C. Lindner & J. Schäfer (2022): Trockenstressmonitoring urbaner Baumbestände auf Basis von Sentinel-2 Satellitendaten.Geowebtalks des Geonetzwerk.metropoleRuhr, 09. September 2022. Link
H. Buddenbaum & J. Hill (2021): Remote sensing of abiotic damage with emphasis on drought and declines.Seminar Series of the Forest Pest Working Group of the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers, 10 February 2021.
H. Buddenbaum et al. (2017): Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy of Soil Characteristics. Kolloquium des Instituts für Geographische Wissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin, 24 October 2017.
H. Buddenbaum et al. (2017): Imaging Spectroscopy for measuring Biochemical Leaf Parameters in Forests.Informatik-Kolloquium Universität Osnabrück, 07 June 2017.
H. Buddenbaum (2017): Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for measuring Biochemical Leaf Parameters in Forests.MSCJ LIFE Spring School 2017 on Statistical Analysis of Hyperspectral and High-Dimensional Remote-Sensing Data, Jena, Germany, 13-17 March 2017.
H. Buddenbaum et al. (2017): Hyperspektrale Fernerkundung zur Messung biochemischer Blattparameter.Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Sentinel-Daten aus dem Erdbeobachtungsprogramm Copernicus. Saarbrücken, Germany, 08 March 2017.
H. Buddenbaum et al. (2016): Hyperspektrale Fernerkundung zur Messung biochemischer Blatteigenschaften. Precision Forestry 2016 - Beiträge aus Fernerkundung und Geoinformatik, Trier, Germany, 21 December 2017.
H. Buddenbaum (2012): Grundlagen der Digitalen Bildverarbeitung in der Fernerkundung. Kolloquium des Lehrstuhls für Bodenkunde, TU München, 13 January 2012.
H. Buddenbaum et al. (2011): Forstfernerkundung - Methoden, Techniken, Resultate und Fortschritte. Regiowood-Seminar, Nancy, France, 11 May 2011.
H. Buddenbaum et al. (2009): Hyperspektrale Fernerkundung des Waldes. EnMAP-Workshop "Warten auf EnMAP", Potsdam, Germany, 15 October 2009.
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