A "most beautiful" polar low over the Barents Sea February 27, 1987

On 26 February 1987 a meso-scale cyclone, resembling a tropical hurricane, developed over the western Barents Sea, reaching its mature stage at 4 UTC of 27 February 1987. Wind speeds up to 20 m/s has been recorded at Norwegian coastal stations. The centre of the mature MC can be located at 72°N/23°E close to the Norwegian coast. The MC was associated pronounced spiral arms (brightness temperatures down to -43°C) and a cloud-free centre with a diameter of 30-40 km (brightness temperatures up to +2°C). Low convective clouds on the western side (typical cloud top temperatures -20°C) are seperated from higher intensive convection cells on the eastern side (typical cloud top temperatures -30°C) by a shallow meso-scale front or convergence line indicated by a pronounced spiral arm extending from the western side of the core to the north and northeast. A detailed documentation of the synoptic development and a simulation with the numerical model of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (DNMI) using a horizontal resolution of 25 km is given by Rasmussen (1989) and Nordeng and Rasmussen (1992). Heinemann (1995) uses TOVS retrievals as an important source of information to refine the meso-scale analysis of the vortex.

Heinemann, G., 1995: TOVS retrievals obtained with the 3I-algorithm: A study of a meso-scale cyclone over the Barents Sea. Tellus 47A, 324-330.
Nordeng, T.E., Rasmussen, E.A., 1992: A most beautiful polar low. A case study of a polar low development in the Bear Island region. Tellus 44A, 81-99.
Rasmussen, E.A., 1989:  A comparative study of tropical cyclones and polar lows. In: Polar and arctic lows (Eds. P.F. Twitchell, E.A. Rasmussen and K.L. Davidson), A. Deepak Publishing, 421pp.

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Copyright by Günther Heinemann.

AVHRR channel 4 (polarstereographic projection) on 27 February 1987, 0410 UTC. Brightness temperature scale is in K.
ECMWF analyses for 27 February 1987, 00 UTC for the 1000 hPa geopotential height (full lines, isolines every 2 gpdm) superimposed on the satellite image 27 February 1987, 0410 UTC.
ECMWF analyses for 27 February 1987, 00 UTC for the 500/1000 hPa thicknesses (isolines every 2 gpdm) superimposed on the satellite image 27 February 1987, 0410 UTC.
TOVS retrievals of the 500/1000 hPa thicknesses superimposed on the satellite image 27 February 1987, 0410 UTC.