Certificate (Transcript of Records)
After the completion of your studies at Trier University you can apply for a certification in the form of a transcript of records. The transcript of records contains all completed courses in the Department of business administration, economics and sociology as well as the results achieved inclusive ECTS credits. Courses attended in other faculties please refer to the appropriate contact person.
The procedure to request the transcript of records in the Department of business administration, economics and sociology is as follows:
1. Fill in the application form (Antrags-Formular)
2. Please send the application form to era4hiwi@uni-trier.de
The performance records (“Schein”) are supposed to be delivered to the ERASMUS office by the professors. However, if you are given the "Schein" directly, please submit it to the "Erasmus-Hiwis" in room C346. Only courses with a performance record can be recorded in the transcript. Please understand that the transcript of records can only be finished as soon as all the needed performance records are there.
Starting in the winter term 2022-23, transcripts will be issued and signed digitally.