Proud to announce the successful disputation of our colleague SilviaSelimi. She has successfully defended her PhD thesis “On the structure of action …
BRAC goes Tourette. In this video clip experts from the universities of Lübeck, Dresden and Trier give information about recent research on the…
Proud to announce the successful disputation of our colleague Céline Haciahmet. She has successfully defended her PhD thesis “Delta/Theta Oscillations…
Wir suchen zum 01.12.2022 zwei wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte (jeweils 5 Stunden/Woche), die unser Team ergänzen!
DFG Project in FOR 2790 PhD Student Position (m/w/d) in Cognitive Psychology at Trier University (Action Control Research)
We seek a candidate for a…
Proud to announce the successful disputation of our colleague Philip Schmalbrock. He has successfully defended his PhD thesis “Modulation of…
Official press release University of Trier.
Christoph Geißler has not only won the GUT Publishing Prize 2022 for the Paper "Shedding light on the prefrontal correlates of mental workload in…
Christian Frings won a teaching award for the lecture VERSUCHSPLANUNG (Methodology II) in the winter semester 21/22 awarded by the student council…
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