[Translate to Englisch:] Prüfungsan- und abmeldung

Registration for exams and illness:

Registration for exams: Registration and deregistration for and from exams must take place via Porta. Normally, the registration period ends two weeks before the exam date. Deregistration is possible at the latest one week before the exam date. Further information here.

Illness on the day of the exam: In case of illness, the submission of a medical certificate to the HPA is mandatory. Failure to appear for a registered examination without a certificate will result in failure of the examination. If the illness occurs on the day of the exam, a doctor must be consulted on the same day to issue a certificate for the date of the exam. This must be submitted to the examination office within three days. Failure to meet this deadline will result in failure of the examination. In case of prolonged illness, the certificate can also be issued before the examination date. Note the limited hours of medical offices on Wednesdays and Fridays, as well as during the vacation season. If you have any questions, the examination office can be contacted.