Examination - Information for students

What types of exams are there and how do I find out which exams I have to take?

Each module has coursework and examinations required in order to complete the module.
You can find out what these are → this document

Do I have to register for exams or does this happen automatically?

There is no automatic registration for exams. If you want to take an exam, you have to register in advance of the deadline, i.e. for written exams, oral exams and open-book exams the deadline to register is a minimum of 14 days before the exam. For all other exams, the deadline is 24:00 the day before the exam. If you have not registered for an examination then no attempt is recorded.

How do I register for exams?

You can find step-by-step instructions on how to register for exams in PORTA → here.

FAQ exams

Is it possible that PORTA has automatically registered or deregistered me for an exam?

No, PORTA never automatically registers or deregisters you for exams or lectures/seminars/labs.

I can't find the button for exam registration in the free electives. What can I do?

In the free electives you must first open "Show  structure" by clicking on the green “Show structure” button. You will then be redirected to the corresponding subpage where the modules are displayed as usual. In the desired module you will find the module examination and the “Register” button. If you have any problems registering for the exam, please contact the examination office immediately.

There is no grade after my exam, but rather noted as "Eingabe lauft” (Entry in progress). What does that mean?

This note means that the examiner has started entering grades, but the grades have not yet been officially posted. In this case, please be patient. Especially for examinations with many participants, the entry process may take longer.

I changed degree programmes but had failed a module exam in my previous programme. I no longer need this module exam in the new degree programme. Do I still have to repeat it?

If the exam is not part of your new degree programme, you do not have to repeat it.

I failed an examination. Am I required to retake the exam on the next possible examination date?

If you have failed an exam, you do not have to sit/attempt the exam again at the next possible date. As of the following semester, you have a total of four semesters to take the remaining attempts and pass the exam. If the remaining attempts are not taken within this period, the examination entitlement is forfeited.

Where do I hand in assignments or portfolio work?

Lecturers usually have an assigned secretary's office with a post box where the assignment/portfolio can be submitted. You can also send the assignment/portfolio by post. To do this, find the address for the lecturer who is to receive the assignment/portfolio and address it as follows to ensure the post arrives safely:

Titel, Vorname, Name

Gebäude, Raum
Universitätsring 15
54296 Trier

I have an exam today and cannot take it because I am ill. What should I do? (and when does the exam have to be repeated?)

In order to withdraw from the examination, you need a medical certificate to state that you are unable to take an exam (Prüfungsunfähigkeitsbescheiniung). A medical certificate stating you areunable to work (Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung) is not sufficient. The certificate must be submited to the Examination Office (HPA) without delay. It is also possible to submit the certificate by e-mail, however, we reserve the right to request the original document. Please use our PDF-template.

Important: The certificate must have been issued on the day of the examination at the latest!  A medical certificate issued retroactively, indicating you were unable to take the exam will not be accepted!  

From the second withdrawal due to illness, the certificate must contain information on the time, nature, extent and duration of the illness as well as its effects on the ability to take the examination.

If you withdraw from the examination due to a medical certificate, you must take the examination again at the next possible date. Please note that there is no automatic registration!

See also → Informationen zum Prüfungsrücktritt und Prüfungsrücktritt nach Beginn einer Prüfung (Information on withdrawing from an examination and withdrawing from an examination after it has started.

I have accidentally deregistered from an exam and cannot register again. What can I do?

Contact your advisor at the Examination Office immediately, preferably by e-mail.

The registration period for an exam has already expired and I forgot to register. Can I still register retrospectively?

No. Subsequent registration is not possible.

When and where do I find out the result of an exam?

You can view the result of an examination in PORTA under Home/ My achievements. The timing of when the result is available depends on the degree programme and the number of exam participants.

I failed my exam, what happens now?

As a rule, there are three attempts for each examination (exception: only two attempts for theses). Further exceptions are regulated in the respective subject examination regulations. A failed examination can be repeated within the allowed number of attempts. Future exam dates can also be found in PORTA. You must register for a repeat examination. See also → I failed an examination.  Am I required to retake the exam on the next possible examination date?

Do I have to register to resit/retake an exam?

Yes, you must register for all exams yourself. There is no automatic registration through PORTA!

I cannot register for an exam in PORTA.

There are many reasons why registration for an examination may not be successful. In such cases, please contact your → Sachbearbeiterin (HPA advisor) directly and describe the problem as precisely as possible. If an error message appears, please pass along the exact content of the error message.

What does EN mean?

The abbreviation EN stands for "endgültig nicht bestanden” which means you will not be allowed to resit/retake the exam.  This can be due to not achieving a sufficient result on the exam on your final attempt, or that the examination is deemed to have been failed due to failure to repeat it in time or due to cheating. This means that you have definitively failed your course of study and lost your entitlement to write the exam.

Is there a fourth attempt or hardship case?

No, there is no fourth attempt. The subjects can determine the regulations for the oral supplementary examination in their subject examination regulations.

Further questions?

The staff of the Examination Office (HPA) will be happy to answer your questions by e-mail or telephone → contakt HPA