Bachelor- and Master Theses
Lots to do ... Just have a look at our publications and pay us a visit for a little chat.
For a brief summary of our publications look here (since 2002)
A more extended list is part of my CV.
I have a rather extensive Bibtex file that you might wish to use (together with one auxiliary file). I could offer help getting a copy of any of the cited papers.
Administrative Work
Representative of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (German Computer Science Society) of the University of Trier.
Member of the Schwerbehindertenvertretung der Universität Trier (Board of representatives of handicapped persons working at the university) until the end of 2014.
Member of the Zentrum für Lehrerbildung an der Universität Trier (Center for Teacher Education) until the end of 2022.
Head of the Special Interest Group Automata and Formal Languages of the German Computer Science Society (from October 2015 on until September 2022).
Further Scientific Activities:
Member of several program committees: ICGI 2002 (Co-Chair), ICGI 2004, SOFSEM 2006, IWPEC 2006, ICGI 2006, ALT 2006, STACS 2007, LATA 2008 (co-editing the LNCS volume), ICGI 2008, LATA 2009, IWPEC 2009, LATA 2010 (Co-Chair, Organization), ALT 2010, ICGI 2010, IPEC 2012, ICGI 2012, ICCC 2013, FAW 2014, ICGI 2014, ACALCI 2015, TAMC 2015, FAW 2015, MCU 2015, STACS 2016, TAMC 2016, FAW 2016, ICGI 2016, Highlights 2016, TAMC 2017, FAW 2017, DCFS 2017, DLT 2017, IPEC 2017, DCFS 2018, MCU 2018, ICGI 2018, CiE 2019, CIAC 2019, MFCS 2019, NCMA 2019, ARDA 2019, CSR 2020 (Chair), IWOCA 2021, MFCS 2021, FCT 2021, ICGI 2021, COCOON 2021, WALCOM 2022, IWOCA 2022 (Co-Chair, Organization), COCOON 2022, MUC 2022, CAI 2022, AAAI 2023, ICGI 2023, DCFS 2023, FCT 2023 (Co-Chair, Organization), AAAI 2024, SOFSEM 2024 (Co-Chair, Organization), TAMC 2024, MCU 2024, IWOCA 2024, WG 2024, MFCS 2024
(Co-)Editor of Special Issues in several journals: GRAMMARS 2003, Journal of Computer and System Sciences (2012), Algorithms (2011, 2015, 2017, 2021), Theory of Computing Systems (2023), Acta Informatica (2021, 2022), Algorithmica (2024)
Member of the Editorial Board of Algorithms (from 2014 through 2019 Editor-in-Chief), Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications, International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory, Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, Acta Informatica (from Sept. 2022 Editor-in-Chief)
Member in Steering Committees: ICGI (2000-2012), IPEC (November 2015 until October 2019), STACS (from 2016 until 2022), IWOCA (from 2022 onwards), SOFSEM (from 2024 onwards).
Member in the Advisory Board of Theoretics.
Organization of several workshops and conferences
Referee / reviewer for different international journals and conferences, as well as national and international research funding institutions; reviewer of the American Mathematical Society (AMS)