Overview of Lecture Content on Theoretical Computer Science

Theoretical computer science deals with the fundamentals of computer science. A central concern is to draw a sharp line between the possible and the impossible, to describe what distinguishes the two from each other or what they have in common. A concern that goes far beyond this is to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of the calculable, i.e. of what calculation machines are fundamentally capable of achieving.

Theoretical computer science is divided into sub-disciplines. Some of these have their very own objects of investigation, and some of them have strong connections with one another. Many of these sub-disciplines are also researched here at the chair and represented in teaching as part of lecture agglomerations. The individual agglomerations offer both introductory and specialized events. The introductory events provide an insight into the thematic breadth of the sub-discipline, its own terms, questions, working methods and important results. The specialized events are dedicated to narrower areas of the sub-discipline and attempt to present them in depth, also and especially with reference to current research results. Theoretical computer science works according to strictly mathematical methods. This is necessary to ensure the generality and reliability of the results and their verifiability.

Below is a presentation of the lecture topics offered by the chair. “Introductory” are the courses in the first two years of study (of a computer science course), while “in-depth” are the courses in higher semesters. Useful areas of focus for studying theoretical computer science in the master's program are explained here.

Introductory Events

Topics of the In-Depth Events