Advanced Seminar in Theoretical Computer Science

Lectures cover topics from current research. The advanced seminar is open to all students and employees of the University of Trier. Interested parties are warmly invited! The Lectures will take place on thursday at 2 pm in Room H 406.

Summer Semester 2024

18.04.2024On k-Plane Insertion into Plane DrawingsPhilipp Kindermann
25.04.2024Offensive Alliances in Signed GraphsZhidan Feng
09.05.2024Ascension of JesusCancelled
16.05.2024Implementation and evaluation of a self-monitoring approximation algorithm for 3-Hitting-SetKhoa Le
23.05.2024Succinct Star-Controlled Insertion-Deletion Systems Using Space Separating Normal FormsHenning Fernau
30.05.2024Feast of Corpus ChristiCancelled
13.06.2024Perfect Roman Domination: Aspects of Enumeration and ParameterizationHenning Fernau
20.06.2024Description Complexity Measures for Internal Contextual Grammars: Connectedness and compatibilityLakshmanan Kuppusamy
18.07.2024Counting Simple Rules in Semi-Conditional Grammars Is Not SimpleIndhumathi Raman

Winter Semester 2023/2024

02.11.2023Synchronization and diversity of solutionsHenning Fernau
09.11.2023Parameterized Approaches to Orthogonal CompactionPhilipp Kindermann
16.11.2023CancelledCancelled (ALOP)
23.11.2023When Stars Control a Grammar's WorkHenning Fernau
30.11.2023Roman Census: Enumerating and Counting Roman Dominating Functions on Graph ClassesKevin Mann
07.12.2023Complexity of arithmetic circuits with addition, multiplication and division

Silas Sacher

21.12.2023Formal Verification based on Boolean algebrasMartin Puppe
28.12.2023Christmas HolidaysChristmas Holidays
04.01.2023Christmas HolidaysChristmas Holidays
11.01.2024Generalized network dismantling via a novel spectral partition algorithmZhidan Feng
18.01.2024Weather-related failureWeather-related failure
01.02.2024Graph Stories using Paths and Trees as examplesSophie Heinz
15.02.2024On Layered Area-Proportional Rectangle Contact RepresentationsCarolina Haase


Winter Semester 2022/2023

DateTitle       Lecturer
27.10.2022Enumerating Minimal Connected Dominating SetsKevin Mann
03.11.2022Morphing Rectangular Duals

Philipp Kindermann

17.11.2022On the Sum number of Graphs with a Maximum Degree of TwoHenning Fernau
24.11.2022Two- Dimensional Input-Revolving Automaton with an  Application.Gnanaraj Thomas
01.12.2022Exact calculation using the Examples of the Logistic MapNorbert Müller
08.12.2022Complexity of Pokémon GO (work in progress)Moritz Gobbert