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Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Feliciano Villar im Fach Pflegewissenschaft

Am 12. Juni inspirierte Feliciano Villar, Gastprofessor bei Prof. Dr. Jan Hofer, Entwicklungspsychologie, mit seinem Vortrag Narrative care in nursing homes: Using stories to maintain agency and preserve personhood Studierende, Lehrende und Gäste des Faches Pflegewissenschaft.


Wir laden alle Interessierten herzlich zum Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Feliciano Villar

am Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2024, 10:00 - 12:00 Gebäude Max-Planck-Str. 6 Trier Raum W1302.17 ein.

Der Gastvortrag findet im Rahmen des Kolloquiums des Masterstudiengangs Interprofessionelle Gesundheitsversorgung statt.

Narrative care in nursing homes: Using stories to maintain agency and preserve personhood

In the context of person-centered care models, narrative care is defined as a set of strategies and interventions focused on constructing and sharing narratives as a way to preserve agency and personhood among older people who are receiving professional care and/or living with dementia. After arguing in which way the continuation of older people as narrative agents may be challenged by dementia and by the interaction with care professionals and formal systems of care, we will present narrative care strategies as a way to revert or prevent that situation from happening. Specifically, we will differentiate between two complementary approaches to narrative care: (1) a ‘big-story approach’, based on the recollection and use of stories in formal interventions to personalize care and sustain identity; and (2) a ‘small-story approach’, which emphasizes the value of communication and everyday conversations to preserve agency and humanize care. To conclude, we will discuss how the use of narratives represents the core of person-centered care and is a dimension that should be present in any definition of quality of care, with an impact on the well-being of both caregivers and care-receivers.