General Information

General Information about living and studying in Trier can be found on the homepage of the International Office.

Presentation - Welcoming Seminar for Incoming students winter term 2023/24 (09.10.2023).pdf


Who is generally responsible?

The International Office is in charge of handling the administrative questions of a temporary stay at the University of Trier. Thus, should you have questions concerning registration, accomodation, introductory seminars or language courses etc., please refer to the International Office (exchangestuduni-trierde) who is responsible for the support of incoming students.

Additional information is provided on the webpage: and can also be acquired on the homepage of the International Office.

Study Information

Academic year

The academic year is divided up into two semesters: the winter (October 1st - March 31st) and summer semester (April 1st - September 30th). In the winter semester, lectures usually start in the last week of October and end in February. In the summer semester classes usually begin in mid-April and last until mid-July. The respective year's dates are available here.

Which type of courses are available at the University of Trier?

Lectures (Vorlesung): Provides the content for which is later tested in a written exam. It is held by a professor.
Exercises (Übung): Mostly offered in addition to the lectures, held by research assistants. Content from the lecture is repeated, discussed and deepened.
Seminar (Seminar): After an introduction, students have to work on their term papers (15-20 pages), which are also presented in class.  
Practical Project in Economics and Social Sciences (Pbsp/PbFp): Academic reflection and handling of a problem in the fields of economics with an empirical focus, team concept. The aim is to gain and develop soft skills just like social competence, ability to work in a team and presentation skills.

Which courses, lectures and classes will I attend?

The combination of the studying program of the "Fachbereich IV" should be coordinated with the respective home university before the beginning of the studies abroad. Additional information to the offered lectures and courses are available at the homepage of the University of Trier under "University Calendar". Shortly before the beginning of each semester some information sessions will be offered. It is recommended to visit these. Course descriptions as well as information about the courses offered by the "Fachbereich IV" in English are available at the ERASMUS homepage under downloads. Information about the offered courses in Business, Economics and Sociology are available in a Bachelor Programme or Master Programme. Exchange students of the "Fachbereich IV" are recommended to attend particularly specialization courses of the Bachlor Programme. In one academic year (two semesters) 60 ECTS are supposed to be achieved. Accordingly, in one semester 30 ECTS credits should be achieved.

You can also find the current course catalogue of each semester for faculty IV in the PORTA system which you will find here.

If there are further questions about how to coordinate courses, you can contact the ERASMUS coordinator of the "Fachbereich IV" Ms. Nele Jacobs.

There are also some lectures in English offered by the economic department. They can be found at the ERASMUS homepage of the economic department.

Information about Subjects

What do the studies at the University of Trier look like?

The studies of the subjects business of administration, economics and sociology at the University of Trier is characterized by an intense emphasis on a method as well as a project orientated, its interdisciplinary and practical orientated education.

Business Studies: The business of administration studies at the University of Trier are core studies with a specific emphasis on application-oriented and function-oriented business administration. According to the integrative approach of the economic and sociological subjects at the University of Trier, the business of administration encompasses, besides professional contents, contents of economic and sociological studies. Furthermore, the studies contain a possibility for a subject of choice as well as contents of studies from other faculties.

More information about the Bachelor programme in business you can find here.
Information about the Master programme in business you can find here.

Economics: The studies of economics at the University of Trier are an economic core study. With regard to contents, the specialization studies in the bachelor degree program encompass a concentration on overall fields of an international integrated economy with an European setting of priorities and focus on sociological as well as empirical contents. According to the integrative approach of the economic and sociological subjects at the University of Trier, the economic studies encompass, besides professional contents, contents of business administration and sociological studies. Furthermore, the studies contain a possibility for a subject of choice as well as contents of studies from other faculties.

More information about the Bachelor programme in economics you can find here.
Information about the Master programme in economics you can find here.

Sociology: Students will receive a basic education of sociology which is supplemented as well as deepened by a specialization. A specialization is possible in the fields of culture and communities, social policy and economy, disparity and regional differentiation as well as consumption and communication. Each of these specializations is qualified for specific occupational areas. The practical orientation of the studies can especially be achieved by the obligatory participation in a practical project in economics and social sciences. According to the integrative approach of the economic and sociological subjects at the University Trier, the sociological studies encompass, besides professional contents, contents of business administration and economic studies. Furthermore, the studies contain a possibility for a subject of choice as well as contents of studies from other faculties. With the integration of business of administration, economic and sociological studies expand the possibilities for the students in their choice of the occupational area.

More information about the Bachelor programme in sociology you can find here.
Information about the Master programme in sociology you can find here.

Specific Foreign Language Training ("FFA"): The University of Trier provides a course accompanying specific foreign language training (FFA) in English and Chinese as additional course in the diploma examination. Required profound knowledge of the foreign languages has to be proved in an entry exam by the participants. More information is available here.