Wages and Working Conditions in the European Union


Förderungsart/ -träger:European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Projektleiter:Conny H. Antoni, Prof. Dr., University of Trier, FB I, Work and Organisational Psychology
Xavier Baeten, Dr., Vlerick Leuven Gent
Management School, Competence Centre Entrepreneurship, Governance &
Ben J. Emans, Prof. Dr., University of Groningen, Faculty of Management and Organisation
Ian Kessler, Dr., University of Oxford,
Templeton College
Matti Vartiainen, Prof. Dr. and Niilo Hakonen, Helsinki - University of Technology, Laboratory of Work Psychology and Leadership.
Laufzeit:1st. September 2003 to 31st September 2004
Übersicht über das Projektvorhaben:The main objective of the present project is to analyse the relationships between wages and working conditions as a result of managerial policy and as an element of organisational performance and to produce indicators for
further applications accordingly. To achieve this objective existing research will be reviewed 
a) to identify which wage related indicators are
used and discussed; 
b) to discuss the findings concerning the impact of working conditions on organisational performance and 
c) their relationshipto wage systems and wages;
d) to analyse existing survey data on wage
structures and working conditions in five countries, i.e. Belgium, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom; these findings will be complemented by 
e) an empirical analysis focusing on the relationship between wages and working conditions using qualitative case studies methods.
Three qualitative case studies in three countries will be done interviewing representatives of different interest groups (human resource and line managers, members of the workers council and employees), to explore the relationships described in the literature and to test the feasibility of the derived indicators. Special attention will be given to the influence of
different working time patterns, duration of working time, work time and work force flexibility, as well as to gender and age. Based on these results the usability and opportunities of the identified wage related indicators for further research and evaluations will be reflected critically.