2nd European-American Conference on Religious Freedom
Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty
May 27 to May 30 1999 in Trier / Germany
Sponsored by: The Volkswagen Foundation, the European Consortium for State-Church Research, the University of Trier, the Ministry of Science, Continued Education and Schools of the Land Rhenania Palatina.
For further information please contact:
Institute for European Constitutional Law
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Robbers
University of Trier
D - 54286 Trier
Tel.: ++49 (0)651- 201- 2541
Fax: ++49 (0)651- 201- 3905
email: robbers@uni-trier.de
The European/American Conferences on Religious Freedom represent a project put forward by a number of US-American and European scholars active in the field of religious freedom and state-church relationships. The objective is to perform high level comparative legal research. A first European/American conference was held at the Columbus School of Law, the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., from June 26nd to 24th, 1998 on the topic: "Comparative Analysis of European and American Laws on Religious Organisations". That conference was sponsored by the Law and Religion Section of the Association of American Law Schools in co-operation with the European Consortium for Church-State Research, the International Academy for Freedom of Religion and Belief, the International Centre for non-for-profit law and the Columbus School of Law, the Catholic University of America.
In 1999 the Conference was held at the University of Trier, Germany, which is a state university, originally founded in 1473. The conference was funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, one of the major research funding organisations in Germany, and the University of Trier in co-operation with the European Consortium for Church and State Research. Given the merely academic character and objective of the conference there has been no specific link to any religious denomination. Participants had or had not their personal adherence to one or the other religion.