Dr. Rumjana Ivanova-Kiefer

Lehrbeauftragte für Bulgarisch

Sprechstunde während des Semesters: nach Vereinbarung unter ivanovauni-trierde


Dr. Rumjana Ivanova-Kiefer
Univesität Trier
FB II - Slavistik
DM 121
54286 Trier

Tel.: +49 (0)651 201 3237
E-Mail: ivanovauni-trierde

Rumjana Ivanova Kiefer, Ph.D.

Rumjana Kiefer is a lecturer at the Slavic detartment of the University of Trier. She studied and taught at the Sv.-Kliment-Ochridski-University of Sofia (MA in German Studies and English), University of Saarland (Ph.D. in German, English and Comparative literature), at the University of Uppsala (Swedish) and at Trier Center of American Studies (MA des. in North American Studies). She was responsible for the Erasmus Exchange with the Sv.-Kliment-Ochridsky-University of Sofia and with the American University of Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad.

Teaching Activity:

  • German Literature, Practical German and Theory of Literature (1978-1981) and Bulgarian Studies abroad (Erasmus classes since 2009) at the Sv-Kliment-Ochridsky-University of Sofia.
  • Bulgarian Literature and Culture, Practical Bulgarian (since 1982), Old Church Slavonic (1996-2020), Film Analyses (2008 - 2013) at the University of Trier.   

Main Areas of Research:

  • Postmodern Literature (with focus on Bulgarian, German, English and American authors)
  • Transnational Studies
  • Literature and Visual Arts
  • Gender Studies
  • Film Studies
  • Translation Studies

Selected Publications:

Monographs and Edited Books:

  • (with Hagen Reinstein and Juliana Stoyanova), Eds., Bulgarisch – Praktische Grammatik. Von Studenten für Studenten. Sofia: Universitätsverlag „Sv. Kliment Ochridski“, 2018.
  • (with Juliana Stoyanova, Kalin Michajlov and Andrej Bojadzhiev), Eds. БЪЛГАРИЯ – ГЕРМАНИЯ: Език, литература, култура. (Юбилейно издание. 20 Jahre Bulgaricum) / BULGARIENDEUTSCHLAND: Sprache, Literatur, Kultur. [zweisprachige Jubiläumsausgabe], Sofia. Universitätsverlag „Sv. Kliment Ochridsky“. 2021.
  • (with Wolfgang Gesemann and Rumjana Zlatanova) Eds., Bulgarien-Jahrbuch. München: Biblion. 2000-2012.
  • Kleists Erzählungeninder Literatur der Gegenwart: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Intertextualität am Beispiel von Texten A. Muschgs, E. L. Doctorows und E. Plessens. St. Ingbert. Röhrig. 1994 (Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft, Bd. 44)

Essays and Articles:

Kiefer/Ivanova-Kiefer, Rumjana:

  • „Изборът на имената в Откраднат живот и вечната полемика около истинността на художествения дискурс.“ [The Choice of the Main Characters’ Names in the Series Stolen Life and the Eternal Polemics about the Truth in Fictional Discourse]. In: Polemics and Choices. 15th International Slavic Studies Conference, June 16 – 18, 2022, Sv. Kliment Ochridsky University, Sofia (forthcoming).
  • “Наративният модел на епоса и приключенския роман във Вазовата трилогия Чичовци, Под игото и Нова земя.” [Epic Narrative and Romantic Suspense in Ivan Vazov’s Trilogy Chichovci, Under the Yoke and Nova zemya] In: Език и литература [Language and Literature: https://www.ezik-i-literatura.eu/last.html], Vol. 3-4. Sofia 2020. 87-99. 
  • „Естетическите измерения на мотивите `преход´ и `граница´ в романа на Виктор Пасков Аутопсия на една любов (2005).“ In: Преходи и граници. Transitions and Borders. Панайот Карагьозов and Юлияна Стоянова. Eds. Sofia:  Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, 2009. 92-97.
  • „Poetogenesis in Film und Roman.“ In: SprachenLiteratur-Kultur: Studien zur Slavischen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. Festschrift für Gerhard Ressel. Thomas Bruns. Ed. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang. 2005. 347-354.
  • „Die italienischen Sonette des bulgarischen Dichters Velko Meruda und sein deutsch-bulgarischer Kritiker.“ In: Deutschland, Italien und die slavische Kultur der Jahrhundertwende: Phänomene europäischer Identität und Alterität. Gerhard Ressel. Ed. 2005. Frankfurt a. M.: PeterLang. 2005. 245-252.
  • „Die Zufälle literarischer Wahlverwandschaft. Georgi Gospodinovs Estestven roman und Paul Auster’s Lulu on the Bridge.”In: Sprache, Literatur, Kultur: Studien zur slavischen Philologie und Geistesgeschichte: Festschrift für Gerhard Ressel zum 60. Geburtstag. Thomas Bruns. Ed. Frankfurt a. M. Peter Lang. 2005. 347-354.
  • „Subversive nationale Romantik: Ivan Vazovs Cicovci (1885)“ In: Subversive Romantik. Klaus Lubbers u. Patricia Plummer. Eds. Berlin. Duncker und Humblot (2004).
  • „Българският ангел на Шартър в традицията на екфразиса.“In: Атанас Далчев. Любен Бумбалов. Ed. София: Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“: 2001. 127-140.
  • „Der Schatten des Körpers der Lady.“ In: FraueninKultur und Gesellschaft. Renate v. Bardeleben. Ed. (Frauen- und Genderforschung in Rheinland-Pfalz, 2). Tübingen: Stauffenburg. 2000. 267-278.
  • „Literatur als falsches Zeitdokument.“ In: Bulgarien-Jahrbuch. Wolfgang Gesemann, Rumjana Zlatanova. Eds. München: Biblion. 2000-2001:
  • „Drei Texte auf der Suche nach einem Ismus. Zur aktuellen Frauenliteratur in Bulgarien.“ In: Frauen im vereinten Europa. Eugenie v. Trützschler u. Stanislaw Dolata. Eds. 1999. 118-123.
  • „Odysseus in Freiberg. Zur Intertextualität von Viktor Paskovs Roman Germanija – mrasna prikazka (1993).“ In: Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 41. 1998. 203-213.
  • „The Image of Germany in Contemporary Bulgarian Literature.“ In: Germany and Eastern Literature 1870-1996: Cultural Identuties and Cultural Differences. Keith Bullivant, Geoffrey Giles and Walter Pape. Eds. (European Cultures. Studies in Literature and the Arts). Berlin-New York: De Gruyter 1998. 345-359.
  • „Leonard Bast’s Umbrella in Howard Kirk´s Plot of History: Malcolm Bradbury´s Parody of Howards End in The History of Man.” In: Parody, Dimensions and Perspectives.Beate Müller. Ed. Amsterdam: Rodopi 1997. 111-125.


1998-2023 several papers, given on international conferences in Bamberg, Berlin, Blagoevgrad, Cambridge, Erfurt, Mainz, München, Gainesville (Florida), Himmerod (Eifel), Sofia, Trier.


Rumjana Kiefer has written several reviews on topics of Modern Bulgarian literature and theory of translation for Slavic Review, Bulgarien-Jahrbuch (1998-2020).


Rumjana Kiefer translated several texts by German authors (Thomas Bernhard, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Adolf Muschg a. o.) into Bulgarian for the Bulgarian Journal on Contemporary Literature Съвременник (1982-1986) and Bulgarian articles into German for the Bulgarien-Jahrbuch.