Studying Psychology in Trier

Our Faculty belongs to one of the largest Psychological faculties in Germany. This is due to the fact that we offer a wide range of psychological courses that aim to build competence in these areas and deepen your interest.

The strengths of our courses of study are the tight interlocking relationship of research and teaching, that expresses itself through many project seminars, along with the lively, dynamic and social environment of Psychology.

The comprehensive bachelor's programme prepares you intensively for a wide range of practical fields of activity or scientific specialisations.

The large Master's programme allows you to combine five content tracks flexibly to individual focal points within the framework of the available teaching capacities.

The areas of further study such as Psychological Therapy and Child and Youth Therapy offer you the opportunity to learn about these areas using the most up to date research available.

There are numerous people that you can talk to if you have any questions.


Why do people behave so differently? How did feelings like sadness and happiness arise? Whoever knows about the human psyche can answer these questions. With 13 departments in Psychology, Psychology at the University of Trier is one of the largest Psychological faculties in Germany. From educational psychology, clinical psychology, psychotherapy, to social and economic psychology, psychology at the University of Trier covers the spectrum and opens the door to lots of job opportunities.