Wu, Yi-syuan 吳億萱
不經一番寒徹骨, 怎得梅花撲鼻香?黃檗《上堂開示頌》
Wenn man nicht den bitterkalten Winter überstanden hat, wie soll man dann den Duft der Pflaumenblüten riechen? (aus dem Gedicht "Der Tempel der Erleuchtung" von Huangbo Xiyun)
Wu Yi-syuan is research assistant for the Taiwan as a Pioneer (TAP) project, and student in the master's program "European and East Asian Governance" at Trier University. Before, she obtained her first master's degree in "European Cultures and Tourism" at the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and worked for four years as a senior project assistant at the National Central Library of Taiwan (NCL) for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Taiwan Fellowship.