Professor Wolfgang Klooss
Wolfgang Klooss received his university education at Manchester College, Indiana (USA), the Universities of Marburg and Kiel (Germany) with a BA in Afro-American History, a Staatsexamen in English, History and Political Science, a PhD in English Literature and a Habilitation in Canadian Studies. In 1988 he was appointed Full Professor of English at Trier University. Later he received an offer from the University of Jena which he declined. He held visiting professorships at Clark University in Worcester, Massachussetts, and at the University of Manitoba.
In his capacity as Vice-President of the University of Trier (2006-2010) Wolfgang Klooss was responsible for restructuring the university according to the standards of the Bologna agreements. Previously he had served as Dean and Vice-Dean of the Humanities as well as a many times Department Head of English. He was a long time member of the University Senate and Chairman of numerous Senate-affiliated committees. From 1991 until 2017 he was Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Canadian Studies at Trier University. He is a Fellow at St. John’s College (University of Manitoba). From 1995-1999 Wolfgang Klooss was Vice-President and President of the Associaton for Canadian Studies in German Speaking Countries. In the latter capacity he was also a member of the International Council for Canadian Studies. Since 2007 he has been Chairman of the (German) Foundation for Canadian Studies. When the International Research Training Group "Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces" was installed at Trier as a joint venture of the universities of Trier, Montreál and Saarbrücken in 2013, he was instrumental in the establishment of this research institution which is the first of its kind in the social sciences and the humanities that focuses on Canada and Europe. He is a pincipal researcher for the IRTG. In May 2015 Wolfgang Klooss received the prestigious Governor General’s International Award for Canadian Studies.
Selected Publications
Wolfgang Klooß, Die englische Kolonialpolitik und die Tragik des Kulturkonflikts in den Afrikaromanen von Joyce Cary. Frankfurt/M., Bern: Peter Lang/Herbert Lang, 1976
Konrad Gross, Wolfgang Klooss, (Eds.), English Literature of the Dominions. Writings on Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1981
Konrad Gross, Wolfgang Klooss (Eds.), Voices from Distant Lands. Poetry in the Commonwealth. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1983
Wolfgang Klooß, Hartmut Lutz (Eds.), Gulliver 19. Kanada: Geschichte, Politik, Kultur Berlin: Argument-Verlag, 1986
Wolfgang Klooß, Geschichte und Mythos in der Literatur Kanadas. Die englischsprachige Métis- und Riel-Rezeption. Heidelberg: Carl Winter-Universitätsverlag, 1989
Peter Easingwood, Konrad Gross, Wolfgang Klooss, (Eds.), Probing Canadian Culture. Augsburg: AV-Verlag Franz Fischer, 1991
Wolfgang Klooss, Herbert Zirker (Eds.), The Ethnic Strain, Place and Vernacular Musings. Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Kanada-Studien an der Universität Trier, vol. 2. Trier, 1992
Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooß (Eds.), Kanada. Eine interdisziplinäre Einführung. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 1992; 2nd rev. ed. 1994
Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss (Eds.), Studying and Writing the Difference: Essays in Canadian Culture(s) and Society. Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Kanada-Studien an der Universität Trier, vol. 3. Trier, 1993
Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss, (Eds.), Multiculturalism in North America and Europe: Social Practices and Literary Visions. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 1995
Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss, Hans Braun (Eds.), Postmodernization? A Comparative View of Canada and Europe. Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Kanada-Studien an der Universität Trier, vol. 4. Kiel: l&f-Verlag, 1995
Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss (Eds.), 1945 in Canada and Germany: Viewing the Past through the Present. Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Kanada-Studien an der Universität Trier, vol. 5. Kiel: l&f-Verlag, 1996
Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss, (Eds.), The University at the Turn of the Century. Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Kanada-Studien an der Universität Trier, vol. 7. Kiel: l&f-Verlag, 1998
Wolfgang Klooss (Ed.), Across the Lines. Intertextuality and Transcultural Communication in the New Literatures in English. ASNEL Papers 3. Amsterdam, Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1998
Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss (Eds.), Gagner la vie: Socio-Cultural Studies on Work and Life in Canada and Germany. Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Kanada-Studien an der Universität Trier, vol. 9. Kiel: l&f-Verlag, 1999
Christioph Bode, Wolfgang Klooss (Eds.), Historicizing/Contemporizing Shakespeare. Essays in Honour of Rudolf Böhm. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2000
Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss (Eds.), Giving Voice: Canadian and German Perspectives. Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Kanada-Studien an der Universität Trier, vol. 10. Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner-Verlag, 2001
Wolfgang Klooss (Ed.), Narratives of Exploration and Discovery. Essays in Honour of Konrad Gross. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2005
Konrad Groß, Wolfgang Klooß, Reingard M. Nischik (Eds.), Kanadische Literaturgeschichte. Stuttgart, Weimar: Verlag J.B. Metzler, 2005
Wolfgang Klooss (Ed.), Writing Coast and Sea. Theme Issue Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht XLIV 2/3 Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011
Wolfgang Klooss (Ed.), Wor(l)ds of Trauma: Canadian and German Perspectives. Diversity / Diversité / Diversität vol. 3. Münster, New York: Waxmann, 2017