Classical Archaeology
Greeks, Romans and Celts – studying Mediterranean and regional cultures
The department of Classical Archaeology at Trier University studies, both in the Mediterranean area and in Trier and its surrounding area, the material culture of Greek and Roman antiquity from its beginnings up to late antiquity, while taking into consideration the cultural and historical relations. Classical archaeology is focused on art and culture in a wider sense, including also objects of daily life as well as questions concerning economic, religious and socio-cultural contexts.
About Our Course of Studies
Our study courses provide knowledge and methods of classical archaeology, academic and practical competences and also the implementation of general soft skills. The aim of the Bachelor’s degree programmes is the transfer of basic knowledge that can be deepened in the Master's degree programmes. The Master’s degree can be followed by a Doctoral degree. Furthermore, the department is involved in the Master’s programme Geoarchaeology which addresses the issue of human cultures in light of changing environmental conditions.
Our Research and Opportunities for Practical Experience
The department conducts numerous excavations and research projects in Trier's surrounding area, in Greece and in Spain. Here, the focus is particularly on questions about the settlement history and ancient topography, architectural history and historical building research. Also an object of active research is ancient sculpture as well as the Celtic-Roman culture of the region.
The department has entered into collaborations with partners in Germany and abroad. In addition, the Archaeological Park Belginum (Wederath) is connected to the department in terms of personnel and thus provides the students not only with the possibility of participating in excavations but also of assisting in special exhibitions and publicity work.