Catarina Haider M.A.

Zum Dissertationsprojekt:
Die Dissertation wird auf Englisch verfasst!
I’m writing my PhD thesis on Roman mosaics from Britain, France and Germany. The main focus will be on similarities within and between these regions. In order to understand regional and cross-regional similarities and differences in the iconography of Roman mosaics, I will look at these three regions in a wider context. During my master thesis at the University of Bonn I analysed a small part of this in relation to Orpheus mosaics in Roman Britain. I did not just look at regional similarities, but was also able to strengthen the idea of a workmanship relationship between Roman Britain and Roman Germany. This research made me aware of almost identical copies of mosaics and others sharing a lot of similarities. One of these mosaics is a geometric mosaic from Trier that shares an almost identical part with the Orpheus mosaic from Woodchester. This comparison encouraged me to investigate the cross-regional relationship of mosaics and will be a first foundation for my PhD research. There have been several researchers working on each of these regions, i.e. Henri Stern, Klaus Parlasca, David J. Smith and most recently Stephen Cosh and David S. Neal. These scholars among others have studied and analysed mosaics in one of these regions. Even though in some publications one can find remarks to one of the other regions and some of their mosaics, no one has worked intensively on cross-regional similarities in all three regions in the last 60 years. Henri Stern probably got closest with his study of Orpheus mosaics empire-wide. The study of mosaics in the Mediterranean area has been widely discussed in the past couple of decades, whereas the North-Western provinces of the Roman Empire, especially German and Gaul, were neglected over the past decades. I intend to change this by analysing not just these two provinces, but also compare them to the most Northern provinces on the Roman Empire. All three provinces share a lot of similarities and I would like to prove that mosaics make up a huge part of these similarities.



01/10/2005 – 14/12/2012
Studium der Klassischen Archäologie, Alten Geschichte und Anglistik an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Abschluss: Magister (Thema Magisterarbeit: Orpheus Mosaike im römischen Britannien)

15/09/2008 – 15/06/2009
Visiting Student am Trinity College Dublin, Irland (selbstorganisierter Auslandsaufenthalt am Department of Classics)

01/12/2015 – heute
Externe Doktorandin der Klassischen Archäologie an der Universität Trier unter Betreuung von Prof. Dr. Torsten Mattern
Thema: Römische Mosaike in Großbritannien, Deutschland und Frankreich (Bearbeitung in englischer Sprache)

Berufserfahrung (Archäologie und aktuell):

20/02/2006 – 21/03/2006
Praktikantin im Archäologischen Museum Carnuntinum, Bad Deutsch-Altenburg, Österreich

01/09/2007 – 30/09/2007, 01/08/2008 – 31/08/2008, 01/07/2009 – 31/08/2009
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bei Ausgrabungen im Archäologischen Park Carnuntum, Petronell-Carnuntum, Österreich

07/01/2008 – 15/02/2008
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bei Ausgrabungen im Rahmen der Konstruktion der Nord-Süd Stadtbahn Köln, Dr. Urban & Partner, Köln

06/09/2010 – 14/10/2010, 31/08/2011 – 13/10/2011
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bei Ausgrabungen in Priene, Türkei in Auftrag der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

31/03/2014 – 15/11/2015
Auslandsaufenthalt in Dublin, Irland

16/10/2017 –  August 2018
Vertretungslehrerin an der GHS Dohr Mönchengladbach für die Fächer Englisch, Geschichte und Kunst

21/08/2018 – 31/10/2020
Lehrerin in Ausbildung (Vollzeit) an der Realschule Neue Friedrichstraße in Wuppertal für die Fächer Englisch, Geschichte und Geschichte bilingual

seit 1/11/2020 Lehrerin in Vollzeit an der Realschule Neue Friedrichstraße in Wuppertal