Dr. Lina Xue 薛丽娜博士

Motto: 它山之石,可以攻玉。--《诗经》

The other mountain's stone can polish jade. --Book of Poetry.


2005 - 2010 Teacher University of International Economics (China)

2009 - 2012 MA Chinese as a Foreign Language Beijing Normal University (China)

2013 - 2014 MA Advanced Studies Linguistics Vrieje Universiteit Brussels (Belgium)

2014 - 2019 PhD KU Leuven (Belgium).

PhD thesis:Investigating the competencies and learning relations of doctoral students in online interdisciplinary training.

Research Interests

Interdisciplinary learning, online learning, classroom interaction, competencies.



Xue, L., Rienties, B., Van Petegem, W., & van Wieringen, A. (2020). Learning relations of knowledge transfer (KT) and knowledge integration (KI) of doctoral students during online interdisciplinary training: an exploratory study. Higher Education Research & Development. 39(6). 1290-1307. Doi: 10.1080/07294360.2020.1712679

Xue, L., Le Bot, G., Van Petegem, W., & van Wieringen, A. (2018). Defining interdisciplinary competencies for audiological rehabilitation: findings from a modified Delphi study. International journal of audiology, 57(2), 81-90. Doi: 10.1080/14992027.2017.1406156