International Conference “Tradition and New Mission: Confucianism from the Perspective of Modernity” 6-7 July 2024
The emergence and the development of the notion of “modernity” in Europe is related to the industrial revolution, the rise of cities and scientific progress. It is accompanied by spiritual renovations, like “renaissance”, “reformation” and “enlightenment”. Their basic ideas and values are still forming the way modern humans think and live, not only in Europe. This development is a continuing process and subject of constant discussion. In the course of the reception of European culture, Confucianism also came into contact with ideas and values related to “modernity”. An exchange began, accompanied by conflicts and resistance, as well as a reflection upon its genuine values and potential for further development. This process is continuing today and leads also to the question, whether Confucianism might be able to develop a form of modernity appropriate for Chinese culture. Taking a look at Confucianism from the perspective of “modernity” means on the one hand, to analyze how Confucianism looks at “modern” values and ideas, like individualism, subjective right, explicit expression of own interests, freedom, equality, rule of law, the culture of contract just to name a few, and to investigate whether there exist corresponding spiritual resources in its own tradition. On the other hand, Confucianism must debate, whether its traditional values, like humaneness, rule by virtue, and so on, are compatible with modernity and furthermore could even be considered to be “modern”, thus being able to contribute to a consensus of universal values and understandings of modernity.
The conference is organized by the Institute of Sinology, Trier University, Germany, the German Confucian Society (Deutsche Konfuzianische Gesellschaft, DKG), the Zengzi Research Institute at Shandong University, Zeng Zhiming Fundation for Zengzi-Research and Zengzi Association of the Society for Chinese Philosophy. Conference languages are Chinese and English (Chinese is preferred). The Call for Paper can be downloaded here. (pdf 388KB)
We are welcoming proposals from all relevant study fields, such as philosophy, history, and sinology / Chinese studies. Participants are asked to send an abstract of about 200 English words or 300 Chinese characters together with their affiliation and contact information until 29 April 2024 to Tim Dressler <>.
Conference schedule:
Deadline for submitting abstracts: 29 April 2024
Notification of acceptance: 13 May 2024
Arrival and registration: 05 July 2024
Conference: 06-07 July 2024
Excursion: 08 July 2024 (optional, organized by the DKG)
Location: Institute of Sinology, Trier University, Trier, Germany
There is no conference fee. We will take care of the hotel costs of the participants, if our funds permit. The participants should take care of their additional travel costs themselves. The organizers will provide free meals during the conference.
Christian Soffel 蘇費翔(德國特里爾大學漢學系教授)<>
Du Lun 杜崙(德国德国儒学学会会长) <>
Zeng Zhenyu 曾振宇(中国山东大学曾子研究所所长)<>
Tim Dressler <>
Institute of Sinology, Trier University, Germany 德國特里爾大學漢學系
German Confucian Society (Deutsche Konfuzianische Gesellschaft, DKG) 德国儒学学会
Zengzi Research Institute at Shandong University 中国山东大学曾子研究所
Zeng Zhiming Fundation for Zengzi-Research 曾智明“曾子学术基金”
Zengzi Association of the Society for Chinese Philosophy 中国哲学史学会曾子研究会
為此,德國特里爾大學漢學系、德國儒學學會、中國山東大學曾子研究所、曾智明“曾子學術基金”及中國哲學史學會曾子研究會與 2024 年 7 月 5—8 日在德國特里爾大學舉辦“傳統與新命:現代視域下的儒家思想國際學術研討會。玆將會議事宜函告如下,敬請悉知:
一、會議時間:2024 年 7 月 5 日(周五)到 8 日(周一)
三、日程安排:7 月 5 日報到,6—7 日會議研討,8 日文化考察,9 日離會。
六、有意參會者敬請把論文摘要(300 字左右)寄到 Tim Dressler<>的郵
箱。報名截止日:2024 年 4 月 29 日。
Christian Soffel 蘇費翔(德國特里爾大學漢學系教授),郵箱:<>
杜崙(德國儒學學會會長),郵箱: <>
Tim Dressler <>