Mayya Solonina M.A.
"Don't worry that other people don't know you;
worry that you don't know other people. ~
2013-2017: Bachelor's Degree - Chinese as a Second Language (National Taiwan University)
2017-2020: Master's Degree - Chinese Studies (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
Master's thesis on the topic: Chinese Social Attitudes towards High School Education and Gaokao System.
09/2019 - 11/2019: Internship at GIGA Berlin office, working on the project "Every Immigrant is an Emigrant".
07/2020-10/2020: Internship at Mercator Institute for Chinese Studies
Taiwan, Hong Kong, PRC, identity formation. Education system, language, media.
“China’s widening divide” Merics Short Analysis. Sep 2020
(with Katja Drinhausen) “Chinese and Russian media partner to “tell each other’s stories well”” Merics Opinion Piece. Dec 2020