Queenie K.H. Lam, M.A., MPhil.





"Under difficulties and dangers I do my best to get ahead. Even though I'm exhausted, I am still passionate.

A ton of weight rests on  my shoulders. We forge ahead while we are young"

Qian Mu


 Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost


Education & Career

since 2022: Research Fellow, Institute of Sinology, University of Trier

Since 2014: PhD candidate, Centre for Higher Education Governance Ghent (CHEGG), Ghent University & International Centre for Higher education Research (INCHER-Kassel), University of Kassel

2010 – 2022: Project Officer - Project Manager - Senior Expert, Academic Cooperation Association 

2008 – 2012: MA in International Higher Education Research and Development, INCHER-Kassel, University of Kassel 

2009 – 2010: Research Assistant / Senior Advisor, INCHER / International Study Centre, University of Kassel

2004 – 2008: Executive Officer, Personnel Office / Office of Academic Links, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2002 – 2006: MPhil in Communication, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2002 – 2004: Teaching / Research Assistant, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong  

2000 – 2001: Exchange Student, Georgetown University

1998 – 2002: BA in Translation, Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Research Interests

  • Global Higher Education Governance   
  • European Education and Science Policies
  • Academic Cooperation and Mobility Impact 
  • Mobility and Migration Data and Trends 
  • Chinese (Hong Kong) Higher Education Development
  • Academic Freedom and Democracies
  • University Identity and Reputation Management
  • Framing Theory in (University) Communication



Co-edited Book/Book

Lam, Q. KH., & Oste, D. (2014). Portable state grants and loans: An overview and their contribution to outgoing student mobility. Bonn: Lemmens Medien (Verlag).

Wächter, B., Lam, Q. KH., & Ferencz, I. (Eds.). (2012). Tying it all together. Excellence, mobility, funding and the social dimension in higher education. Bonn: Lemmens Medien (Verlag).


Book Chapters/Journal Articles

Lam, Q. KH. (2022). Conceptualizing “university rebranding” as a brand change process: A longitudinal case study of a former polytechnic in Hong Kong. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education (under review).

Lam, Q. KH. (2020). Framing Theory for Higher Education Research. In J. Huisman, & M. Tight (Eds.), Theory and method in higher education research (Vol. 6, pp. 167-184). Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/s2056-375220200000006011

Lam, Q. KH., & Tang, H. H. (2018). The notion of branding in the higher education sector: The case of Hong Kong. In A. Papadimitriou (Ed.), Competition in higher education branding and marketing: National and global perspectives (pp. 159-179). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-58527-7_8

Lam, Q. KH. (2014). In search of isomorphism: An analysis of the homepages of flagship universities. In B. M. Kehm, & U. Teichler (Eds.), Werkstattberichte, 75: Higher education studies in a global environment (Vol. 2, pp. 173-194). Espenau: Druckwerkstaff Bräuning+Rudert Gb. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6124609

Lam, Q. KH., & Ferencz, I. (2012). A comparative overview of national mobility policies. In I. Ferencz, & B. Wächter (Eds.), European and national policies for academic mobility. Linking rhetoric, practice and mobility trend (pp. 32-57). Bonn: Lemmens Medien (Verlag).


Conference Proceedings

Lam, Q. KH. (2021). Erasmus+ staff mobility motivations, impact, recognition and satisfaction: An exploratory study of post-mobility survey responses. In A. Rybińska, & Ö. Şenyuva (Eds.), Evidence-based approach in Erasmus+. Warsaw seminar 2020. (pp. 100-121). Warsaw: Foundation for the Development of the Education System Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps National Agency.

Lam, Q. KH. (2011). Impacts of rankings on internationalization of higher education institutions in Hong Kong. In M. Hokstad, & F. Bento (Ed.), Proceedings of Uniqual 2009. The 6th International Conference on Universities Quality. Perceptions of quality in higher education, rankings and benchmarking. Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press.


Co-Authored Policy Reports

Lam, Q. KH., & Ferencz, I. (2021). Erasmus+ staff mobility comparative data analysis.

European Commission. (2015). Joint study of EU-China researchers bilateral mobility and policy recommendations.

ACA , DAAD , Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union (European Parliament) , ENQA. (2015). University Quality Indicators: A critical assessment.https://doi.org/doi:10.2861/426164


Newsletter Articles (selected)

Lam, Q. KH. (2021, February 20). The Communist Party’s grip threatens academic cooperation.University World News. Retrieved from

Lam, Q. KH. (2012, March 25). National Policies on Mobility in Europe. International Higher Education, 67. https://doi.org/doi:10.6017/ihe.2012.67.8601


Services & Memberships

Since 2021: Co-lead (elected) WG1: Global international student mobility flows and trends at the macro level, COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology Action 20115: European Network on International Student Mobility

Since 2021: Country Expert, Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem)

Since 2016: Independent Expert, Erasmus+ Programme, European Commission   

2019, 2021, 2022: Member, CHER – Consortium of Higher Education Researchers

2017: Member, EAIR – The European Higher Education Society


Talks (selected)

  • 30 March, 2022, Online, European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting

Research and Practice (ENIS) Webinar series, Speaker: Challenges in mobility mapping and


  • 28-30 August, 2019, Kassel, Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER) Annual

Conference. Speaker: International comparative higher education research on a shaky ground: The constant balance between superficiality and irrelevance

  • 26-29 August, 2018, Budapest, Annual Forum of The European Higher Education Society (EAIR). Co-speaker: Hong Kong 334 university curriculum reform: Local profiling and internationalization
  • 3-6 September, 2017, Porto, Annual Forum of The European Higher Education Society (EAIR). Speaker: A case study on the strategy to rebrand a world top 100 university.

Co-speaker: Branding and marketing in higher education: real or symbolic management of quality?

  • 28-30 August, 2017, Jyväskylä, Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER) Annual

Conference. Speaker: Interplays between universities and media in framing ranking news: The case of Hong K