
Research in the Business Administration Field

Business administration research at the University of Trier is empirically oriented, internationally present and relevant to practice. Within the various focal points, business administration research covers different content-related and methodological facets (e.g. behavioral science and economically oriented approaches).

The research strength of the subject of business administration is documented, among other things, by the top rankings of several professors in the current university ranking (Dezember 2020). Also in the current CHE-University ranking (Dezember 2020), the Business Administration of the University of Trier is among the German top group in the category "international publications per scientist". The excellent placements in the ranking impressively underline that excellent business administration research is conducted at a high international level in Trier.


Research articles by business economists from Trier have so far been published in the following international journals, for example: Management Science (MS), Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ), Journal of Management (JoM), Strategic Management Journal (SMJ), Journal of International Management (JIM), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (JEBO), Review of Finance, Finance and Stochastics, Journal of Banking and Finance (JBF), Journal of International Money and Finance (JIMF), European Economic Review (EER), Journal of Mathematical Economics, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), Journal of Retailing (JR), Journal of International Marketing (JIM), Economics Letters, Labour Economics, Finance India, International Journal of Auditing (IJAudit), European Company Law (ECL), Research Policy (RP), and Journal of Business Venturing (JBV).

German-language publications have appeared in: Schmalenbach's Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (zfbf), Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB), Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW), Marketing ZFP, Steuer und Wirtschaft (StuW), Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (BfuP), Internationales Steuerrecht (iStR) and furthermore in numerous handbooks, anthologies, and in the form of monographs as well as textbooks.


If you are interested in pursuing a doctorate in business administration at Trier University, please contact a representative of the corresponding professorship directly. 


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