M.Sc. Business Administration

There is no boring Business Administration at Trier University. We attach importance to...

  • Flexibility through a high degree of freedom of choice in the assignment of possible modules
  • Future orientation through the use of modern technologies, such as the robot Pepper
  • Practical relevance through the possibility of integrating internships during the course of study
  • Social and personal competence through studying in groups that are as small as possible
  • Methodological competence through the meaningful and practical use of statistics
  • Broad professional competence through a high variety of possible modules

Important information at the beginning of the semester

For Freshmen:

First semester info winter semester 2023/24 (as of 16-08-2023)

Timetable basic module (GLM) and performances specializations (information follows)

General information about the basic module (as of 16-08-2023)


Important note about the start of the event:

  • In the first two weeks of lectures (23.10. - 03.11.2023) only the basic module takes place in the Master of Business Administration and Financial Management.
    All other modules of the subject BWL will only start in the third week of lectures from 06.11.2023.

  • Exception: The specialization "Marketing and Commerce" with Prof. Swoboda starts earlier. You will learn more about this in the introductory event on 24.10.2023, 2 p.m. C 3.


Further Notes:

Information on the Master's degree program in Financial Management 

ERASMUS+ (Bachelor 3rd semester and Master 1st semester)

► Subject-specific foreign language training (FFA, Bachelor)

Study Plan (currently only available German)

[Translate to Englisch:] Studienverlaufsplan Master


In the module descriptions, you will find explanations of the content of the modules that are specified in the examination regulations (e.g. learning objectives and competencies to be acquired).

Module Manual Master (1F) Business Administration (2021)


Note: Please always click on the magnifying glass symbol on the right side in the line where the module (e.g. BA4BWL4001) is indicated!

Wahlmodule können gemäß Anhang 1.3 der Fachprüfungsordnung M.Sc. BWL (2021) belegt werden.

Subject Examination Regulations M.Sc. Business Administration (2021)

Overview of the Master's export modules that can be taken from the free elective area (all departments; only in German)


Starting with the winter semester 2015/16 the study program "M.Sc. Business Administration" offers the possibility to take modules from specializations in certain combination. The following specialization designations will be added to the certificate if the following specializations have been chosen:

  • Accounting & Taxation if the two specializations "Business Taxation and Tax Consulting" and "Accounting and Auditing" are chosen.
  • Finance if the two specializations "Finance A and B" and "Finance C and D" are chosen
  • Marketing and Retailing with the choice of the two specializations "Business and Services Marketing" and "Retailing and International Marketing-Management". 
    Note: With the retirement of Prof. Rolf Weiber on March 31, 2023, this specialization can no longer be taken until further notice! The addition "General Business Administration" will be added to the certificate.
  • Organization and Corporate Management when choosing the two specializations "Strategy and Innovation" and "Personnel and Organization".