Incoming Students

A very warm welcome to the Department of Psychology at the University of Trier! We provide assistance for international students who are interested in coming to our Department. On our webpages you will find information about our department, our staff and the extensive range of topics we cover in our courses.

The International Office will help direct you to a network of services and information to help plan your stay at our university and Trier, the oldest town in Germany. 

Course Catalogue

  • English version of the current BSc-Course Catalogue (Bachelor of Science in Psychology).
  • German version of the current BSc-Course Catalogue (Bachelor of Science in Psychology).

Transcript of Records

After your studies at Trier University, you will need to collect participation certificates for all the courses you attended. Please get in touch with the respective professors and lecturers. These certificates indicate that you attended the course successfully. Lecturers and secretaries should have the official template for the certificates. Once the Erasmus Coordination Office has received and approved all certificates, they will issue your Transcript of Records (TOR) of your stay at Trier University.

Please note that if you wish to receive a printed version of your Transcript of Records, you will need to hand in a stamped reply envelope to the Erasmus Coordination Office of the Department of Psychology prior to your departure.


Contact for Incoming Students

Bernadette von Dawans
