
Martin Loiperdinger
 Introduction   9

Travelling Cinema in Europe before the First World War

Vanessa Toulmin
›Within the Reach of All‹
Travelling Cinematograph Shows on British Fairgrounds
1896 – 1914   19

Matthew Solomon
 Fairground Illusions and the Magic of Méliès   35

Mustafa Özen

Travelling Cinema in Istanbul   47

Ralf Forster
Easy to Handle and Part of the Novelty
Equipment for Travelling Cinemas in Early Trade Catalogues   55

Daniel Fritsch
The Paradoxical Austrian Travelling Showmen’s
Magazine Die Schwalbe   67

Joseph Garncarz
The Fairground Cinema – A European Institution   79

Travelling Cinema in Luxembourg and the Greater Region before the First World War

Uli Jung
Travelling Cinematograph Shows in the Greater Region of Luxembourg
An Overview   93

Paul Lesch
Travelling Cinematograph Shows in Luxembourg   103

Brigitte Braun
Marzen’s Travelling Town Hall Cinematograph
in the Greater Region of Luxembourg   119

Non-commercial Travelling Cinema in Europe from the 1890s to the 1960s

Torsten Gärtner
The Church on Wheels
Travelling Magic Lantern Mission in late Victorian England   129

Thomas Tode

Agit-trains, Agit-steamers, Cinema Trucks
Dziga Vertov and Travelling Cinema in the early 1920s
in the Soviet Union   143

Urszula Biel
German and Polish Agitation through Travelling Cinemas in the 1920s
in Upper Silesia   157

Yvonne Zimmermann
Training and Entertaining Consumers
Travelling Corporate Film Shows in Switzerland   169

Christian Kuchler
Catholic Travelling Film Shows
in West Germany after the Second World War   181


Claude Bertemes
Cinématographe Reloaded
Notes on the Fairground Cinema Project Crazy Cinématographe   191

The Authors   219
Picture Credits   222
