Screen1900 Member: Caroline Braun
From 2002 to 2010, Caroline Braun (born Henkes) has studied Media Studies, English and French Literature at the University of Trier as well as Audio-visual Communication at the University Carlos III in Madrid. She received a master of arts (Magistra Artium) from the Univeristy of Trier with her thesis „Licht, Luft und Sonne“ – Neues Wohnen in Dokumentarfilmen der Weimarer Republik (‚Light, air and sun‘ – New Living in documentary films from the 1920s) examined documentary films about proletarian living conditions during the Weimar Republic, produced by the two main left parties in Germany, the communist party (KPD) and the social-democratic party (SPD).
From 2011 to 2014, Caroline has been a researcher in the Screen1900 research project „The Social Question in Lantern Shows and Early Cinema around 1900“ at the University of Trier. The main concern of her dissertation (published 2018) examines the articulation of poverty within early short film programmes and long feature films and their significance for the establishment of cinema before 1914. From 2010 to 2013 she was editor of the KINtop newsletter. With Karen Eifler, she curated the ROM section of the dvd Screening the Poor 1884-1914. In 2012, she undertook an extensive archival research of the British trade press for the Importing Asta Nielsen Database.
Screen1900 Member Caroline Braun: Publications
Caroline Braun: Von Bettlern, Waisenkindern und Dienstmädchen. Armutsdarstellungen im frühen Film und ihr Anteil an der Etablierung des Kinos in Deutschland. Filmgeschichte International. Schriftenreihe der Cinémathèque Municipale de Luxembourg, Band 25. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier: Trier 2018. 266 pp., illustrated.
Caroline Henkes: Frauen in der Großstadt. Thematisierung der Sozialen Frage im Langspielfilm um 1910. In: Thomas Nachreiner, Peter Podrez (eds): FestStellungen. Dokumentation des 25. Film- und Fernsehwissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums. Schüren: Marburg 2014, pp. 255-264.
Caroline Henkes: Early Christmas Films in the Tradition of the Magic Lantern. In: Richard Crangle; Ludwig Vogl-Bienek (eds): Screen culture and the social question, 1880-1914. KINtop Studies in Early Cinema, vol. 3. John Libbey Publishing: New Barnet (GB) 2014, pp. 97-112.
Caroline Henkes: Asta Nielsen and her destitute female characters. In: Martin Loiperdinger, Uli Jung (eds): Importing Asta Nielsen. The International Film Star in the Making 1910-1914. KINtop Studies in Early Cinema, vol. 2. John Libbey Publilshing: New Barnet (GB) 2013, pp. 329-342.
Polish version:
Caroline Henkes: Ubogie bohaterki Asty Nielsen. In: Andrzej Dębski, Martin Loiperdinger (eds): KINtop. Antologia wczesnego kina, vol. 1. Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT: Wrocław 2016, pp. 311-332.
Caroline Henkes. „Licht, Luft und Sonne“. Neues Wohnen in Dokumentarfilmen der Weimarer Republik. Magister thesis, University of Trier, 2010.
Caroline Henkes: Die fiktionale Inszenierung von Armut und ihr Anteil an der Etablierung des Kinos in Deutschland. Early Cinema Colloquium. University of Trier, October 2014.
Caroline Henkes: Von Dienstmädchen, ledigen Müttern und Varieté-Tänzerinnen: Asta Nielsen und ihre prekären Frauenfiguren. Asta Nielsen-Woche. Hiddensee, September 2014.
Caroline Henkes: “The audience should be compassionate“– Poverty as a trigger of versatile emotions. Early Cinema Colloquium. University of Utrecht, November 2012.
Caroline Henkes: Frauen in der Großstadt – Armut und Ausgrenzung im sozialen Drama. 25th Film- und Fernsehwissenschaftliches Kolloquium. Erlangen, March 2012.
Caroline Henkes: The Representation of poverty in early cinema. Early Cinema Colloquium. University of Zurich, April 2011.