
Historische Spezialisierungsbereiche

  • Deutsche Klassische Philosophie (insbesondere Kant und Hegel)
  • Deutsche Philosophie des 18. Jahrhundert (Wolff, seine Schule und ihre Gegner)

Historische Kompetenzfelder

  • Frühneuzeitliche Philosophie

Systematische Spezialisierungsbereiche

  • Theorien des Bewusstsein
  • Erkenntnistheorie

Systematische Kompetenzfelder

  • Metaphysik
  • Ethik
  • Phänomenologie

Laufende Projekte

How to think and what to do:

Kant’s understanding of moral and logical cognition in light of his break with his predecessors.

Usually, historians of philosophy credit Kant for having shown that the difference between sensible and intellectual cognition is one in kind, and not simply in degree. Whereas Kant's predecessors took this difference to lie in the distinctness or confused nature of the cognition in question, Kant took it to lie in their intuitive and discursive nature, a difference which cannot be bridged through an activity of analysis. Although this picture is correct, it generally leads interpreters to ignore how Kant's predecessors nonetheless had a quite articulate notion of intuitive cognition as a specific kind of cognition: intuitive cognition was in fact a knowledge “through ideas”, and was taken to be characterised as an immediate form of cognition, precisely like in Kant. In this respect, Kant's notion of “intuition” and its identification with sensibility looks much more as a limitation of the previous notion of intuitive knowledge rather than the introduction of a radically new element.  This, however, does not mean that, with his new notion of intuition, Kant is getting rid of the idea of an immediate, purely-rational access to universal truths. On the contrary, Kant admits in fact the presence of some principles which are unrelated to sensibility and, at the same time, universal and immediately certain: these are precisely the laws of logic and the moral law. In my project, I consider Kant’s understanding of moral and logical cognition against the background of his break with the Wolffian epistemology.

Conceptualism or non-conceptualism?

Kant’s understanding of the relation between intuitions and concepts in light of its historical roots.

In the last few years, the question of whether Kant's philosophy should be taken as a form of conceptualism or not has been at the centre of Kantian scholarship. When one looks at the vast amount of literature on the issue, it is easy to see that the historical context of Kant's philosophy is systematically left unconsidered. In contrast to this tendency, I answer the question of whether Kant should be understood as a conceptualist or not in light of the origin of Kant’s key concepts in the philosophical context of his times.



  • seit  2021: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Fach Philosophie der Universität Trier (am Lehrstuhl Philosophie der Neuzeit, Prof. Dr. Kristina Engelhard)
  • 7/2021 – 9/2021: Gastwissenschaftler an der Universität Würzburg (beim DFG Emmy Noether Research Project “Practical Reasons Before Kant (1720-1780)”, P.I. Dr. Sonja Schierbaum)
  • 10/2020 – 7/2021: Post Doctoral Fellow an der Institute for Advanced Study - Central European University
  • 4/2020 – 7/2020: DAAD Post Doctoral Fellow an der Goethe Universität Frankfurt bei Prof. Dr. Marcus Willaschek
  • 11/2014 – 9/2019: Promotionsstudium in Philosophie an der Università di Pisa; Betreuer: Prof. Alfredo Ferrarin. Gefördert durch Università di Pisa
  • 8/2016 – 12/2016: Forschungsaufenthalt. Johns Hopkins University bei Prof. Dr. Eckart Förster
  • 9/2011 – 10/2014: Magister Artium (M.A.) in Philosophie, Università di Pisa
  • 9/2013 – 4/2014: Forschungsaufenthalt. University of Warwick  bei Prof. Dr. Stephen Houlgate.
  • 2009 – 2011: Studium der Philosophie, Università di Pisa

Publikationen und Vorträge


  • "The necessity of the systematicity of nature: from the transcendental deduction of the ideas to the transcendental deduction of the principle of purposiveness of nature.", in Aisthesis (Im Erscheinen)
  • Fichte or Baumgarten? On Kant's use of 'positing' in the Opus Postumum's Selbstsetzungslehre, in The Unfinished Synthesis: Kant's Opus Postumum, ed. By A. Lissy, G. Basile, Routledge (Im Erscheinen).
  • Un wolffiano dopo Kant? Sulla nozione Hegeliana di pensiero e il rapporto tra logica e metafisica che ne consegue [A Wolffian after Kant? On the consequences of Hegel's conception of thought for the relation between logic and metaphysics], in Giornale di Metafisica, 2021 (1), 1-15.
  • Kant and Baumgarten on Positing. Kant's notion of positing as a response to that of Baumgarten, in Revista de Estudios Kantianos, 2020, 5:2, 269-288.
  • Hegel's Cocktail: from Metaphysics to Logic and Back Again, in Australasian Philosophical Review, 2018, 2:4, 427-432.
  • La natura della ragione: su origine e ruolo delle idee [The nature of reason: Kant on the origin and the role of ideas], in Con-textos Kantianos, 2018, 303-318.
  • Verso una critica della capacità di giudizio: del Gusto come questione critica [Towards a Critique of Judgement: on taste as a critical problem], in L'estetica tedesca da Kant a Hegel, ed. by L. Filieri, M. Vero, Pisa, ETS, 2018.
  • Is Being Thought? On what spirit's systematic role can teach us aboutHegel's identity of thought and being, in Hegel Jahrbuch, 2018, 112-116.
  • Hegel su Realität e Wirklichkeit: i risvolti pratici di una distinzione metafisica [Hegel on Realität and Wirklichkeit: the practical consequences of a metaphysical distinction], in I filosofi e lapolitica: teoria e pratica a confronto, a cura di C. Basile, Pisa, ETS, 2017.


  • B. Longuenesse, I, me, mine: back to Kant and back again, Oxford University Press 2016, in Studi Kantiani, 2020, XXXIII.
  • G. F. Meier, Excerpt from the Doctrine of Reason, Translated by Aaron Bunch in collaboration with Axel Gelfert and Riccardo Pozzo, Bloomsbury, 2016, in Studi Kantiani, 2020, XXXIII.
  • D. Schulting, Kantian non-conceptualism, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. In Studi Kantiani XXXII, pp. 217-220.
  • Goldman, Kant and the Subject of Critique, in Studi Kantiani, XXVIII, pp. 231-232.
  • D. Schulting, N. Hems, G. Banham, The Bloomsbury Companion to Kant, Bloomsbury 2015, in Studi Kantiani. XXVIII, pp. 233-235.

Ausgewählte Vorträge

  • 28/9/2021, Milan,  XVe Congrès international de la Société d’Études Kantiennes de Langue Française (SEKLF), Cognition and Experience: Kant’s Vocabulary and the question of non-conceptual content
  • 27/5/2021, Leuven: Leuven Kant Conference, Wolff's Theory of Consciousness and its Impact on Kant's Transcendental Deduction, Leuven (BE) (Online)
  • 7/4/2021, Lisbon: Guest seminar at Ep-Lab Research Group, On Carla Bagnoli's reading of Kantian constructivism, Lisbon (PT) (Online)
  • 23/11/2020, Curituba-Ferrara: Italo-Brasilian Workshop on Transcendental Philosophy, Is Hegel's Science of Logic a Transcendental Logic?, PUCPR Curitiba (BR), Ferrara (IT) (Online)
  • 28/5/2020, Leuven: Leuven Kant Conference, The Correspondence between the Categories and the Forms of Judgement Explained in Light of its Historical Roots, Leuven (BE) (Online)
  • 26/11/2019 Luxembourg: Workshop “Concept and intuition in Kant and Hegel”, Conceptualism or non conceptualism?Kant's Understanding of the Relation of Intuition and Concept in Light of its Historical Roots,University of Luxembourg (LUX)
  • 16/2/2019, München: Workshop “Kant's Opus Postumum”, Fichte or Baumgarten. A systematic account of Kant’s Selbstestzungslehre in light of its historical roots, München (DE).
  • 6/10/2018, Catania: Multilateral Kant Colloquium, The under-appreciated notion of Inner Sense: Kant on “I think” and self-knowledge, Catania (IT).
  • 6/9/2018, Basel: Internationaler Kongress der Philosophischen Gesellschaft Schweiz: "Was ist Geist?, Spirit and Hegel's doctrine of the identity of thought and being, Basel (CH).
  • 16/6/2018, Oxford: Workshop: “Absolute Knowing and Presuppositionless Science: Hegel’s Phenomenology and Logic”, The View from the Ladder: The Intentionality of Absolute Knowing and the 'thought' of Hegel's Logic, Oxford (UK).
  • 6/6/2018, Tampere: 32. Internationaler Hegel-Kongress der Internationalen Hegel-Gesellschaft, Voraussetzungslosigkeit and the necessity for an Encyclopaedic structure for Philosophy, Tampere (FI).
  • 19/9/2017, Malaga: 6th International congress of the Spanish society of Hegel Studies “Verdad y Libertad en Hegel Y Schelling”, On freedom as the key for understanding Hegel as a Post-Kantian Metaphysician, Malaga (ES)
  • 1/6/2017, Leuven: Leuven Kant Conference, Fichte or Baumgarten? A systematic account of Kant's Selbstsetzungslehre, Leuven (BE)
  • 19/5/2016, Bochum: 31. Internationaler Hegel-Kongress der Internationalen Hegel- Gesellschaft, Is das Logische Human? An Inquiry on what Anthropology‘s Systematic Role Can Teach Us about the Idea, Bochum (DE)