Asta Nielsen - the International Film Star and the Emergence of the Star System 1911 to 1914
The Fundamentals of Digitalisation of Works in the Historical Art of Projection as Applied to Media History
The Social Question in Lantern Shows and Early Cinema around 1900
The Use of Visual Media in Poor Relief in Great Britain and Germany around 1900
Travelling Cinema
Non-Fiction Film in Germany 1895-1918
Postal address:
Trier UniversityDepartment of Media StudiesD-54286 Trier
Visitors' address:
Campus IUniversitätsring 15D-54296 Trier<link file:170849 _top>
Map of Campus I, A/B-building, rooms B 585 - B 590
Professur Jürgens
Professur Müller
Professur Nuernbergk
Medianetz Trier e.V.