Shelving system classification
A | Basic literature | L | English Authors since ca. 1900 |
B | English linguistic studies, American english | M | English literature since ca. 2000 |
C | English literary studies | N | English Authors since ca. 2000 |
D | Old and middle english literature, Renaissance (ca. 600-1660) | P | Canadian anglophone literature |
E | Individual literary monuments and poets (ca. 600-1660) | Q | Australian and New Zealand literature |
F | Restoration, english literature of the 18. century (1660-1800) | R | Other postcolonial anglophone literatures |
G | English authors (1660-1800) | S | American literature |
H | English literature of the 19. century | T | American authors |
J | Englishe authors (19. century) | U | American authors since ca. 2000 |
K | English literature since ca. 1900 | Z | Journals |
A Basic literature
- AA English philology, library catalogues
- AB English language, American English, didactics, exhibition catalogues
- AC English literature
- AD American and other anglophone literature
- AE Individual types, literary movements
- AF Other (motifs, translations, journals, editors, etc.)
- AH Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, frequency of occurrence, regressiveness, statistics, abbreviations
- AI Periods, etymology, glossaries
- AJ Functional groups, synonyms, idiomatics, pronunciation, orthography, loanwords
- AK Bilingual dictionaries
- AL Name dictionaries, geographical name dictonaries
- AM Accents, special languages, slang, americanisms, pidgin
- AN Literary encyclopaedias, terminological dictionaries
- AO Quotations, proverbs, rhyme, beginning of verses
- AP Literary ncyclopaedias of englishspeaking countries
- AQ History of science, state of research, research and progress reports, research organisation, profession, academic studies, study guides, university didactics, specialised didactics, connections to other subjects, literary awards
- AR Festschrift, article collections
- AS Conference papers
- AT English education, curriculum theory
- AV Anglistik
- AW Amerikanistik, Kanadistik
- AYA Great Britain
- AYC Scotland, Cornwall, Ireland, Wales
(literature and dictionaries of celtic languages at 20/HD/mb...) - AYG USA
- AYK Canada
- AYM Australia und New Zealand
- AYQ Anglophone countries of Africa, Asia and the Carribean
- AYT Transnational illustrations
- AYZ Cultural didactics
AA-AF Bibliographies
AH-AQ Encyclopaedias, dictionaries
AV-AW Einführungen, Handbücher, Grundlegende Literatur
AY Cultural history and regional studies
B English linguistic studies, American english
- BA Grammars
- BB Historical linguistics
- BC Old English
- BD Middle english, early modern English
- BE Modern linguistics, linguistic computing
- BF Grammar theory, pragmatics
- BK Phonetics, phonology
- BL Lexicology, vocabulary, etymology, semantics, synonyms, onomatology
- BM Stylistics, idiomatics, text linguistics, rhetorics
- BN Dialectology, language geography, variety linguistics, slang, pidgin languages (cf. also 20/AN/mb .... and 20/HF/mb ....)
- BO American English, Canadian English, Black English, Caribbean English (cf. also 20/HF/mb ....)
- BP Sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, political language
- BQ Psycholinguistics, language acquisition, sign language
- BR Applied linguistics, media studies
- BS Didactic method
- BT Schoolbooks and workbooks
- BU Indian, Inuit and Aborigine languages
C English literary studies
- CA English literary studies, general literary psychology and sociology, literary theory, literary criticism
- CB Didactics of literary education, theory text imparting
- CD Poetics, aesthetics, stylistics, rhetorics, metre
- CE Topics and motifs
- CF Literary history, overall view
- CJ Poetry
- CK Drama
- CL Epic poetry
- CM Prose, novels, novella, narrations
- CN Other types
- CO Film philology
- CP Collections of interpretations
- CQ General text collections, literary theories
- CR Poetry
- CS Drama
- CT Prose, novel
- CU Other literature (speech, parody, limerick, essay, ballad etc.)
- CY Scottish, welsh, irish literatures
- CZ Text collections (Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall) in english language
(celtic language at 20/HD/mb ...)
CJ-CN Individual types
CQ-CT Text collections
D Old and middle english literature, Renaissance (ca. 600-1660)
- DA Literary studies, general literary psychology and sociology, literary theory, literary criticism
- DB Poetics, aesthetics, stylistics, rhetorics, metre
- DC Topics and motifs
- DD Literary history
- DE Latin literature of the Middle Ages
- DF Old English literature
- DG Middle English literature
- DH Renaissance, Elizabethan and Jacobean era
- DK Collections of interpretations
- DL Poetry
- DM Drama
- DN Epic poetry, romance
- DO Other types (prose, novel, oral poetry, ars moriendi, fabliau etc.)
- DP General text collections. Authors and anonyma, as long as not listed under individual authors
- DQ Poetry
- DR Drama
- DS Epic poetry
- DT Prose, novel
- DW Camden Society. Old series
- DX Percy Society. Scottish Text Society
- DY Tudor translations
- DZ Other (letter, sermon, etc.)
DF-DH Individual periods
DL-DO Individual types
DP-DY Text collections
E Individual literary monuments and poets (ca. 600-1660)
- in alphabetical order of authors' names or titles with corresponding secondary literature
F Restoration, english literature of the 18. century (1660-1800)
- FA Literary studies, general literary psychology and sociology, literary theory, literary criticism
- FB Poetics, aesthetics, stylistics, rhetorics, metre
- FC Topics and motifs
- FD Literary history
- FE Restoration
- FF Enlightenment, Classicism, neoklassicism, Augustean period
- FG Pre-Romanticism
- FL Poetry
- FM Drama
- FN Epic poetry
- FO Prose, novels, novella, narrations
- FP Other
- FR Collections of interpretations
- FS General text collections
- FT Poetry
- FU Drama
- FV Epic poetry, prose, novel
- FW Other (essay, sermon, letter, biography, satire)
FE-FG Individual periods
FL-FP Individual types
FS-FV Text collections
G English authors (1660-1800)
H English literature of the 19. century
- HA Literary studies, general literary psychology and sociology, literary theory, literary criticism
- HB Poetics, aesthetics, stylistics, rhetorics, metre
- HC Topics and motifs
- HD Literary history
- HF Romanticism
- HG Realism and evolutionism
- HH Pre-Raphaelite period, Aestheticism, Bloomsbury Group
- HJ Poetry
- HK Drama
- HL Epic poetry
- HM Prose, novels, novella, narrations
- HN Other
- HP Collections of interpretations
- HQ General text collections
- HR Poetry
- HS Drama
- HT Epic poetry, prose, novel
- HU Letters, memoirs
- HV Other (essays, sermons, etc.)
HF-HH Individual periods and genres
HJ-HN Individual types
HQ-HT Text collections
J English authors (19. century)
K English literature since ca. 1900
- KA Literary studies, general literary psychology and sociology, literary theory, literary criticism
- KB Poetics, aesthetics, stylistics, rhetorics, metre
- KC Topics and motifs
- KD Literary history
- KE Individual styles and genres
- KJ Poetry
- KK Drama
- KL Epic poetry
- KM Prose, novels, novella, narrations
- KN Other (press, autobiography, film, television drama etc.)
- KP Collections of interpretations
- KQ General text collections
- KR Poetry
- KS Drama
- KT Epic poetry, prose, novel
- KU Other
KJ-KN Individual types
KQ-KT Text collections
L English authors since ca. 1900
M English literature since ca. 2000
- MA Literary studies, general literary psychology and sociology, literary theory, literary criticism
- MB Poetics, aesthetics, stylistics, rhetorics, metre
- MC Topics and motifs
- MD Literary history
- ME Individual styles and genres
- MJ Poetry
- MK Drama
- ML Epic poetry
- MM Prose, novels, novella, narrations
- MN Other (press, autobiography, film, television drama etc.)
- MP Collections of interpretations
- MQ General text collections
- MR Poetry
- MS Drama
- MT Epic poetry, prose, novel
- MU Other
MJ-MN Individual types
MQ-MT Text collections
N English authors since ca. 2000
P Canadian anglophone literature
- PA Literary studies in general
- PC Literary history
- PD Individual literary genres
- PM Text collections
- PN Individual authors
Q Australian and New Zealand literature
- QA Literary studies in general
- QC Literary history
- QD Individual literary genres
- QM Text collections
- QN Individual authors
R Other postcolonial anglophone literatures
- RA Literary studies in general
- RC Literary history
- RD Individual literary genres
- RM Text collections
- RN Individual authors
S American literature
- SA Literary studies, general literary psychology and sociology, literary theory, literary criticism
- SB Poetics, aesthetics, stylistics, rhetorics, metre
- SC Topics and motifs
- SD Literary history
- SE Literary history (until 19. century)
- SF Literary history (since ca. 1900)
- SG Individual styles and genres
- SH Literary history (since ca. 2000)
- SJ Black literature
- SK Poetry
- SL Drama, film drama, tragedy
- SM Epic poetry
- SN Prose, novels, novella, narrations
- SO Other (magazines, folklore etc.)
- SP Film studies
- SQ Collections of interpretations
- SR General text collections
- SS Black literature
- ST Poetry
- SU Drama, film
- SV Epic poetry, prose, novel, novella, narrations
- SW Other (essays, riddles, jokes, journals etc.)
SK-SO Individual types
SR-SV Text collections