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Inhaltsverzeichnisse der Zeitschriften können in den Datenbanken ZMath und MathSciNet eingesehen werden.
Zeitschriftenlisten finden sich bei der American Mathematical Society (AMS) und in der EZB
55 = AB/c58 Datenbank | Zentralblatt für Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete. | 1.1931 - 1.1931 - 2012 |
55 = AB/c210 Datenbank | Mathematical reviews. Spiegelserver beim MPI Bonn oder der Uni Bielefeld | 1.1940 - 58.1979; 1.1940 - |
Einzel-Signatur | Lecture Notes in Mathematics (LNM). | 1.1964 - |
Einzel-Signatur | Lecture Notes in Control and information sciences (LNCIS). Berlin ; Heidelberg (u.a.) : Springer ISSN 0170-8643 | 1.1978; 2.1977 - |
55 = WB/c8447 | Annals of operations research. Basel : Baltzer Erscheinungsort wechselt ISSN 0254-5330 | 1. 1984 - |
55 = z 10025 | Acta mathematica. Zeitschr. ACMAA. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell. ISSN: 0001-5962 / 1871-2509 | 1.1882/83 - |
55 = z 10029 | Acta mathematica Hungarica. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado. ISSN: 0001-5954 / 0236-5294 / 1588-2632 | 41.1983 - 81.1998 |
55 = z 10033 | Acta scientiarum mathematicarum. ASMCBP. Szeged. ISSN: 0001-6969 | 42.1980 -78.2012/13 |
55 = z 10041 | Advances in Applied probability. AAPBBD. Sheffield (u.a.): Trust. ISSN: 0001-8678 | 1.1969 - |
55 = z 10049 | Advances in mathematics. ADMTA. New York, NY (u.a.): Academ. Pr. ISSN: 0001-8708 | 35.1980 - 172.2002 |
55 = z 10053 | Aequationes mathematicae. AGMAB*AEMABN. Basel ; Berlin (u.a.): Birkhäuser. ISSN: 0001-9054 / 1420-8903 | 1.1968 - 62.2001 |
55 = z 10057 | American journal of mathematics. AJMAA. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins Pr. ISSN: 0002-9327/ 1080-6377 | 93.1970 - |
55 = z 10072 | The American mathematical monthly. The official journal of the Mathematical Association of America. AMMYA. Menasha, Wisc. (u.a.): Assoc. ISSN: 0002-9890 | 77.1970 - |
55 = z 10076 | Analysis. Internat. mathematical journal of analysis and its applications. München: Oldenbourg. ISSN: 0174-4747 | 1.1981 - |
55 = z 10079 | Analysis mathematica. ANMAD. Budapest: Akad. Kiado. ISSN: 0133-3852 / 1588-273X | 1.1975 - 28.2002 |
55 = z 10082 | Annales de l'Institut Fourier. AIFUA. Grenoble: Univ. ISSN: 0373-0956 | 1.1949 -51.2001 |
55 = z 10085 | Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré/ Statistiques et Probabilités. Bethesda, Md.: Association des Publications de l'Institut Henry Poincaré. ISSN: 0246-0203 | 19.1983 - 28.1982; 46.2010 - |
55 = z 10087 | Annales polonici mathematici. Warszawa: Instytut. ISSN: 0066-2216 / 1730-6272 | 1.1954/55 - 106.2012 |
55 = z 10088 | Annali di matematica pura ed applicata. ANLMA. Bologna (u.a.): Zanichelli. ISSN: 0373-3114 / 1618-1891 | 4. Ser. 143.1986 - 185.2006 |
55 = z 10089 | The Annals of applied probability. An official journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Hayward, Calif.: Inst. ISSN: 1050-5164 | 1.1991 - |
55 = z 10089D | The Annals of applied statistics. ISSN: 1932-6157 | 1.2007 - |
55 = z 10090 | The annals of mathematical statistics: the off. journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics ISSN 0003-4851 Forts. ---> The annals of probability | 1.1930 - 43.1972 |
55 = z 10092 | Annals of mathematics. ANMAA. Princeton, NJ (u.a.): Univ. Pr. ISSN: 0003-486x | 2.Ser. 61.1960- |
55 = z 10094 | The Annals of probability. Vorg. ---> The annals of mathematical statistics | 1.1973 - |
55 = z 10097 | The Annals of statistics. Vorg. ---> The annals of mathematical statistics | 1.1973 - |
55 = z 10100 | Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics <tokio>. AISM. Tokyo. ISSN: 0020-3157</tokio> / 1572-9052 | 29.1977 - 64.2012 |
55 = z 10111 | The ANZIAM journal : the Australian & New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics journa l . - Adelaide : Soc. , 2000 . Vorg. --->: Australian Mathematical Society: The journal of the Australian Mathematical Society / B ISSN: 0334-2700 / 1442-4436 / 1446-8735 | 42.2000 - 44.2002,2 |
55 = z 10121 | Applied mathematics and computation. AMHCB. New York, NY: Elsevier. ISSN: 0096-3003 | 6.1980 - 178.2006 |
55 = z 10124 | Applied mathematics and optimization. An internat. journal. AMOMB. New York, NY ; Heidelberg ; Berlin: Springer. ISSN: 0095-4616 / 1432-0606 | 1.1974/75 - 66.2012 |
55 = z 10466 | Applied probability : complete author and subject index ... / publ. by the Applied Probability Trust . Sheffield : Trust , 1974. | 2.1969/73; 4.1977/79 - 8.1989/91(1992) |
55 = z 10132 | Applied statistics. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C. APSTA. London (u.a.): Soc. (u.a.). ISSN: 0035-9254 / 0570-4936 | 1.1952 - 12.1963; 13.1964 - |
55 = z 10135 | Archiv der Mathematik. Archives of mathematics. Basel ; Stuttgart: Birkhäuser. ISSN: 0003-889x /1420-8938 | 21.1970/71 - 99.2012 |
55 = z 10138 | Archive for rational mechanics and analysis. AVRMA. Berlin ; Heidelberg (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0003-9527 | 36.1970 - 165.2002 |
55 = z 10141 | Arkiv foer matematik. AKMTA. Djursholm: Inst. ISSN: 0004-2080 | 8.1971 - |
55 = z 10149 | Australian and New Zealand journal of statistics. AUJSA. Sydney. ISSN: 0004-9581 / 1467-842X | 1.1959 - 54.2012 |
55 = z 10151 | Automatica. The international journal on automatic control and automation. ATCAA. Oxford (u.a.): Pergamon Pr. ISSN: 0005-1098 | 13.1977 - 42.2006 |
55 = z 10159 | Bernoulli. Official Journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability. | 16.2010 - |
11 = z 1593 55 = z 10161 | Biometrics. Journal of the International Biometric Society. Malden, Mass. [u.a.]: Blackwell. ISSN: 0099-4987 / 0006-341X | 1.1945 - 54.1998; 66. 2010 - |
55 = z 10181 | Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. A historical and critical review of mathematical science. BAMOA. Menasha, Wis. (u.a.): Soc. ISSN: 0002-9904 / 0273-0979 | 40.1934 - 84.1978; N.S. 1.1979 - |
55 = z 10183 | Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society. ALNBAB. St. Lucia: Univ. Pr. ISSN: 0004-9727 | 33.1986 - 80.2009 |
55 = z 10185 | Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. LMSBBT. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. ISSN: 0024-6093 | 1.1969 - |
55 = z 10188 | Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences <warszawa>. Serie des sciences mathematiques. Varsovie: PWN. ISSN: 0137-639x</warszawa> | 31.1983 - |
55 = z 10196 | Canadian journal of mathematics. Journal canadien de mathematiques. CJMAA. Toronto, Ont.: Univ. Pr. ISSN: 0008-414x | 1.1949 - |
55 = z 10200 | Canadian journal of statistics. Revue canadienne de statistique. Ottawa: Soc. ISSN: 0319-5724 | 1.1973 - |
55 = z 10202 | Canadian mathematical bulletin. Bulletin canadien de mathematiques. CMBUA3. Ottawa: Soc. ISSN: 0008-4395 | 29.1986 - |
55 = z 10208 | Colloquium mathematicum. Warszawa (u.a.). ISSN: 0010-1354 | 21.1970 - 106.2006 |
55 = z 10210 | Combinatorica. An internat. journal of the Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society. COMBD. Budapest: Akad. Kiado (u.a.). ISSN: 0209-9683 /1439-6912 | 3.1983 - |
55 = z 10212 | Commentarii mathematici helvetici. Basel: Birkhäuser. ISSN: 0010-2571 | 45.1970 - 77.2002 |
55 = z 10218 | Communications in statistics / Theory and methods. New York, NY: Dekker. ISSN: 0361-0926/ 1532-4133 | 12.1983 - 30.2001 |
55 = z 10220 | Communications in statistics / Simulation an d computation. New York, NY: Dekker. ISSN: 0361-0918/ 1532-4141 | 12.1983 - 30.2001 |
55 = z 10222 | Communications in statistics / Stochastic models. New York, NY: Dekker. Forts. --->: Stochastic models ISSN: 0882-0287 / 1532-4214 | 1.1985 - 16.2000 |
55 = z 10232 | Complex variables. Theory and applications ; an internat. journal. Complex variables theory and applications. New York, NY (u.a.): Gordon & Breach. ISSN: 0278-1077 / 1563-5066 | 1.1982/83 - 36.1998; 38.1999 - 50.2005; |
55 = z 10232 | Complex variables and elliptic equations. Vorg. --->Complex variables. ISSN: 1747-6933 | 51.2006 - 57.2012 |
55 = z 10236 | Compositio mathematica. CMPMA. Dordrecht (u.a.): Kluwer. ISSN: 0010-437x / 1570-5846 | 26.1973 - 129.2001 |
55 = z 10240 | Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences / Serie 1, Mathematique Mathematics. CRSMD*CHDBAN*CHASAP. Paris: Elsevier. ISSN: 0151-0509 / 0249-6291 | 292.1981 - 327.1998 |
55 = z 10246 | Computational mathematics and mathematical physics. CMMPA. Oxford (u.a.): Pergamon Pr. ISSN: 0965-5425 / 0041-5553 | 31.1991 (1992) - 49.2009 |
55 = z 10247 | Computational optimization and applications. An international journal. Boston (u.a.): Kluwer Aca d. Publ. ISSN: 0926-6003 / 1573-2894 | 1.1992/93 - |
72 = z 10309 | Computing <wien> : Archives for informatics and numerical computation Wien [u.a.] : Springer. ISSN 0010-485x </wien> / 1436-5057 | 12.1983 - 94.2012 |
55 = z 10314 | Constructive approximation. An internat. journal for approximations and expansions. New York, NY ; Berlin ; Heidelberg (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0176-4276 / 1432-0940 | 1.1985 - |
55 = z 10334M | Discrete and computational geometry. DCGEE. New York, NY ; Berlin ; Heidelberg (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0179-5376 | 1.1986 - 26.2001 |
55 = z 10335 | Discrete applied mathematics and combinatorial operations research. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISSN: 0166-218x | 11.1985 - 20.1988 |
55 = z 10335 | Discrete applied mathematics. DAM ; combinatorial operations research and computer science. DAMAD. Amsterdam: North Hollan d Publ. Co. ISSN: 0166-218x | 1.1979 - 10.1885; 21.1988 - 153.2005 |
55 = z 10336 | Discrete mathematics. DSMHA. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co. ISSN: 0012-365x | 1.1991 - 305.2005 |
55 = z 10336G e-Journal | Discrete optimization | 7.2010 - 8.2011 1.2004 - |
55 = z 10338 | Duke mathematical journal. DUMJA. Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Pr. ISSN: 0012-7094 | 1.1935 - 150.2009 |
55 = z 10364 | Ergodic theory and dynamical systems. Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge Univ. Pr. ISSN: 0143-3857 | 6.1986 - |
50 = z 4360 | European journal of Operational Research Amsterdam : North-Holland Publ. Co ISSN 0377-2217 | 1.1977 -151.2003 |
55 = z 10365D | Finance and Stochastics. Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer. ISSN: 0949-2984 / 1432-1122 | 1.1997 - |
55 = z 10370 | Functional analysis and applications. FAAPB. New York, NY: Consultants Bureau. ISSN: 0016-2663 | 1.1967 - 43.2009 |
55 = z 10371 | Fundamenta mathematicae. Warszawa: Seminarium Matematyczne (u.a.). ISSN: 0016-2736 | 1.1920 -192.2006 |
55 = z 10373I | Geometric and functional analysis. GAFA. Basel ; Berlin (u.a.): Birkhäuser. ISSN: 1016-443X /1420-8970 | 1.1991 - 16.2006 |
55 = z 10373 | Glasgow mathematical journal. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr. ISSN: 0017-0895 | 28.1986 - |
55 = z 10406 | Illinois journal of mathematics. A quarterly journal. IJMTA. Champaign, Ill.: Univ. of Illinois Pr. ISSN: 0019-2082 / 0010-2082 | 1.1957 - |
55 = z 10407 | Institute of Mathematics and its applications: The IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. IMAJNA. IJNAD. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr. ISSN: 0272-4979 | 1.1981 - |
55 = z 10409A | Indagationes mathematicae. Ex actis quibus titulus Proceedings of the Section of Science. Amstelodami: North Holland Publ. Co. ISSN: 0019-3577 | 32=73.1970 - 51=92.1989 N.S. 1.1990 - 23.2012 |
55 = z 10415 | INFOR. information systems and operational research. Infor journal. INFRC. Ottawa: INFOR Journal. ISSN: 0315-5986 | 9.1971 - 44.2006 |
55 = z 10432D | INFORMS journal on computing. JOC. Linthicum, Md.: INFORMS. ISSN: 0899-1499. Vorg. ---> ORSA journal on computing | 8.1996 - 18.2006 |
E-Journal | The Institute of Mathematical Statistics : Bulletin., IMS. Hayward, Calif. | 2002 - |
55 = z 10442 | Israel journal of mathematics. ISJMA. Jerusalem: The Magnes Pr. ISSN: 0021-2172 | 1.1963 - |
55 = z 10444A | Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk <moskva>: Izvestiya /Mathematics. London: Soc. ISSN: 1064-5632 Vorg. --->: Mathematics of the USSR / Izvestiya </moskva> | 40.1993 -45.1995; 60.1996 - 73.2009 |
55 = z 10448 | Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung. DMV-Jahresbericht. JDMVA. Stuttgart: Teubner. ISSN: 0012-0456 | 96.1994 - |
55 = z 10455 | Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Crelle's Journal. JRMAA. Berlin: de Gruyter. ISSN: 0075-4102 | 150.1920 - |
55 = z10456 | Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik JMD. Journal for didactics of mathematics / Organ der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik . - Heidelberg : Springer , 1980 - ISSN: 0173-5322 | 31.2010 - |
55 = z 10465 | Journal of applied probability. JPRBAM. Sheffield (u.a.): Trust. ISSN: 0021-9002 | 1.1964 - |
55 = z 10468 | Journal of applied statistics. Sheffield (u.a.): Polytechnic. ISSN: 0266-4763 | 13.1986 - 28.2001 |
55 = z 10470 e-Journal | Journal of approximation theory. JAXTA. New York, NY (u.a.): Academ. Pr. ISSN: 0021-9045 | 1.1968 - 164.2012 1.1968 - |
55 = z 10471 | Journal of combinatorial theory. JCTHA. New York, NY; London: Academic Press. ISSN: 0021-9800 / 0097-3165 | 1.1966 - 9.1970 |
55 = z 10472 | Journal of combinatorial theory / Series A. JCTHA*JCBTA7. New York, NY (u.a.): Academic Press. ISSN: 0097-3165 | 10.1971 - 96.2001 |
55 = z 10473 | Journal of combinatorial theory / Series B. JCTHA*JCBTB8. New York, NY (u.a.): Academic Press. ISSN: 0095-8956 | 10.1971 - 83.2001 |
55 = z 10475 | Journal of computational and applied mathematics. JCAMD. Amsterdam (u.a.): North-Holland. ISSN: 0771-050X / 0377-0427 | 1.1975 - 236.2012 |
55 = z 10484H | Journal of convex analysis. An international scientific journal. Lemgo: Heldermann. ISSN: 0944-6532 | 1.1994 - |
55 = z 10485 | Journal of differential equations. JDEQA. New York, NY (u.a.): Academ. Pr. ISSN: 0022-0396 | 1.1965 - 186.2002 |
55 = z 10486 | Journal of differential geometry. Bethlehem, Pa. (u.a.): Univ. ISSN: 0022-040x | 23.1986 - 74.2006 |
55 = z 10490 | Journal of functional analysis. JFUAA. New York, NY (u.a): Academ. Pr. ISSN: 0022-1236 | 1.1967 - 236.2012 |
55 = z 10492 | Journal of global optimization. An internationaljournal dealing with theoretical and computational aspects of seeking global optima and and their applications in science, management, and engineering. Dordrecht: Kluwer. ISSN: 0925-5001 | 1.1991 - |
55 = z 10493 | Journal of graph theory. JGTHD. New York, NY (u.a.): Wiley. ISSN: 0364-9024 | 1.1977 - 38.2001 |
55=z 10500 | Journal of integral equations. JIEQD. New York, NY (u.a.): Elsevier North Holland. ISSN: 0163-5549 | 1.1979 - 10.1985 |
55 = z 10500A | Journal of integral equations and applications. Lubbock, Tex.: Consortium. ISSN: 0897-3962 | 1.1988 - 18.2006 |
55 = z 10505 | Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. JMANA. New York, NY (u.a.): Academ. Pr. ISSN: 0022-247x | 1.1960 -324.2006 |
55 = z 10510 | Journal of optimization theory and applications. JOTA. JOTAB*JOTAP. New York, NY (u.a.): Plenum Publ. Corp. ISSN: 0022-3239 | 1.1967 - |
55 = z 10523 | Journal of statistical planning and inference. JSPI. JSPID. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co. ISSN: 0378-3758 | 1.1977 - 139.2009 |
55 = z 10526 | Journal of the American Mathematical Society. Providence, RI: Soc. ISSN: 0894-0347 | 6.1993 - |
55 = z 10528 | Journal of the American Statistical Association. JASA. JSTNA. Alexandria, Va.: Assoc. ISSN: 0162-1459 / 0003-1291 | 18.1922/23(1922) - |
55 = z 10532 | The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society / Series A, Pure mathematics and statistics. JAMAD. St. Lucia, Qld.: Soc. ISSN: 0263-6115 | 40.1986 - 69.2000; 70.2001 - 87.2009 |
55 = z 10533 | The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society / Series B, Applied mathematics. JAMMD. St. Lucia, Qld.: Soc. Forts. ---> : ANZIAM: The ANZIAM journal ISSN: 0334-2700 | 27.1985/86 - 41.1999/2000 |
55 = z 10538 | The Journal of the London Mathematical Society. LJMSA*JLMSA. London: Hodgson. ISSN: 0024-6107 | 1.1926 - 44.1969; 2. Ser. 1.1969 - |
55 = z 10539 | Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan. JORS. JORJA. Tokyo: Soc. ISSN: 0453-4514 | 1.1957/58 - 45.2002 |
55 = z 10546 | Linear algebra and its applications LAAPAW. New York, NY: American Elsevier Publ. ISSN: 0024-3795 | 1.1968 - 357.2002 |
55 = z 10550 | Manuscripta mathematica. MSMHB2. Berlin ; Heidelberg (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0025-2611 | 1.1969 -121.2006 |
55 =z 10584 | Mathematik lehren. Erfolgreich unterrichten: Konzepte und Materialien. Velber : Friedrich, 1983,1(Nov.)/1984 - ISSN 0175-2235 | 104.2001 - |
55 = z 10558 | Mathematica Scandinavica. MTSCAN. Kobenhavn: Bagge. ISSN: 0025-5521 | 26.1970 - 111.2012 |
55 = z 10559H | Mathematical finance : an international journal of mathematics, statistics and financial theory . - Oxford [u.a.] : Blackwell , 1991 . ISSN: 0960-1627 | 1.1991 - 4.1994; 6.1996 - 9.1999; 11.2001 - |
55 = z 10560 | The Mathematical intelligencer. MAIND. Berlin ; Heidelberg (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0343-6993 | 12.1990 - |
55 = z 10562 | Mathematical methods in the applied sciences. MMSCD. Stuttgart: Teubner. ISSN: 0170-4214 | 1.1979 - 21.1998 |
50 = z 3453 | Mathematical methods of operations research : ZOR. Heidelberg : Physica-Verl. Vorg. --->Zeitschrift für Operations-Research ISSN 0340-9422 | 43.1996 - 58.2003 23.1979 - 42.1995 |
55 = z 10566 | Cambridge Philosophical Society: Mathematical Proceedings. MPCPC*EX010. Cambridge (u.a.): Cambridge Univ. Pr. ISSN: 0305-0041 | 77.1975 - 153.2012 |
55 = z 10570 | Mathematical programming. MHPGA. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. ISSN: 0025-5610 | 1.1971 - 39.1987 |
55 = z 10570 | Mathematical programming Series A : MPA. MHPGA4. Amsterdam: North-Holland. ISSN: 0025-5610 | 40.1988 - |
55 = z 10570 | Mathematical programming Series B : MPB. MHPGA4. Amsterdam: North-Holland. ISSN: 0025-5610 | 42.1988 - |
55 = z 10577 | Mathematics of computation. MCMPA. Providence, RI: Soc. ISSN: 0025-5718 | 14.1960 - |
55 = z 10579 | Mathematics of operations research. MORED. Linthicum, Md.: Inst. ISSN: 0364-765x | 1.1976 - |
55 = z 10584 | Mathematik lehren : die Zeitschr. für d. Unterricht in allen Schulstufen . - Velber : Friedrich Verl. , 1983. ISSN: 0175-2235 | 104.2001 - |
55 = z 10585 | Mathematika. A journal of pure and applied mathematics. MTKAA. London: Dep. ISSN: 0025-5793 | 1.1954 - 51.2004 |
55 = z 10585H | Der Mathematikunterricht : MU ; Beiträge zu seiner wissenschaftl. u. methodischen Gestaltung . - Seelze : Friedrich , 1955 . ISSN: 0025-5807 | 47.2001 - |
55 = z 10586 | Mathematische Annalen. MAANA. Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg: Springer. ISSN: 0025-5831 / 1482-1807 | 81.1920 - 321.2001 |
55 = z 10588 | Mathematische Nachrichten. MTMNA. Berlin: Akad.-Verl. ISSN: 0025-584x | 1.1948 - 246/247.2002 |
55 = z 10592 | Der mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht : MNU ; Organ des Deutschen Vereins zur Förderung des Mathematischen und Naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts e.V. . - Neuss : Seeberger , 1948 . - ISSN: 0025-5866 | 63.2010 - |
55 = z 10593 | Mathematische Zeitschrift. MAZEA. Berlin (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0025-5874 | 1.1918 - 241.2002 |
55 = z 10595 | Metrika. Internat. journal for theoretical and applied statistics. MTRKA. Wien ; Heidelberg: Physica-Verl. ISSN: 0026-1335 | 1.1958 - 75.2012 |
55 = z 10597 | The Michigan mathematical journal. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. Pr. ISSN: 0026-2285 / 0021-2164 | 1.1952 - |
55 = z 10612 | Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung. Düsseldorf: Mathemat. Inst. ISSN: 0942-5977 | 1994 - |
55 = z 10614 | Monatshefte für Mathematik. MNMTA*MNMTA2. Wien (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0026-9255 | 52.1948 - 137.2002 |
55 = z 10619H | Multiscale modeling and Simulation. MMS. A SIAM interdisciplinary journal. Philadelphia, Pa. : SIAM ISSN: 1540-3459 / | 1.2003 - |
55 = z 10622 | Naval research logistics. An internat. journal. New York, NY: Wiley. ISSN: 0894-069X | 34.1987 - 45.1998 |
55 = z 10634 55 = z 10635 55 = z 10636 | Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. NAWIA7. Amsterdam: Stichting Mathematisch Centrum. ISSN: 0028-9825 | 3. Ser. 28.1980 - 30.1982 4. Ser. 1.1983 - 17.1999 5. Ser. 1.2000 - 5.2004 |
55 = z 10642 | Numerical functional analysis and optimization. An internat. journal of rapid publ. NFADD*NFAOD. New York, NY: Dekker. ISSN: 0163-0563 | 1.1979 - 33.2012 |
55 = z 10646 | Numerische Mathematik. NUMMA. Berlin ; Heidelberg (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0029-599x | 1.1959 - |
55 = z 10663 e-Journal | Operations research letters. A journal of INFORMS (formerly ORSA and TIMS) to the rapid publication of concise contributions in operations research. Amsterdam (u.a.): North-Holland Publ. Co. ISSN: 0167-6377 | 1.1981/82 - 40.2012 1.1981 - |
55 = z 10664 | Operations-Research-Spektrum (OR-Spektrum). Organ d. Deutschen Gesellschaft für Operations Research. OR-Spektrum. ORSPD. Berlin ; Heidelberg (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0171-6468 / 1436-6304 | 1.1979 - 34.2012 |
55 = z 10665 | Optimization. A journal of mathematical programming and operations research. OPTZDQ. Langhorne, Pa. (u.a.): Gordon & Breach. ISSN: 0323-3898 / 0233-1934 | 16.1985 - 61.2012 |
55 = z 10665G | Optimization methods &software. OMSOE2. Reading, Berkshire: Gordon and Breach Science Publ. ISSN: 1055-6788 | 1.1992 - 10.1999 |
55 = z 10665P | ORSA journal on computing. Baltimore, Md. ISSN: 0899-1499 | 6.1994 - 7.1995 |
55 = z 10666 | Pacific journal of mathematics. PJMAA. Berkeley, Calif. (u.a.). ISSN: 0030-8730 | 32.1970 - 259.2012 |
55 = z 10676 | Periodica mathematica Hungarica. Journal of the Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society. PMHGA. Budapest: Acad. Kiado. ISSN: 0031-5303 | 1.1971 - 59.2009 |
55 = z 10678 | PM : Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule ; Sekundarstufen 1 und 2 . - Hallbergmoos : Aulis-Verl. , 2001 . - ISSN: 0032-7042 . - ISSN: 1617-6960 | 52.2010=Nr. 31 - |
55 = z 10682 | Probability theory and related fields. PTRFE. Berlin ; Heidelberg (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0178-8051 | 71.1986 - |
55 = z 10684 | Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. PAMYA. Providence, RI: Soc. ISSN: 0002-9939 | 1.1950 - |
55 = z 10692 | Proceedings of the Edingburgh Mathematical Society. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr. ISSN: 0013-0915 | 2. Ser. 17.1970/71 - |
55 = z 10700 | Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. PLMTA. Oxford (u.a.): Oxford Univ. Pr. ISSN: 0024-6115 | 2.Ser. 30.1929-54.1951/52 (Lücken); 3.Ser.1.1951-(N=2;3) - |
55 = z 10721E | The Quarterly journal of mathematics. QJMAA. Oxford: Clarendon Pr. ISSN: 0033-5606 | 2. Ser. 37.1986 - 60.2009 |
55 = z 10721P | Quarterly of applied mathematics. QAMAA. Providence, RI. ISSN: 0033-569x | 44.1986 - 53.1995 |
55 = z 10732 | Revue francaise d'automatique, d'informatique et de recherche operationnelle / Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis : MAN Modelisation mathematique et analyse numerique. M2AN. Paris: AFCET. ISSN: 0399-0516 / 0764-583X | 19.1985 - 29.1995 |
55 = z 10734 | RAIRO. Revue francaise d'automatique, informatique et de recherche operationnelle / Recherche operationnelle : RO Operations research. Paris: AFCET. ISSN: 0399-0559 | 11.1977 - 46.2012 |
55 = z 10758 | The Rocky Mountain journal of mathematics. RMJMA. Missoula, Mont. (u.a.): Consortium. ISSN: 0035-7596 | 1.1971 - 42.2012 |
55 = z 10762 | Russian mathematical surveys. A translation of the survey articles and the biographical material in Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk. RMSUA. London: Soc. ISSN: 0036-0279 | 25.1970 - 67.2013 |
55 = z 10766 | Sankhya. the Indian journal of statistics. Calcutta: Inst. ISSN: 0036-4452 | 1.1933/34 - 22.1960 |
55 = z 10768 | Sankhya. Series A. the Indian journal of statistics. Calcutta: Inst. ISSN: 0581-572x | 23.1960/61 - 64.2002 |
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55 = z 10798 | SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications. SJAMD*SJMAEL. Philadelphia, Pa.: SIAM. ISSN: 0196-5212 / 0895-4798 | 9.1988 - |
55 = z 10800 | SIAM journal on numerical analysis. A publication of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. SJNAA. Philadelphia, Pa.: SIAM. ISSN: 0036-1429 | 3.1966 - |
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55 = z 10896 | South African statistical journal. Suid-Afrikaanse statistiese tydskrif. Pretoria: Assoc. ISSN: 0038-271X | 1.1967 - 36.2002 |
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55 = z 10913 | Statistica Sinica. Taipei (u.a.). ISSN: 1017-0405 | 1.1991 - 12.2002. 20.2010 - |
55 = z 10914 | Statistical science. A review journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Hayward, Calif.: Inst. ISSN: 0883-4237 | 1.1986 - |
55 = z 10924 | The Statistician. Journal of the Institute of Statisticians. STTNA. Oxford (u.a.): Blackwell. ISSN: 0039-0526 | 13.1963 (N=31) - 52.2003 |
55 = z 10928 | Statistics & risk modeling. An international mathematical journal for stochastic methods and models. München: Oldenbourg. Vorg. --->Statistics & decisions. ISSN: 0721-2631 | 1.1982 - 29.2012 |
55 = z 10932 | Statistics & probability letters. SPLTD. Amsterdam: North Holland Publ. Co. ISSN: 0167-7152 | 2.1984 - 82.2012 |
55 = z 10941 | Stochastic analysis and applications. SAAPD. New York, NY: Dekker. ISSN: 0736-2994 | 1.1983 -27.2009 |
55 = z 10945 | Stochastic processes and their applications. An official journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability. STOPB. Amsterdam (u.a.): Elsevier. ISSN: 0304-4149 | 1.1973 -122.2012 |
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55 = z 10962 | Technometrics. A journal of statistics for the physical, chemical and engineering sciences. TCMTA. Alexandria, Va.: Soc. ISSN: 0040-1706 | 1.1959 - |
55 = z 10966 | Theory of probability and its applications. TPRBA. Philadelphia, Pa.: SIAM. ISSN: 0040-585x | 1.1956 - |
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55 = z 10974 | Tohoku mathematical journal. Tohoku-sugaku-zasshi. STUCA. Sendai: Univ. ISSN: 0040-8735 | 1.1949/50 - 61.2009 |
55 = z 10978 | Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. TAMTA. New York, NY (u.a.). ISSN: 0002-9947 | 95.1960 - |
e-Journal | ZDM : the international journal on mathematics education . - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer. Vorg. : Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik / Berichtsteil ISSN: 1863-9704 | 1997 - |
55 = z 10992 | Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. ZAMM. ZAMMA. Berlin: Akad.-Verl. ISSN: 0946-8463 / 0044-2267 | 1.1921 - 92.2012 |