Diese Liste dient zum Überblick und zur leichten Orientierung, im Zweifelsfall gelten die Katalog-Informationen aus dem TRiCAT , der Elektronische Zeitschriften Bibliothek oder der Zeitschriften-Datenbank.
Alle ACM-Zeitschriften und ACM-Proceedings sind im Volltext zugänglich über ACM Digital Library.
Bei IEEE Computer Society sind 5 Online-Zeitschriften lizenziert und im Volltext zugänglich über IEEE Computer Society Digital Library.
Der Konsortialvertrag des Landes mit dem Springer-Verlag bietet den Online-Zugriff auf alle Zeitschriften dieses Verlages.
Inhaltverzeichnisse von Informatik-Zeitschriften und Proceedings sind über die Bibliographie dblp.uni-trier.de einsehbar.
Volltexte | The ACM digital library / Association for Computing Machinery . - New York, NY : ACM , 2002 | |
72 = BF/f1296 | Computing Reviews. Review journal of the Association for Computing Machinery. New York, NY : ACM Press, 1961 Repr.: New York, NY : Johnson. ISSN 0010-4884 | 1.1960(1961) - 44.2003 |
72 = XR/f338 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS/LNAI). Berlin ; Heidelberg (u.a.) : Springer ISSN 0302-9743 | 1973 - 2005 |
E-Journal | ACM crossroads (Elektronische Ressource ) : student magazine ; the ACM's first electronic publication / Association for Computing Machinery . - New York, NY : ACM , 1994 . - ISSN: 1528-4980 | 1.1994 - |
72=z 10001 | ACM letters on programming languages and systems. A publication of the Association for Computing Machinery. LOPLAS. New York, NY: ACM Pr. ISSN: 1057-4514 | 1.1992 - 2.1993 |
E-Journal | ACM queue (Elektronische Ressource ) : tomorrow's computing today . - New York, NY : ACM , 2003 . - ISSN: 1542-7730 . - ISSN: 1542-7749 | 1.2003 - |
E-Journal | ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS). - ISSN: 1936-7228 | 1.2008 - |
E-Journal | ACM transactions on algorithms (Elektronische Ressource ) : TALG . - New York, NY , 2005 . - ISSN: 1549-6333 . - ISSN: 1549-6325 | 1.2005 - |
E-Journal | ACM Transactions on applied perception (Elektronische Ressource ) : TAP . - New York, NY , 2004. | 1.2004 - |
E-Journal | ACM Transactions on architecture and code optimization (Elektronische Ressource ) : ACM TACO . - New York, NY , 2004 . - ISSN: 1544-3973 | 1.2004 - |
72=z 10001N | ACM transactions on Asian language information processing (Elektronische Ressource ) : TALIP / Association for Computing Machinery . - New York, NY : ACM , 2002 . - ISSN: 1558-3430 | 1.2002 - |
E-Journal | ACM transactions on autonomous and adaptive systems (Elektronische Ressource ) : TAAS / Association für Computing Machinery . - New York, NY : ACM , 2006 . - ISSN: 1556-4703 | 1.2006 - |
E-Journal | ACM Transactions on Computation Theory ((Elektronische Ressource) : TOCT / Association for Computing Machinery . - New York, ACM. - ISSN: 1942-3454 | 1.2009 - |
72=z10001P E-Journal | ACM transactions on computational logic. TOCL. - New York, NY : ACM , 2000 . - ISSN: 1529-3785 | 1.2000,1-2; 2.2001 - 4.2003 |
72=z 10002 | ACM transactions on computer human interaction. New York, NY: ACM Pr. ISSN: 1073-0516 | 1.1994 - 10.2003 |
72=z 10003 | ACM transactions on computer systems. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0734-2071 | 1.1983 - 21.2003 |
72=z 10006 | ACM transactions on database systems. A publ. of the Assoc. for Computing Machinery. Database systems. ATDSD. New York, NY (u.a.): ACM Press. ISSN: 0362-5915 | 1.1976 - 28.2003 |
72=z 10008 | ACM transactions on design automation of electronic systems. New York, NY: ACM Pr. ISSN: 0734-2071 | 1.1996 - 8.2003 |
72=z 10009 | ACM transactions on graphics. TOG. New York, NY (u.a.): ACM. ISSN: 0730-0301 | 1.1982 - 22.2003 |
72= z10010 E-Journal | ACM transactions on information and system security : TISSEC / Association for Computing Machinery . - New York, NY : ACM . - ISSN: 1094-9224 | 1.1998,1; 2.1999 - 6.2003 |
72=z 10015 72=z 10011 E-Journal | ACM transactions on information systems. A publ. of the Association for Computing Machinery. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0734-2047 / 1046-8188 | 1.1983 - 6.1988 7.1989 - 21.2003 |
72=z 10011C E-Journal | ACM transactions on internet technology: TOIT / Association for Computing Machinery . - New York, NY : ACM , 2001 . - ISSN: 1049-3301 . - ISSN: 1533-5399 | 1.2001 - 3.2003 |
E-Journal | ACM transactions on knowledge discovery from data (Elektronische Ressource ) : TKDD / Association for Computing Machinery . - New York, NY : ACM Press , 2007 . - ISSN: 1556-472X . | 1.2007 - |
72=z 10012 E-Journal | ACM transactions on mathematical software. A publication of the Association for Computing Machinery. TOMS. ACMSC. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0098-3500 | 1.1975 - 5.1979; 8.1982 - 29.2003 |
72=z 10013 E-Journal | ACM transactions on modeling and computer simulation. TOMACS. New York, NY: ACM Press. ISSN: 1049-3301 | 1.1991 - 13.2003 |
E-Journal | ACM Transactions on multimedia computing, communications, and applications (Elektronische Ressource ) : TOMCCAP / ACM . - New York, NY . - ISSN: 1551-6865 | 1.2005 - |
72=z 10018 E-Journal | ACM transactions on programming languages and systems. ACM TOPLAS. ATPSD. New York, NY: Assoc. ISSN: 0164-0925 | 4.1982 - 25.2003 |
E-Journal | ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS) / ACM New York, NY . - ISSN: | 1.2008 - |
E-Journal | ACM Transactions on sensor networks : TOSN . - New York, NY , 2005 . - ISSN: 1550-4859 | 1.2005 - |
72=z 10020 E-Journal | ACM transactions on software engineering and methodology. TOSEM. New York, NY: ACM Pr. ISSN: 1049-331X | 1.1992 - 12.2003,1-3 |
E-Journal | ACM Transactions on speech and language processing (Elektronische Ressource ) : TSLP / ACM . - New York, NY , 2004 . - ISSN: 1550-4883 . - ISSN: 1550-4875 | 1.2004 - |
E-Journal | ACM Transactions on storage (Elektronische Ressource ) : TOS / ACM . - New York, NY , 2005 . - ISSN: 1553-3093 . - ISSN: 1553-3077 | 1.2005 - |
E-Journal | ACM transactions on the web (Elektronische Ressource ) : TWEB / Association for Computing Machinery . - New York, NY : ACM , 2007 . - ISSN: 1559-1131 | 1.2007- |
72=z 10021 | Acta informatica. AINFA. Berlin ; Heidelberg (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0001-5903 | 1.1971/72 - 35.1998 |
72=z 10037 E-Journal | ACM Ada letters. A bimonthly publication of SIGAda, the ACM Special Interest Group on Ada. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0736-721X | 1.1981/82,3 - 13.1993,3 13.1993,4 - 23.2003 |
72=z 10045 | Advances in computers. ADCOA. New York, NY: Academic Pr. ISSN: 0065-2458 | 1.1960 - 45.1997 |
72=z 10047 | Advances in information systems science. AISYBH. New York, NY (u.a.): Plenum Pr. ISSN: 0065-2784 | 1.1969 - 7.1978 |
72=z 10054 | AI and society. The journal of human and machine intelligence. Berlin ; Heidelberg (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0951-5666 | 1.1987 - |
72=z 10058 | Algorithmica. An internat. journal in computer science. ALGOE. New York, NY (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0178-4617 | 1.1986 - 22.1998 |
72=z 10105 | Annual review in automatic programming. ARAPD*ARVAA. Oxford (u.a.): Pergamon Press. ISSN: 0066-4138 | 1.1960 - 16.1992/93 |
72=z 10107 | Annual review of computer science. ANCSEP. Palo Alto, Calif.: Annual Reviews Inc. ISSN: 8756-7016 | 1.1986 - 4.1989/90 |
72=z 10109 | Annual review of information science and technology. ARISBC. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc. ISSN: 0066-4200 | 1.1966 - 17.1982 |
72=z 10113 | APL quote quad. Newsletter of SIGAPL, the Special Interest Group for APL. APLQD9. Syracuse, NY (u.a.): Univ. of Syracuse. ISSN: 0163-6006 | 12.1981/82 - 32.2001/2002 |
72=z 10119 | Applied computing review. ACR ; the publication of the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing. New York, NY: ACM Press. | 1.1993 - 10.2002,1 |
72=z 10143 | Artificial intelligence. An international journal. AINTB. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISSN: 0004-3702 | 1.1970 - 106.1998 |
72=z 10145 | Asterisk. Te journal of computer documentation. SIGDOC newsletter *. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0731-1001 | 8.1982 - 13.1987 |
72=z 10153 | Automation and remote control. A translation of Avtomatika i Telemekhanika. AURCA. Pittsburgh, Pa. (u.a.): Consultants Bureau Enterprises. ISSN: 0005-1179 | 34.1973 - 53.1992 |
72=z 10192 | Byte. The magazine of technology integration. BYTED. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISSN: 0360-5280 | 7.1982 - 23.1998,7 Luecke: L=7;13 |
72=z 10194 | CAK. Computer-Anwendungen. Wiesbaden: Vieweg. ISSN: 0179-7379 | 1.1986 - 9.1990 |
72=z 10211 | Combinatorics, probability and computing. CPC. Cambridge: Univ. Pr. ISSN: 0963-5483 | 1.1992 - |
72=z 10224 E-Journal | Communications of the ACM. CACM ; A publ. of the Association for Computing Machinery. CACMA. New York, NY: Assoc. ISSN: 0001-0782 | 1.1958 - 46.2003 |
72=z 10242 | Computational complexity. Basel ; Berlin (u.a.): Birkhäuser. ISSN: 1016-3328 | 1.1991 - |
72=z 10252 | Computer. Innovative technology for computer professionals. IEEE computer. CPTRB. Los Alamitos, Calif.: IEEE Computer Soc. Publ. Off. ISSN: 0018-9162 | 4.1971 - 11.1978; 13.1980 - 36.2003 |
72=z 10256 | Computer aided design <oxford>. CAD. CAIDA. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. ISSN: 0010-4485</oxford> | 12.1980 - 37.2005 |
72=z 10257 | Computer aided geometric design. CAGD. CAGDEX. Amsterdam: North-Holland. ISSN: 0167-8396 | 1.1984 - 9.1992 |
72=z 10260 E-Journal | Computer architecture news. CANED. New York, NY. ISSN: 0149-7111 / 0163-5964 | 10.1982 - 31.2003 |
72=z 10263 | Computer communication review. Computer communications review. CCRED. New York, NY. ISSN: 0146-4833 | 12.1982 - 33.2003 |
72=z 10266 | Computer graphics. CG ; a quarterly report of Siggraph ACM. SIGGRAPH computer graphics. CPGPB*CGRAD. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0097-8930 | 9.1975 - 37.2002 (Lücken) |
72=z 10270 | The Computer journal. A publication of the British Computer Society. CMPJA. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr. ISSN: 0010-4620 | 1.1958/59 - 46.2003 |
72=z 10274 | Computer languages. An internat. journal. CLAND*COLAD. New York, NY (u.a.): Pergamon Pr. ISSN: 0096-0551 Forts. -> : Computer languages, systems & structures | 1.1975 - 27.2001 Luecke: (N=4) |
72=z 10274 | Computer languages, systems & structures : an international journal . - New York, NY [u.a.] : Pergamon Press. ISSN: 1477-8424 | 28.2002 - 29.2003 |
72=z 10282 | Computer networks. The international journal of distribution informatique. CNETD. Amsterdam (u.a.): North-Holland Publ. Co. ISSN: 0376-5075 / 1389-1286 Vorg. u. Forts.: Computer networks and ISDN systems | 1.1976/77 - 8.1984; 31.1999 - 43.2003 |
72=z 10282 | Computer networks and ISDN systems. The internat. journal of computer and telecommunications networking. CNETD*CNISE9. Amsterdam (u.a.): Elsevier (u.a.). ISSN: 0169-7552 / 0376-5075 Vorg. u. Forts.: Computer networks | 9.1985 - 30.1998 |
72=z 10290 | Computer personnel. A quarterly publ. of the Special Interest Group on Computer Personnel Research, SIGCPR. CPPNB. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0160-2497 | 9.1982 - 20.1999,4 |
72=z 10291 | Japan annual reviews in electronics, computers and telecommunications. JARECT. Computer science and technologies of the Japan annual review. Tokyo (u.a.): OHMSHA. ISSN: 0167-5036 | (4.)1982; 12.1984; 20.1985/86; 9.1983; 14.1984 |
72=z 10291 | Computer science and technologies. Tokyo (u.a.): OHMSHA (u.a.). | 1982;1984 |
72=z 10291D | Computer vision and image understanding. CVIU. San Diego (u.a.): Acad.Pr. ISSN: 1077-3142 | 61.1995 - 72.1998 |
72=z 10292 | Computer vision, graphics, and image processing. An internat. journal. CVGPDB. New York, NY (u.a.): Acad. Pr. ISSN: 0734-189x | 33.1986 - 52.1990 |
72=z 10296 | Computers and graphics. CAG ; An internat. journal of applications in computer graphics. COGRD. New York, NY (u.a.): Pergamon Pr. ISSN: 0097-8493 | 1.1975 - 17.1993 |
50=z 6009 | Computers & society / ACM Special Interest Group on Computers and Society (SIGCAS) New York, NY [u.a.] : ACM ISSN 0095-2737 | 9.1978/79 - 32.2002,2 (Lücken in: 9) |
E-Journal | Computers in entertainment (Elektronische Ressource ) : CIE / Association for computing machinery (ACM) . - New York, NY : ACM , 2003 . - ISSN: 1544-3574 | 1.2003 - |
72=z 10309 | Computing <wien>. Archives for informatics and numerical computation. CMPTA. Wien (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0010-485x</wien> | 1.1966 - |
72=z 10312 E-Journal | ACM computing surveys. CSUR / Association for Computing Machinery . - New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery , 1969 . - ISSN: 1557-7341 ISSN: 0360-0300 | 3.1971 - 35.2003 |
72=z 10312D | ConneXions. the interoperability report. Mountain View, Calif.: Interop. ISSN: 0894-5926 | 6.1992 - 10.1996 |
72=z 10313 | Connection science. Journal for neural computing, artificial intelligence and cognitive research. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Carfax Publ. Co. ISSN: 0954-0091 | 1.1989 - |
72=z 10315 | C't. Magazin für Computer-Technik. Hannover: Heise. ISSN: 0724-8679 | 1991 - (Lücken) |
72=z 10320 | CVGIP. Graphical models and image processing. San Diego (u.a.): Acad. Pr. ISSN: 1049-9652 | 53.1991 - 56.1994 |
72=z 10320A | CVGIP. Image understanding. San Diego (u.a.): Acad. Pr. ISSN: 1049-9660 | 53.1991 - 60.1994 |
72=z 10320K | Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report. Schloß Dagstuhl, Wadern: IFBI GmbH. | 1.1991 - 261.1999 (Lücken) |
72=z 10322 | Data & knowledge engineering. DKENE. Amsterdam: North-Holland. ISSN: 0169-023x | 1.1985/86 - 47.2003 |
72=z 10323 E-Journal | Data-base <new york>. db ; a quarterly newsletter of the Special Interest Group on Business Data Processing of the Association for ... New York, NY. ISSN: 0095-0033</new> | 13.1981/82,2/3 - 25.1994 |
72=z 10323 | The data-base for advances in information systems. The journal of the ACM Special Interest Group on Business Information Technology. New York, NY: ACM Pr. ISSN: 0095-0033 | 26.1995 - 34.2003 |
72=z 10325 | Data communications. Data communications international. DACOD. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISSN: 0363-6399 | 15.1986,5 - 21.1992,18 |
72=z 10333 | Datacom. Fachzeitschr. für d. elektronische Datenkommunikation. Bergheim: Datacom-Verl. ISSN: 0176-3288 | 1.1984 - 9.1992 |
72=z 10333F E-Journal | DFN-Mitteilungen. Berlin: Verein. ISSN: 0177-6894 | 1.1985 - 11.1988 (Lücken) |
72=z 10337 | Distributed computing. DICOE. Berlin ; Heidelberg (u.a.): Springer International. ISSN: 0178-2770 | 1.1986 - 9.1995 |
72= z 10340 | ECCC. reports. Electronic colloquium on computational complexity. Trier: Univ. (Revisionen zu einzelnen Report-Nr.s.unter 72=z 10340A) | 1994 - |
E-Journal | E-learn magazine (Elektronische Ressource ) : education and technology in perspective / Association for Computing Machinery . - New York, NY : ACM , 2001 | 1.2001 - |
72=z 10350 | Electronics week. ELWEEB. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISSN: 0748-3252 | 57.1984,15 - 58.1985,23 |
72=z 10350 | Electronics. first magazine of global electronics managements. ELECA. Cleveland, Ohio: Penton Pull. ISSN: 0013-5070 / 0883-4989 | 1.1930 - 57.1984,14; 58.1985,24 - 68.1995,6 (N=43-51) |
72=z 10365F | Formal aspects of computing. The internat. journal of formal methods. London ; Berlin: Springer. ISSN: 0934-5043 | 1.1989 - 20.2008 |
72=z 10366 | Formal methods in system design. An international journal. Boston, Mass. (u.a.): Kluwer. ISSN: 0925-9856 | 1.1992 - 23.2003 |
72=z 10367 | FORTEC forum. a quarterly publ. of the SIGPLAN Technical Committee on FORTRAN. Association for Computing Machinery. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0735-3731 | 1.1982 - 3.1984,2 |
72=z10367 E-Journal | Fortran forum. SIGPLAN special interest publ. on Fortran. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 1061-7264 | 3.1984 - 22.2003 |
72=z 10370F | Fundamenta informaticae. FUINE8. Amsterdam (u.a.): IOS Press. ISSN: 0169-2968 | 18.1993 - 36.1998 |
72=z 10373D | Graphical models and image processing. GMIP. San Diego, Calif. (u.a.): Academic Pr. ISSN: 1077-3169 | 57.1995 - 60.1998 |
72=z 10377 | IBM journal of research and development. IBMJA. Armonk, NY: IBM. ISSN: 0018-8646 | 1.1957 - 34.1990 |
72=z 10380 | IBM systems journal. IBMSA. Armonk, NY: IBM. ISSN: 0018-8670 | 1.1962 - 42.2003 |
E-Journal | IEEE ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics (Elektronische Ressource ). - New York, NY : IEEE. - ISSN: 1557-9964 | 1.2004 |
72=z 10381 E-Journal | IEEE ACM transactions on networking. A joint publication of the IEEE Communications Society, the IEEE Computer Society, and the ACM with... New York, NY: IEEE. ISSN: 1063-6692 | 2.1994 - 11.2003 |
72=z 10382 | IEEE communications magazine. A publication of the IEEE Communications Society. ICOMD. New York, NY: IEEE. ISSN: 0163-6804 Vorg.: IEEE Communications Society magazine | 31.1993,3 - 41.2003 |
72=z 10384 | IEEE computer graphics and applications. ICGAD. New York, NY (u.a.): Inst. (u.a.). ISSN: 0272-1716 | 1.1981 - 12.1992 (Lücken) |
72=z 10386 | IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ; IEEE Computer Society. New York, NY (u.a.): IEEE. ISSN: 0885-9000 | 1.1986 - 10.1995 |
72=z 10387 | IEEE journal of robotics and automation. A publ. of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Council. IJRAE4. New York, NY: IEEE. ISSN: 0882-4967 Forts. ---> IEEE transactions on robotics and automation | 1.1985 - 4.1988 |
72=z 10387D | IEEE journal on selected areas in communications. A publ. of the IEEE Communications Society. ISACEM. New York, NY: IEEE. ISSN: 0733-8716 | 1.1983 - 21.2003 |
72=z 10387M | IEEE network. The magazine of computer communications ; a publ. of the IEEE Communications Society. IEEE network magazine... New York, NY: IEEE. ISSN: 0890-8044 / 1055-6877 | 7.1993 - |
72=z 10388 | IEEE spectrum. IEESAM. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. New York, NY. ISSN: 0018-9235 | 1.1964 - |
72=z 10392 | IEEE transactions on signal processing. SP ; a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. IEEE transactions on audio... New York, NY: IEEE. ISSN: 0096-3518 / 0018-9278 | 22.1974 - 38.1990, 39.1991 - 56.2008 (N=27) |
72=z 10394 | IEEE transactions on automatic control. IETAA. New York, NY: Inst. ISSN: 0018-9286 Vorg.: IRE transactions on automatic control | 15.1970 - 48.2003 Lücken: N=19,5;26;27,2-3;30,4;31 |
72=z 10396 | IEEE transactions on communication technology. IETCA. New York, NY: IEEE. ISSN: 0018-9332 Forts. ---> IEEE transactions on communications | 19.1970 - 19.1971 |
72=z 10396 | IEEE transactions on communications. COM. IECMB. New York, NY: IEEE. ISSN: 0090-6778 | 20.1972 - 29.1981; 32.1984 - 53.2005 |
72=z 10398 | IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems. CAD ; a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems. New York, NY: Inst. of Electrical and Electronic engineers. ISSN: 0278-0070 | 12.1993 - 22.2003 |
E-Journal | IEEE transactions on computers / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers . - [S.l.] : IEEE Computer Soc. , 1968 | 1968 - |
72=z 10400 | IEEE transactions on computers. C ; a publication of the IEEE Computer Society. ITCOB. Los Alamitos, Calif.: IEEE Computer Soc. ISSN: 0018-9340 | 24.1975 - 57.2008 |
E-Journal | IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering : TKDE . - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Service Center ISSN: 1558-2191 | 1989 - |
72=z 10401 | IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering. A publication of the IEEE Computer Society. New York, NY: IEEE. ISSN: 1041-4347 | 1.1989 - 20-2008 |
72=z 10401E | IEEE transactions on neural networks. A publication of the IEEE Neural Networks Council. ITNNEP. New York, NY: Inst. ISSN: 1045-9227 | 4.1993 - 20.2009 |
E-Journal | IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence : TPAMI / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers . - New York, NY : IEEE. ISSN: 0162-8828 | 1979 - |
72=z 10402 | IEEE transactions on robotics and automation. A publ. of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. IRAUEZ. New York, NY: IEEE. ISSN: 0882-4967 / 1042-296X | 5.1989 - 17.2001 |
E-Journal | IEEE transactions on software engineering : TSE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers . - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Service Center. ISSN: 0098-5589 | 1976 - |
72=z 10404 | IEEE transactions on software engineering. A publ. of the IEEE Computer Society. IESED. New York, NY (u.a.): IEEE. ISSN: 0098-5589 | 1.1975 - 31.2005 (N=5) |
E-Journal | IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics : TVCG . - New York, NY : IEEE. | 1995 - |
72=z 10416 | Informatik. Forschung und Entwicklung / Gesellschaft für Informatik ; Österreichische Gesellschaft für Informatik ;... Heidelberg [u.a.] : Springer Nebent.: Informatik ISSN 0178-3564 | 1.1986 - 20.2005/06 |
72=z 10417 | Informatik-Spektrum. Organ der Gesellschaft für Informatik. INSKD. Berlin ; Heidelberg (u.a.): Springer. ISSN: 0170-6012 | 1.1978 - 21.1998 |
72=z 10419 E-Journal | Information and computation. San Diego, Calif. (u.a.): Academ. Pr. ISSN: 0890-5401 | 72.1987 - |
72=z 10428 E-Journal | Information processing letters. A journal devoted to the rapid publication of short contributions in the field of information processing... Amsterdam (u.a.): Elsevier. ISSN: 0020-0190 | 45.1993 - |
72=z 10430 | Information systems. IS ; an internat. journal ; data bases. INSYD. Oxford (u.a.): Pergamon Pr. ISSN: 0306-4379 / 0094-453x | 1.1975 - 28.2003 |
72=z 10432 | Informationstechnik. it ; Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen. München: Oldenbourg. ISSN: 0179-9738 / 0013-5720 | 28.1986 - 34.1992 |
72=z 10433D | Intelligence : new visions of AI in practices. New York, NY : ACM. Vorg. --->: ACM / Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence: SIGART bulletin ISSN: 1523-8822 | 10.1999 - 12.2001 |
72=z 10433F E-Journal | Interactions. New visions of human - computer interaction. New York, NY : ACM Pr. ISSN: 1072-5220 | 2.1995 - 10.2003 1.1994 - |
72=z 10434 | International journal of computer and information sciences. IJCIA. New York, NY : Plenum Pr. Forts. ---> International journal of parallel programming ISSN: 0091-7036 | 1.1972 - 14.1985 |
72=z 10434H | International journal of man machine studies. IJMMB. London (u.a.). ISSN: 0020-7373 | 1.1969 - 37.1992 |
72=z 10434M | International journal of neurocomputing. Ismaning: ECN Neurocomputing GmbH. Forts. --->: Neurocomputing | 1.1989 |
72=z 10434R E-Journal | International journal of parallel programming. New York, NY (u.a.): Plenum Pr. ISSN: 0885-7458 | 15.1986 - 21.1992; 22.1994 - 26.1998 |
72=z 10457 | Journal of algorithms. JOALD. New York, NY (u.a.): Acad. Pr. ISSN: 0196-6774 | 1.1980 - 29.1998 |
72=z 10470K E-Journal | Journal of automated reasoning. Dordrecht: Kluwer. ISSN: 0168-7433 | 1.1985 - 31.2003 |
72=z 10480 | Journal of computer and system sciences. JCSSB. New York, NY (u.a.): Academ. Pr. ISSN: 0022-0000 | 1.1967 - |
72=z 10482 | The journal of computer documentation. New York, NY: ACM Pr. | 15.1991 - 23.1999 |
E-Journal | Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ). New York, NY: ACM Pr. ISSN: 1936-1955 | 1.2009 - |
E-Journal | Journal of experimental algorithmics (Elektronische Ressource ) : JEA / Association for Computing Machinery . - New York, NY : ACM , 1996 . - ISSN: 1084-6654 | 1.1996 - |
72=z 10491 | Journal of functional programming. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISSN: 0956-7968 | 1.1991 - 13.2003 |
72=z 10495 | Journal of information processing. JIP. JIPRD. Tokyo: Soc. ISSN: 0387-6101 | 1.1978/79 - 15.1992 |
72=z 10496 | EIK. Journal of information processing and cybernetics. Berlin: Akad.-Verl. ISSN: 0013-5712 / 0863-0593 | 23.1987 - 27.1991 |
72=z 10496 | Journal of information processing and cybernetics. Berlin: Akad.-Verl. ISSN: 0863-0593 | 28.1992 - 30.1994 |
72=z 10500F E-Journal | Journal of intelligent information systems. JIIS ; integrating artificial intelligence and database technologies. Boston, Mass. (u.a.): Kluwer. ISSN: 0925-9902 | 1.1992 - 21.2003 |
72=z 10502 | The journal of logic programming. JLPRE. New York, NY: North-Holland. ISSN: 0743-1066 | 1.1984 - 38.1999 |
72=z 10507 | Journal of object oriented programming. JOOP. New York, NY: SIGS Publ. ISSN: 0896-8438 | 7.1994/95 - 14.2001,4 (N=7,7) |
72=z 10511 | Journal of parallel and distributed computing. New York, NY (u.a.): Academic Pr. ISSN: 0743-7315 | 17.1993 - 63.2003 |
72=z 10512 | Journal of PASCAL, ADA and MODULA-2. New York, NY (u.a.): Wiley. ISSN: 0747-1351 | 9.1990 |
72=z 10525D | Journal of symbolic computation. London (u.a.): Academic Pr. ISSN: 0747-7171 | 1.1985 - 9.1990; 11.1991; 15.1993 - 26.1998 |
20=z 10527 | Journal of the American Society for Information Science. JASIS. AISJB. New York, NY: Wiley. ISSN: 0002-8231 | 43.1992 - 51.2000 |
20=z 10527 | Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology : JASIST . - Hoboken, NJ ;: Wiley , 2001 . - ISSN: 1532-2882 Vorg. ---> : American Society for Information Science: Journal of the American Society for Information Science | 52.2001 - |
72=z 10530 E-Journal | Journal of the ACM. JACOA. New York, NY: Assoc. ISSN: 0004-5411 | 1.1954 - 50.2003 |
E-Journal | Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (Elektronische Ressource ) : JOCCH. Association for Computing Machinery . - New York, NY : ACM , 2008 . - ISSN 1556-4673 | 1.2008 - |
E-Journal | Journal on educational resources in computing (Elektronische Ressource ) : JERIC / Association for Computing Machinery . - New York, NY : ACM , 2001 . - ISSN: 1531-4278 | 1.2001 - 8.2009 |
E-Journal | ACM journal on emerging technologies in computing systems (Elektronische Ressource ) : JETC / Association for Computing Machinery . - New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery , 2005 . - ISSN: 1550-4840 . - ISSN: 1550-4832 | 1.2005 - |
72=z 10547 E-Journal | LISP pointers. New York, NY: ACM Inc. ISSN: 1045-3563 | 3.1989/90 - 8.1995,2 |
72=z 10549 | Macwelt. MW ; das Computermagazin für Mac-Anwender. München: IDG-Magazine-Verl. ISSN: 0937-4906 / 0175-0496 | 1992,4 - 2003,9 (N=1992,8) |
72=z 10573 E-Journal | Mathematical systems theory. MASTB. New York ; Heidelberg ; Berlin: Springer. ISSN: 0025-5661 | 1.1967 - 19.1986/87; 26.1993 - 29.1996 |
72=z 10608 I | Microsoft-Anwender-Journal. MAJ. Unterschleißheim: Microsoft GmbH. | 1991, Feb./März - 1992,Dez./1993,Jan. |
72=z 10609 | Microsoft-System-Journal. msjoeb. Aschheim-Dornach: Microsoft GmbH. ISSN: 0933-9434 | 2.1988 - 3.1989,3 |
72=z 10609A | Microsoft-System-Journal. msjoeb. Unterschleißheim: Microsoft GmbH. ISSN: 0933-9434 | 3.1989,4-6; 1990 - 2001,1 (Lücken) |
72=z 10610 | Mini-micro software. a journal of programs for mini and micro systems. Mini-micro software journal. MMSFD. London: A.P. Publ. ISSN: 0308-3314 / 0265-6760 | 5.1980 - 13.1988,1 |
72=z10613f E-Journal | Mobile networks and applications : MONET Basel : Baltzer Science Publ. ISSN 1383-469X | 2.1997 - 8.2003 |
72=z 10616 | MS ... etc. Microsoft ... etc. Rosenheim: Schury. ISSN: 0933-4424 | 4.1988,Febr.-Aug./Sept. |
72=z 10616 A | MS journal ... etc. Unterschleißheim: MS. ISSN: 0936-3521 | 1988,Nov.- 1991,Jan. |
E-Journal | Networker (Elektronische Ressource ). - New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery , 1997 . - ISSN: 1558-3473 . - ISSN: 1091-3556 | 1.1997 - |
72=z 10626 | Networks. an internat. journal ; publ. quarterly. NTWKA. New York, NY: Interscience (u.a.). ISSN: 0028-3045 | 15.1985 - 26.1995 |
72=z 10628 E-Journal | Neurocomputing. An international journal. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISSN: 0925-2312 | 2.1990 - |
72=z 10629 | New generation computing. an internat. journal on 5th generation computers. Tokyo (u.a.): Ohmsha. ISSN: 0288-3635 | 11.1992/93 - 21.2003 |
72=z 10660 | OOPS messenger. a quarterly publication of the Special Interest Group on Programming Languages. ACM SIGPLAN messenger. New York, NY: ACM Pr. | 2.1991 - 7.1996,1 |
72=z 10662 | Operating systems review. a quarterly publ. of the Special Interest Group on Operating Systems. ACM operating systems review. OSRED. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0163-5980 | 4.1970 - 37.2003 (Lücken) |
72=z 10666D | Parallel computing. Amsterdam: North-Holland. ISSN: 0167-8191 | 19.1993 - 24.1998 |
72=z 10666H | Parallel processing letters. PPL. Singapore (u.a.): World. Scient. Pr. ISSN: 0129-6264 | 1.1991 - 13.2003 |
72=z 10672 E-Journal | Performance evaluation review. PER ; a publication of the ACM Special Interest Group on Measurement and Evaluation, SIGMETRICS. SIGMETRICS.. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0163-5999 | 10.1981/82,4 - 31.2003 |
72=z 10670 | Performance evaluation. An internat. journal. PEEVD. Amsterdam: North Holland Publ. ISSN: 0166-5316 | 1.1981 - 54.2003 |
72=z 10681 | Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation. PIK ; Fachzeitschrift für den Einsatz von Informationssysstemen. München: Saur. ISSN: 0930-5157 | 9.1986,3 - 15.1992 |
72=z 10717 | Programming and computer software. PCSOD. Moscow: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publ. ISSN: 0361-7688 | 1.1975 - 24.1998 |
72=z 10721S E-Journal | Queueing systems. Theory and applications. QUESTA. Basel: Baltzer. ISSN: 0257-0130 / 0340-4384 | 1.1986 - 45.2003 |
72=z 10730 | RAIRO. Informatique théorique et applications. Theoretical informatics and applications. Paris: AFCET. ISSN: 0988-3754 / 0296-1598 | 27.1993 - 32.1998 |
72=z 10738 | Rechentechnik, Datenverarbeitung. rd. RTDVAQ. Berlin: Verl. Die Wirtschaft. ISSN: 0300-3450 | 17.1980 - 28.1991 |
72=z 10753 | Rivista di informatica. Informatica. RIIND. Bari: Ed. Dedalo. | 10.1980 - 28.1998 |
72=z 10755 | Robotics. internat. journal ; internat. trends in applications and business. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co. Forts. ---> Robotics and autonomous systems ISSN: 0167-8493 | 2.1986 |
72=z 10779 | Science of computer programming. SCPGD. Amsterdam: North Holland Publ. Co. ISSN: 0167-6423 | 24.1995 - 49.2003 |
72=z 10813 E-Journal | SIGACT news. publ. by the ACM Special Interest Group on Automata and Computability Theory. SIGND. Association for Computing Machinery. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0163-5700 | 12.1980 - 34.2003 |
72=z 10814 | SIGART bulletin. a quarterly publ. of the Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence. Association for Computing Machinery. New York, NY: ACM. Forts. --->: Intelligence ISSN: 1053-4830 | 1.1990 - 9.1998 |
72=z 10815 | SIGART newsletter. a bimonthly publ. of the ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence. ACM SIGART newsletter... New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0163-5719 | 79.1982 - 110.1989 |
72=z 10818 | SIGBIO newsletter. SINWD. Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Biomedical Computing, SIGBIO. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0163-5697 | N.S.6.1982 - 21.2001 |
72=z 10821 | SIGCAPH newsletter. Print edition. a quarterly publ. of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computers and the Physically Handicapped . New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0163-5727 | 30.1982 - 73/74.2002(2003) |
72=z 10824 | SIGCHI bulletin. A quarterly publ. of the Special Interest Group on Computer and Human Interaction. Association for Computer Machinery. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0736-6906 | 14.1982/83 - 32.2000 |
72=z 10827 E-Journal | SIGCSE Bulletin. A quarterly publ. of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education. SIGSD. Association for Computing Machinery. New York, NY: Assoc. ISSN: 0097-8418 | 14.1982 - 35.2003 |
72=z 10830 | SIGCUE bulletin. computer uses in education ; a publ. of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Uses in Education. SIGBD. Association... New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0163-5735 | 15.1981/82,2 - 18.1984/86 |
72=z 10830A E-Journal | SIGCUE outlook. a publ. of the Special Interest Group on Computer Uses in Education. Association for Computing Machinery. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0893-2999 | 19.1986/87 - 27.1999/2001 |
72=z 10833 E-Journal | SIGDA newsletter. SIGDD. New York, NY: ACM Pr. ISSN: 0163-5743 | 12.1982 - 32.2002 |
E-Journal | ACM SIGEVOlution. - New York, NY : ACM . - ISSN: 1931-8499 | 1.2006 - |
72=z 10835B E-Journal | SIGGROUP bulletin. a publication of the Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Work. New York, NY: ACM. | 18.1997 - 23.2002 |
72=z 10835D E-Journal | SIGICE bulletin. a monthly publication of the ACM Special Interest Group on Individual Computing Environments. New York, NY: ACM. | 19.1994,3 - 23.1997/1998,2 |
72=z 10836 | SIGIR forum. FASRD. Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval. New York, NY: ACM. | 13.1978,1 - 37.2003 (Lücken) |
E-Journal | ACM SIGITE newsletter. - New York, NY : ACM. | 1.2005 - |
72=z 10838 E-Journal | SIGLINK newsletter. Quarterly newsletter of the Special Interest Group on Hypertext, Association for Computing Machinery. ACM SIGLINK. New York, NY: ACM. | 1.1992 - 7.1998,1/2 |
72=z 10839 | SIGMAP bulletin. SIBUD. Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Mathematical Programming. New York, NY: Assoc. ISSN: 0163-5786 | 31.1982 - 32.1983 |
72=z 10842 | SIGMICRO newsletter. A quarterly publ. of the Special Interest Group on Microprogramming. SIGMD. Association for Computing Machinery. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0163-5751 / 1050-916X | 8.1977,3;13.1982 - 16.1985; 19.1988 - 25.1994 |
72=z 10842 | SIGMICRO TCMICRO newsletter. A quarterly publ. of the ACM Special Interest Group on Microprogramming and the IEEE CS Technical Committee o.. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0892-3825 | 17=1.1986 - 18=2.1987,4 |
72=z 10845 E-Journal | SIGMOD record. SRECD. Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Management of Data. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0163-5808 | 12.1982,3 - 32.2003 (N=14,4) |
72=z10848 | SIGNUM newsletter. SNEWD. Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Numerical Mathematics. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0163-5778 | 15.1980 - 32.1997; 4.1969 - 33.1998,2 |
72=z 10851 | SIGOA bulletin. A quarterly publ. of the Special Interest Group on Office Automation. ACM SIGOA. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0893-2867 | 6.1985 - 7.1986,1 |
72=z 10851 | SIGOA newsletter. A bimonthly publ. of the Special Interest Group on Office Automation. ACM SIGOA. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0737-819X | 3.1982 - 5.1984 |
72=z 10851 | SIGOIS bulletin. A quarterly publ. of the Special Interest Group on Office Information Systems. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0894-0819 | 7.1986,2/3 - 17.1996 |
72=z 10854 | SIGPC notes. publ. of the Special Interest Group on Personal Computing. SPCND. Association for Computing Machinery. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0163-5816 | 4.1982 - 6.1983/84,2 |
72=z 10857 E-Journal | SIGPLAN notices. A monthly publication of the Special Interest Group on Programming Languages. New York, NY: ACM Press. ISSN: 0362-1340 | 8.1973 - 13.1978; 15.1980 - 38.2003 |
72=z 10860 | SIGSAC review. SIGSAC security audit and control review. New York, NY: Assoc. ISSN: 0277-920x | 1.1981/82 - 14.1996 |
72=z 10863 E-Journal | SIGSAM bulletin. A quarterly publ. of the Special Interest Group on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation. SIGSB. Association for Computing.. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0163-5824 | 15.1981,4 - 37.2003 |
72=z 10866A | SIGSMALL - PC notes. a publication of the Special Interest Group on Small and Personal Computing Systems and Applications, Association for.. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0893-2875 | 10.1984,4 - 19.1993,1 |
72=z 10866 | SIGSMALL newsletter. A publ. of the Special Interest Group on Small Computing Systems and Applications. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0272-720X | 7.1981,2;8.1982 - 10.1984,3 |
72=z 10869 | SIGUCCS newsletter. A quarterly publ. of the ACM Special Interest Group on University and College Computing Services. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0736-6892 | 12.1982 - 28.1998 (Lücken) |
72=z 10871 | Simulation digest. Washington, DC (u.a.): IEEE Computer Soc. Pr. ISSN: 1060-3689 | 19.1988,3 - 28.1998 |
72=z 10872 | Simuletter. a quarterly publ. on modeling and simulation. SIMUD. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0163-6103 | 12.1981 - 19.1988,2 |
72=z 10880 | Software <Chichester>. Practice & experience. SPEXBL. Chichester (u.a.): Wiley. ISSN: 0038-0644</chichester> | 1.1971 - 28.1998 |
72=z 10888 E-Journal | Software engineering notes. An informal newsletter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering. SIGSOFT software engineering.. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 0163-5948 | 7.1982 - 28.2003 |
72=z 10892 | Software world. An international journal of computer programs and packages ; SW. SOFWB. London: AP Publications. ISSN: 0038-0652 | 11.1980 - 23.1992 |
72=z 10906 | Standard view. The ACM journal on standardization. New York, NY: ACM. ISSN: 1067-9936; 1067-9936 | 3.1995,3 - 6.1998 |
72=z 10964 | Telecommunication technologies. Tokyo (u.a.): OHMSHA. | 1983 - 1985/86 |
72=z 10965 | Theoretical computer science. The journal of the EATCS. TCSCD. Amsterdam (u.a.): Elsevier. ISSN: 0304-3975 | 1.1975/76 - 210.1999 |
72=z 10965D E-Journal | Theory of computing systems. New York ; Heidelberg ; Berlin: Springer. ISSN: 1432-4350 | 30.1997 - 38.2005 |
72=z 10972 | 3C on-line. A quarterly publication of SIG3C, the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group for Computing at Community. New York, NY: ACM Press. ISSN: 1078-2192 | 2.1995 - 4.1997 |
E-Journal | Ubiquity (Elektronische Ressource ) : an ACM IT magazine and forum . - New York, NY : ACM , 2000 | 1.2000/2001 - |
72=z 10986 | Unix mail. Europas erster Informationsdienst für Unix-Hersteller und -Anwender. München: Hanser. ISSN: 0176-8654 | 3.1985 - 14.1996,6 |
72=z 10990 E-Journal | The VLDB journal. The international journal on very large data bases. VLDBFR. Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer. ISSN: 1066-8888 | 2.1993 - |
72=z 10991 | Windows & net magazine. Loveland, Colo.: Duke Communications Internat. ISSN: 1537-4475 | 85.2002 - 86.2003 |
72=z 10991F E-Journal | Wireless networks. WN ; the journal of mobile communication, computation and information. Association for Computing Machinery ; Amsterdam : Baltzer Science Publ. ISSN 1022-0038 | 1.1995 - 9.2003 |