English Studies


  • Dr. Christian Göhlert
    (Acting liaison librarian) Collection development, subject cataloguing and special bibliographic consultancy
    Room BZ 132, Phone: 0651-201-2460
  • Eva Geibert
    Book processing, descriptive cataloguing and related advice
    Room BZ BZ 118, Tel. 0651-201-4914
Shelving system classification
Department of English Studies
Databases (CD/DVD/WWW)Digital course reading collections (Semesterapparate)
Helpful links

Research guide for English studies

How and where do I start? This research guide (pdf) (German version here) offers first steps into literature search.

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Are you interested in publishing your research results? Do you need information on publishing-related legal issues? Are you looking for a suitable publisher for your publication?

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Further links and information on open access can be found on the open access network platform.