Fachinfo in virtuellen Bibliotheken
- Lib AAC - Library of Anglo-American Culture & History (Virtuelle Fachbibliothek)
- The Canadian Encyclopedia online
- The Canadian Geographic Atlas online
- Statistics Canada - free tabular data on aspects of Canada's economy, land, people and government
- Canadian Information by Subject
- Culture-Canada.ca - the multicultural website
- The Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
- Canadian Geographical Names
- Canadian History Timeline - historical timeline of major Canadian events over the last 100 years
- Images Canada - the gateway to images of Canadian events, people, places and things!
- Framing Canada: A Photographic Memory
- Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online
- Voice of the shuttle: Canadian Literature in English - beinhaltet u. a. Links zu Internetseiten über Margaret Atwood, Robertson Davies, Lucy Maud Montgomery und zum Canadian Literature Archive.
- CanLit - Canadian Literature Archive - The CanText eLibrary is Canada's largest repository for original plain text files, documents, timelines and literary works relating to Canadian studies.
- Office québécois de la langue française
- Sites utiles Québécois
- La Bibliothèque électronique du Québec: Textes d'auteurs appartenant au domaine public
- Livres Canada Books - Association for the Export of Canadian Books
- Canada Reading List der UB Mannheim - kommentierte Literaturliste kanadistischer Neuerscheinungen mit kurzen Inhaltsangaben
- Early Canadiana online - Early Canadiana Online (ECO) is a full text online collection of early Canadian print heritage from the time of the first European settlers to the first two decades of the 20th Century. It currently contains over three million pages.
- Government of Canada Publications