Buchveröffentlichung: "Understanding & preventing soil erosion"

Sammelband mit insgesamt 9 Beiträgen zum Verständnis, zur Messung und zur Vermeidung von Bodenerosion erschienen.

It’s been suggested that around 12 million hectares of agricultural land are affected by soil erosion each year. If the degradation of the world’s soil reservoir continues, many have estimated that this could lead to a 30% reduction in global food production by 2040.
 Understanding and preventing soil erosion provides a comprehensive overview of recent research on understanding the mechanisms of soil erosion, as well as the best practices for measuring and modelling soil erosion risk in agricultural soils. The book also considers the range of agronomic practices and techniques available to mitigate future soil erosion, including the use of buffer strips, zero/no-tillage and soil stabilisers.
In its detailed assessment of soil erosion, the book succeeds in highlighting the potential future impact of degraded soils on the quality, security and longevity of our global food system if the problem of soil erosion isn’t effectively managed.

Seeger, M. (Ed.), 2024. Understanding and preventing soil erosion. BURLEIGH DODDS SCIENCE PU, [S.l.], 262 pp.

Kontakt: Dr. Manuel Seeger, seegeruni-trierde, 0651/2014557, F110 (Campus II)