
BRAC posits that (1) episodic feature binding and retrieval are key aspects of human action control, (2) binding and retrieval are distinct processes, and (3) both are influenced independently by ...


The research program can be broken down into the following three levels: Macro-level (evaluation and quality management) Meso level (process research) Micro-level (psychotherapeutic micro ...


Einstieg Statistisches Praktikum mit IBM SPSS Statistics Regressionsanalytische Verfahren Lineare Regressionsanalyse mit SPSS Logistische Regressionsanalyse mit SPSS Mediator- und ...

Species, time and space — Biogeography of the Congo Basin

We are interetsed in understanding past and on-going distributional patterns and processes. Our key groups comprise different anurans that can be attributed to distinct 'functional guilds' and show ...


We will examine the feasibility of a programmatic implementation of an adaptable interactive system that embeds the previously modeled work processes and controls the real work process. ...

Coincidence and Counterfactuality: Plotting Time and Space in Narrative Fiction

In highlighting key stages in the historical development of narrative fiction, the study pinpoints the innovative role played by particular authors in this evolutionary process. It provides new ...

Dr. Lu Wang

. & Tuzzi, A. (Eds.). (2018). Structure, Function and Process in Texts. Trier: Ram Verlag. Articles Wang, L., & Guo, Y. (2018).


Aktuelle Projekte 2022 – 2027: DZW - Digitaler Zwilling Wasserwirtschaft (DFKI) 2022 - 2025: KI-AIM - KI-basierte Anonymisierung in der Medizin 2022 - 2025: DaTreFo - Datentreuhänder mit ...


Supervisor 2022 Stablo, Aaron Simulating the energy balance of urban pavements Schütz Bierl 2022 Frietsch, Sofia ...

für Juniorprofessor/innen

In addition, other offers complement the qualification and development process, such as special offers for further academic qualification.

International Conference: Doing Family

It aims to bring together researchers from family studies, childhood studies, anthropology, human geographies, education, social work and other research areas to foster a transdisciplinary discussion towards ...

Symposium Performative Cultures 2003

Using performance as a cultural model implies a basic shift of perspective: from the idea of culture as a reified, static collection of artefacts (monuments, texts, stable semiotic structures) to its ...

Invasion and Colonization Narratives

The science-fiction invasion narrative reflects and enacts the processes of settlement, colonization, imperialism, and the struggles for territory, influence and Lebensraum that have been and still ...


,Spatial Evaluation of a Hydrological Model on Dominant Runoff Generation Processes Using Soil Hydrologic Maps. Hydrology (2023), 10,55.


We focus on Earth Observation using drones, airborne data and satellites, supplemented with experimental laboratory and field studies. Team Earth Observation and Climate Processes Research ...

Forschung & Praxis

In science and practice, the Professorship focuses on issues from the following areas: Learning, Creativity and Change Learning from Failure Learning from Teams and ...

Der Glukokortikoid-Rezeptor und selektive Aufmerksamkeit

This hormone is produced in the adrenal cortex and modulates a diverse spectrum of metabolic processes, for example the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.


non-invasive transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) provides us with the opportunity to study the influence of neuronal modulations on cognitive processes transcranial direct current ...


She is interested in urban development processes and sustainable tourism, also in terms of communication processes. s2likraeuni-trierde | +49 (0)651/201-4468 | Room F134 Isis Khali Isis ...

Dominique Bohrmann

FlexiTeam: Flexible Team and Work Organization using Process-Oriented Case-Based Reasoning. ICCBR POCBR’22: Workshop on Process-Oriented Case-based Reasoning at ICCBR-2022, Nancy, France ...