5. Juli: Vortrag von Adrian Bingham (Sheffield): Young People, Democracy and Voting Age Reform in the UK since 1945


Die Professur für Neueste Geschichte lädt herzlich ein zum digitalen Vortrag  von

Adrian Bingham (Sheffield)

“The Vigour and Impatience of Youth?” Young People, Democracy and Voting Age Reform in the UK since 1945

(Kooperation mit dem Kolloquium von Christine Krüger, Bonn)

Zoom-Meeting: https://uni-trier.zoom.us/j/89451599787?pwd=eHlVVUZyVkF0bmxja0dTV1ZKUWpadz09
Meeting-ID: 894 5159 9787, Kenncode: 2G2kAU6N

Dienstag, 5. Juli 2022, 18.00 Uhr c.t.


This paper explores debates about the lowering of the voting age in the United Kingdom, focusing mainly on the granting of the franchise to 18 year-olds in 1969, but also reflecting on recent campaigns to lower the age further. More broadly, the paper considers the place of young people in modern democracies, and asks why there are moments when age - rather than class, gender, religion or ethnicity - becomes a key electoral divide.