Application for Erasmus Incoming Staff for Teaching (STA)


  • Please take care of the correct spelling of your email adress!
  • Because of technical reasons, the online form only accepts "german" letters. Please do not give in chinese, cyrillic or letters who are not used in the german system. Letters with accents like é, â oder ñ are unfortunately not accepted, too. (Then just write down the letter without the accent)
  • Even the letters Ä, Ö, Ü can not be sent, too. Please write then ae, oe or ue, like "Universitaet".

----- Applicant's data -----
----- Planned stay at Trier University -----
-------- FINANCIAL SUPPORT ---------
If no bank account in Germany is available, the financial support will be paid out via CASH CHEQUE during your stay at Trier University!
After sendung your data, you will receive an confirmation email. If you do NOT receive it, please check your email spam folder. If even there is no email from us, it could be that your email adress was invalid. In this case you should send your data again!