Web based teach- and learnsystems with telepresence for professional education in automatic control engineering


Short project description:


Development and operation of web based teach- and learnsystems with telepresence for professional education in automatic control engineering.

Emphasis of these teach- and learnsystems is to achieve practise near to reality with the integration of virtual practical training (Tele-Lab), i.e. real devices are operated via internet for didactic purposes. The Tele-Labs are supplemented by other Internet suitable learning and communication media e.g. downloads, learning forums, tutorial components and video conferencing technology.


Main targets of the development are frameworks and components for the easy technical and didactic build up of Telepresence-Labs (Remote-Lab, Cyber-Lab).



Specific Information on the competence offered:


We are looking for partners to the development, build up and operation of a european-wide Tele-Lab network that is used for the education and training in the automatic control engineering. In the future this education network is to go also world-wide into action for complex technical education contents.




Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Langmann

Fachhochschule Duesseldorf

Department of Electrical Engineering - Process Informatics Lab

Josef-Gockeln-Straße 9

DE-40747 Duesseldorf




Telephone: ++49-211-4351308

Fax: ++49-211-4351303